So… shortcuts have been the most frustrating thing for me. Every time I start to get into making a shortcut or learning how, I find that the thing I want to do can’t be done.
Example 1. Because we are talking Apple Watch here - most recently I wanted to set my action button to start “just press record” or better yet, apple’s voice memos button and start recording. Upon hitting the button or the screen to end the recording, I wanted to have it emailed to myself.
Well… turns out, just press record - even though it allows you to open the app doesn’t actually start recording without another press. Also, the voice memo stops the moment the Apple Watch screen goes to sleep. So you get maybe a minute of recording if you don’t put your hand down.
This is infuriating. I’ve even looked for downloadable examples and unless you download more apps etc, you can’t do it - EVEN WITH APPLES OWN APP!
Example 2. I wanted - on my phone - to make a scan to pdf function that again emails to my work email. Well… THAT function doesn’t exist even with apples notes app - which CAN do this outside of shortcuts!!! I found a work around which requires a subscription to have it work and I can download the apps necessary, but come on!!!
There are not many things I do EVERY day. I don’t see why you can’t map out what you do within an app to work as a shortcut whether or not the app was specifically designed for it. Or if there is a way, I haven’t seen it.
You’d be surprised how successfully I’ve used the recorder on my phone or watch when negotiating prices and project details for work and with home contractors (even ATT/Verizon promising things over the phone). People lie, have bad memories, and bend their stories. Att tried to tell me a whole sweet of phone calls never happened. When you start plying them back to them, they start kicking you up the chain quick.
I would LOVE to have that action button set to record and save the file. If anyone has any suggestions that doesn’t require two more app downloads or a subscription, that’d be great.