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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 4, 2012
For the people who upgraded their watches from S3 - S4, do you feel it was worth it? I'm looking at close to $1K with tax. I kind of on the fence with this one.
For the people who upgraded their watches from S3 - S4, do you feel it was worth it? I'm looking at close to $1K with tax. I kind of on the fence with this one.

I'll chime in. Biggest thing is size! VERY noticeable difference in my opinion. Like the fact that form factor between 42 and 44 is the same essentially. Speed is a minor improvement but definitely there. Also really like the extra complications. I think if they had those to extra faces on the s3 i might have considered not upgrading. I like extra info on the watch face that I dont have to click one, two three times to get at.

I'm selling my S3 LTE and so the blow is not as bad. But i've purchased every model since S0 and never regretted it. Always sold my old model thou for a decent amount.
I upgraded from 42mm series 3 SS to the series 4 aluminum 44mm and I also agree that the change was amazing! The size of the display and number of complications available make a huge difference. VERY happy with my decision to upgrade this year.
For the people who upgraded their watches from S3 - S4, do you feel it was worth it? I'm looking at close to $1K with tax. I kind of on the fence with this one.
Yes, far more so than iPhone X vs. iPhone XS with me.
I will echo what others are saying in this thread. The form factor is not noticeably larger on the wrist, its thinner. The screen is the difference maker here. All faces were enlarged to fit the screen, the photo faces look incredible, and the new animated faces go full screen vs circular on the Series 3. Go to a store to check them out. Thank you Apple for retaining the same straps.
After much uncertainty I went to 4 from a 3 and I love it!
Everything about it feels new. Animations so much smoother. The screen amazing. It’s not an essential upgrade but if you love your tech you won’t regret it.
I think so. I traded in my 3 for AU$240 and bought the 4 for $AU599. The 3 cost me AU$450 in Sept 2017. .
Better screen, microphone and speaker make it more usable. Heart Rate Monitor is more consistent.

Practically speaking, I cycle 2 hours a day so I now have a better HRM, and I can talk to Siri without taking my hand off the bar.

Looks nicer too. So if you can trade your 3 in, I think it's worth it.
It feels like the most significant upgrade yet (I’ve had the original, Series 2, Series 3 and now Series 4). My first thought when I put it on “oh man that sits so much nicer on the wrist”. It sits closer (feels like the sensor below isn’t as thick/deep) and the watch feels much thinner. The screen just looks gorgeous and (even coming from Series 3) everything feels so damn fast.

Glad I got a X last year. Spending my money on a series 4 and skipping the XS this year.

Same here. I’ve usually upgraded every year (phone and watch), but I love my iPhone X and while the Max looks amazing i’m going to wait a year.

For the Watch, I’ve had the SS every year - I’ve been able to sell the previous one to fund the majority of the purchase for the new watch. With this new design and it continuously getting faster, I’m going to stop upgrading every year.
I don't own an S3, but I will say the S4 represents a major update, and so I can see people wanting the S4 even S3 owners.
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Absolutely :D I was feeling guilty since I have a S3. Traded it in and I am soooo happy I did! The screen is AMAZING and I love all the new health things that it does :rolleyes:

It really is a BIG upgrade :D:p
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I’ve upgraded from the 3 to 4 and I’m loving it. The screen is so much better, and the case looks far superior to my eye; the ratio of height to depth is much more satisfying.

I didn’t think that I would upgrade after getting the S3 last year (previously I had S0) but the S4 is definitely an improvement.
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For me it was worth it coming from a S3 Lte.
Just the screen alone makes a huge difference.
New design,Louder speakers, faster, haptic feedback when using the Digital Crown, new heart rate sensor, ecg, etc.... I just couldn’t pass on this one.
Haven’t had mine for very long but the screen makes all the difference. Getting my S3 ready for my buddy that buys all my tech when I upgrade and the bezels are VERY noticeably thicker. Don’t regret it one bit.
100% worth it. Still amazed in general how a such a tiny increase in screensize makes its so much bigger overall, and useable.

Replaced my stainless Milanese loop 42 with the 44
The main feature I upgraded for is not available yet. I knew this going in. I also assume it will come out mid to late October much like the music streaming for the S3 did. Having AFib was the reason I upgraded, screen size didn’t matter to me.

Having said that. It’s a pretty major upgrade. The infographic face pretty much wiped out any reason to have multiple faces now featuring different complications. The slimmer profile looks better as well. It doesn’t look so much like a house arrest brick. Haven’t really noticed a speed difference it’s a slight increase there. The screen size is a noticeable improvement but not so much that I feel it’s the one necessary feature to upgrade from the S3 model. LTE seems to pickup faster when away from the iPhone, this to me was the most notable speed increase. The S3 can take a bit before it switches to cellular.

In my opinion if you have the S3 model and don’t have AFib or spare funds. You can hold out for the improvements made with the Series 5 next year. Hopefully by then apps will come back and more will have working complications for the infographic face. If you have any of the older models, the Series 4 is a big upgrade that you won’t be disappointed with.
I dont have an s3 but I’m coming from an s2 alu 42mm(1year old) gps only and I upgraded to my first silver ss 44 s4. Loving it. Skipped the iPhone XS Max bec I still love my iPhone X.
Reading this thread isn't helping :D Would like to hear from someone slightly less enthusiastic, but maybe that would only come in a few weeks - understandable that everyone who did upgrade loves their new gadget.
I was really on the fence about going from the S3 to the S4, but pulled the trigger yesterday on the Nike+ 44mm (I really like the black/platinum band). 3 weeks to wait though, lol.
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