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macrumors 604
Original poster
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
Always the drama queen, I have gone for my favourite:

From the dark in to the light…

Akin to Contre Jour, but different.

Here a dark foreground or side elements frame a brightly lit background…

A dark tunnel with the light at the end.

Never mind the wild flaring or the blown highlights, embrace the atmospheric, dramatic and high contrast images!

Here are a few of my examples…



As always, standard rules apply:
  • The photographs must be your own work
  • You may only submit one photo per contest.
  • No commenting or liking photos until after the judging has taken place.
  • This contest runs for about a week, starting now.
  • At the end of the competition, the judge (last week's winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible.
  • The 1st place winner will start a new thread here with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
  • Be sure to update the Contest Master List as soon as you post a new theme.
  • Contest ends on Sunday 9th February…
It says arkitect is suspended. How do we handle this? Does anyone want to take over the judging? I’m willing to help I just don’t know what the common procedure is.
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it depends on how long his suspension is. if it’s a first infraction it may only be 24 hours. otherwise in the past we’ve had a non participant judge or go to last week’s number two.

i’ll message him to see when he thinks he might return.
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Okay, the results are in from @arkitect!!


Thank you all for the great turnout.

I’d be proud and happy to have been the owner of any one of them…

Just rememeber I am not a professional — even though I make a living creating art — but I do know a good thing when I see it — and these are all just so good.

So, I grabbed a coffee — opened you all on my screen in a gallery and had a virual stroll around as I stroked my prickly grey chin.

Lovely shot with a lot of atmosphere.
So often your images remind me of the stillness of Hammershøi paintings.
That moment when you’re perhaps doing something everyday mundane — darning a sock or washing up some dishes — and you look up and out, lost in a memory or a sudden thought.

What a sky!
Gorgeous and the dark hillside works really well.

Darkness? Light?
Movement from the dark into the light…
It’s all there.

You’ve got the frame. Just needed a bit more contrast — a darker deeper shadow for the arch’s framing and it would be near perfect.

You have the contrast and it suits the desert perfectly… „come in under the shadow of this red rock…“.
I just wish the foreground silhouette had been given a tad more shape along the bottom edge.

Lovely pool of light as the sun break through. And those leading lines work beautifully.
I have a feeling this is a shot you knew was coming and waited for. It pays off.

Now here’s another one that just puts me right in to the frame.
I hear the drip, I feel the dampness — and the way those rock arches pull me in deeper… almost as if at the end you would find a lost city like Petra.
Great location!

Stunning B&W shot.
Just, can I say, too much light in the foreground? It works well as a contre jour shot.

Another one that nails the brief (Heh! these are my rules! 🙂)
Just wish the lit background was a little sharper.

And today’s outlier!
Such a beauty. As an image I cannot fault it and it is truly lovely… This is at Paso Robles?
Just perhaps not quite what I was looking for.


This judging malarkey ain’t half difficult!

So on today’s podium!

@kendallm is 2nd runner up;

@C0ncreteBl0nde is first runner up;


@coolguy4747 is the winner
Congratulations! The image really spoke to me.

Thank you all for taking the time to submit entries… and contributing to a great photographers community on MacRumours.
One of my highlights of the day is browing the images that have been posted in the „Photo of the Day“ thread.

That’s it from me and I happily hand over to @coolguy4747

Until we meet again!
Wow, thanks so much for the kind words and the prize. The photo was taken at Cave of the Mounds outside Madison, WI. Not the most [insert adjective here] cave in the world by any means but plenty beautiful. I’ll be back ASAP with the new contest.
Stunning B&W shot.
Just, can I say, too much light in the foreground? It works well as a contre jour shot.
Yep, I agree, although I believe I could do something about it by doing a little burning in the darkroom. I went out that morning last week intending to shoot something for the contest, I'd just stepped into our alleyway and saw the sun peeking in from the tree, and I knew I had to take this shot. When I took the picture, I actually intended to do another take at a different exposure, since I was on frame 35 of my roll of film and figured I could usually squeeze two more frames, but unfortunately this ended up being the very last one on the roll!
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Thank you for the notice; I had many that fit your description but when I remembered this one, I knew it was the right one for this contest. So MANY great entries that I am especially honored to get a runner-up spot.

I hope we see you back soon.
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