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macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 4, 2012
Kent, UK
Following on from the last contest, this week's them is Ugly - a photo of anything that you consider to be ugly; a building, a creature - I will leave it up to you to decide.

As always, standard rules apply:
  • The photographs must be your own work
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.
  • This contest runs for about a week, starting now.
  • At the end of the competition, the judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. Apparently as emojis are challenging, their use should also include interpretation.
  • The 1st place winner will start a new thread here with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends 22.00 UK time (GMT) on the 20th of November.
  • Above all, have fun :)

A visit to Fatima. For me it represents the ugliness of organized religion. It's all about suffering and humiliation ( I won't show how people crawl across the square). The scenery itself is ugly too. It has Speer vibes
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Sorry, contest is now closed. Results soon as I need my beauty sleep before deliberating ;)

Cheers :)

Here I am in spite of the insults, and I have to say that @oblomow has gained a podium place from his cheek.
I too find some aspects of religion difficult to understand. The lone priest and worshipper are a powerful part of your photo, and I can imagine the area in front of the shrine full of fervent devotees.

@_timo_redux_ an ugly scene indeed, and perfect timing for you to be there with your camera.
I'm glad nobody seems to have been hurt in the incident.

@mollyc a good rendition of the darkness and ugliness of winter. I like the green ivy climbing up the otherwise bare tree trunk on the left.

To be honest, I have to award the top place to @_timo_redux_ for the most ugly scene, and we have a tie for 2nd place.

Thank you all for sparing my embarrassment and entering this competition, as I'm not sure there's a rule yet to cover nil entries ;)

Cheers :)

Here I am in spite of the insults, and I have to say that @oblomow has gained a podium place from his cheek.
I too find some aspects of religion difficult to understand. The lone priest and worshipper are a powerful part of your photo, and I can imagine the area in front of the shrine full of fervent devotees.

@_timo_redux_ an ugly scene indeed, and perfect timing for you to be there with your camera.
I'm glad nobody seems to have been hurt in the incident.

@mollyc a good rendition of the darkness and ugliness of winter. I like the green ivy climbing up the otherwise bare tree trunk on the left.

To be honest, I have to award the top place to @_timo_redux_ for the most ugly scene, and we have a tie for 2nd place.

Thank you all for sparing my embarrassment and entering this competition, as I'm not sure there's a rule yet to cover nil entries ;)

Cheers :)

The sleep has done you well...
Thanks for judging.

Nil entries? I think you have to run again or change the closing date.
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It was an ugly crash, and I think the officer driving wasn't seriously hurt, but was shook up. Ugly also was the clueless driver who had ignored the patrol car's siren and lights and had come through the intersection at full speed while the patrol car was trying to get though the intersection.

New contest up: Thankfulness
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