I'm asking is there a way to turn dictation off on the phone without turning it off on the watch?
Did you try what he suggested? You have your Series 2 right there, don't you? You're asking this question as if you don't have an Apple Watch
or an iPhone.
I have yet to see anything essential or even useful that it offers aside from fitness and notifications?
I wear mine so often that I don't realize how much I use it until I wear one of my other watches instead. When I wear another watch, here's what I miss:
- Being able to leave the phone on the kitchen counter
all day long
- Seeing the current weather while I'm looking in the closet, deciding what to wear
- Not missing a text or call when I'm walking around and aren't carrying my phone in my hand (I'm so tired of hearing other people's ringtones that I keep mine turned off)
- Getting football scores without having to be near a TV (or, again, keeping my phone welded to my hand)
- Logging walks with my wife, who likes to know how far we've gone
- When I'm driving somewhere new, being able to glance at my wrist for the name and direction of the next turn rather than fumbling around for my phone (seriously, it's as easy as glancing at the time)
- Being able to quietly wake up in the morning by the watch tapping me on the wrist (yes, I wear it to bed)
- Answering a call on my wrist while I'm at my computer
- Other neat tricks, like using the watch to trigger the phone's camera, or catching up on news during my "morning meditation" on the john, or checking items off our grocery list, etc etc
Mostly, I enjoy not having to keep my phone on my person all the damned time anymore.
[doublepost=1495485728][/doublepost]Let me ask you this (and it's related to the thread in my sig) --
Do you wear a regular watch at all?
theory about AW satisfaction is, if someone tries to treat it like a smartphone, they're going to be disappointed; but if they treat it as a wristwatch with extra functions, they'll be pleased.
No, I'm not going to play Ridge Racer on the AW, and neither would I play Candy Crush. But I'll
never get the weather forecast on my Seiko, no matter how hard I try.