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macrumors G4
Original poster
May 26, 2016
It’s been a very long time since I’ve had the opportunity to take the daunting task of hosting one of the weekly competitions.

It dawned on me over the weekend, that throughout the covid period and after I’ve come across various parts of life and have seen the contrasting effects of how it has impacted and also helped not just the population but also various flora and fauna.

So this time around I want to see how the most talented photographers in this forum captures various contrasting perspectives of life. It doesn’t necessarily have to be human life, it can be anything as you see fit and feel inspired to capture.

As always, standard rules apply:
  • The photographs must be your own work
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.
  • This contest runs for about a week, starting now.
  • At the end of the competition, the judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • The 1st place winner will start a new thread here with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends on May 8 at 12:00 BST.

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Can you explain, using the photo you posted, as what you think of as contrasting life. What contrast do you think of in the photo.... that way we have an idea of what you think of.
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Can you explain, using the photo you posted, as what you think of as contrasting life. What contrast do you think of in the photo.... that way we have an idea of what you think of.

I don’t want to be too prescriptive about it because that’ll make entries difficult.

With the attached picture I tried to show the well lit and colourful part of the bustling world right next to the darkness.

This was in Bergen, Norway in December 2021 shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max
Contrasting life: A hummingbird that died sitting on a branch of a pine tree in the California Sierra's. It's colors still bright and not much decay so it must have died pretty recent before me finding it. The image has death in the center but all around the sparks of life as a contrast to death. (I'll post a close-up in the photo of the day May tomorrow).

Apologies for the delay in coming back. Life has just been a bit super chaotic lately.

So here it goes -

[mention]kenoh [/mention] - loving the context and the black and white treatment goes well with an image like that.

[mention]Strider64 [/mention] - awesome shot, the time when this was taken is super important. Like the context of covid period. I have seen the wildlife going out more at my side of the hood as well and love it.

[mention]ovbacon [/mention] - I didn’t expect an entry like this to be honest, but I am blown away. Honestly, that is such a surreal but such a real picture of life. Thank you. I am loving the focus and bokeh.

[mention]mollyc [/mention]- Thank you for the entry. As usual always one of the more crisp and different style shots we get. I am a bit lost in terms of how this image fits in with the theme this week though.

[mention]AppleKarma [/mention] - Are we focussing on the overcasted sky vs the sun kissed ground? If that is the case then I like the idea, however, not very convinced about the composition with the tree in the middle and the building in the background. Apologies if I am completely off here.

[mention]JAWJr [/mention] - That is a solid shot of the web coming in. I am lost on the interpretation with the theme this week though. Sorry.

[mention]_timo_redux_ [/mention] - That is a solid shot! I get the nature vs human context there. I’d probably play around with the angle a little though, if it was possible at all. Loving the designs on the wall, where is it?

Final verdict!

3rd Position - [mention]_timo_redux_ [/mention]

2nd Position - [mention]Strider64 [/mention]

Winner - [mention]ovbacon [/mention]
[mention]mollyc [/mention]- Thank you for the entry. As usual always one of the more crisp and different style shots we get. I am a bit lost in terms of how this image fits in with the theme this week though.
Well to be honest, I was a bit lost as to the theme! 😉 But my photo is showing the deer (nature) at odds with the soccer net (man) in which he got entangled while sparring with another buck during mating season. He actually carried the net around his antlers for several weeks; I'm not sure what ultimately happened to him, if he shed his antlers (which happens yearly) and was freed, or if he finally was tranquilized by animal control (the second deer allowed people to help him), or if he just died from the weight and inconvenience of the whole thing.

But of course, in the actual wild, not woodland suburbia, a deer would never be faced with a soccer (football) net as a source of danger.

Congrats to the podium holders!
Well to be honest, I was a bit lost as to the theme! But my photo is showing the deer (nature) at odds with the soccer net (man) in which he got entangled while sparring with another buck during mating season. He actually carried the net around his antlers for several weeks; I'm not sure what ultimately happened to him, if he shed his antlers (which happens yearly) and was freed, or if he finally was tranquilized by animal control (the second deer allowed people to help him), or if he just died from the weight and inconvenience of the whole thing.

But of course, in the actual wild, not woodland suburbia, a deer would never be faced with a soccer (football) net as a source of danger.

Congrats to the podium holders!

Ah thanks for the context! Hope he got freed some way or the other.
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Thank you for the honers and to be very honest I myself was shocked that I found a dead hummingbird. We have many of them but it is still the only one I have ever found like this.

I do think it is very interesting to see people interpretation on a theme.

Mollyc's photo made my heart weep a little....
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