I bought a used iphone4s around 2 years ago. It was on ebay and the condition was very good. Seller had it for many years and everything with the iphone was great. I used it for a good amount of time until i started having issues with it. The battery went really bad... got replacement battery but still battery goes out very fast. When the first battery went bad, it went out like 18 percent. When i got the replacement, it went out similarly. Then it went out at 32 percent... then 42 percent.. then 50 etc. Now for some reason it goes out at 67%
Its strange because when i connect it to 100 percent battery, i could use battery for a while and it stays at 100 percent. Then when its goes down, well battery shuts off. I also had lot of issues with this iphone. Basically i can not shut it down properly such as hold the power button then slide it to the right. It doesnt even slide and basically just closes for some reason. Not only that, the iphone lags a lot and i cannot even connect it to my laptop anymore. Thus i dont think it would even connect anymore to my laptop ... says usb error. I dont think getting a new battery will do anything as the first battery replacement i got went bad pretty quickly. Thus want to get a new iphone.
I basically use my iphone very little. Basically use it to make phone calls and use it to web browse and youtube a bit. Basically I use it very little. Thats why i got the iphone 4s back 2 years ago because i wanted an iphone and didn't want to spend a lot on it because i dont use a phone that much. But just wanted an iphone.
So now, what is the best iphone for me? My 4s is 16gb. I know 16gb is very little for most people. I have about 10gb free still i believe. So based on this, is getting an iphone 5 or 5s best idea for me? Fine with getting it on ebay from a very reputable member with excellent feedback? I think 32gb would be max i need... i havent even touched using 5gb on my 16gb iphone yet.
Thus no point of me spending 500 or 600 plus dollars for an iphone for something i rarely use much. I also like to mention i need to get unlocked iphone since im out of the usa most of the time. Thats why i got unlocked iphone4s. Now if my iphone 4s doesn't have any battery issues or those other problems, i would be perfectly fine with my iphone. But this iphone has so many issues that i think its time to get a new one.
The thing is though aren't iphone 7 going to come out soon? If thats the case, wouldn't the iphone 6 drop price as well? If so, when would it? Would the iphone 5 or 5s drop even more? I recalled back 2 years ago in 2014... i paid around 330 dollars for a used iphone 4s on ebay which was fine for me.
This is what im looking at now btw.
I mean.. isn't it no brainer to get 32gb for about 20 dollars more? What about the iphone 5 16gb? Pretty low price and i guess very similar to my iphone 4s thats 16gb as well?
Its strange because when i connect it to 100 percent battery, i could use battery for a while and it stays at 100 percent. Then when its goes down, well battery shuts off. I also had lot of issues with this iphone. Basically i can not shut it down properly such as hold the power button then slide it to the right. It doesnt even slide and basically just closes for some reason. Not only that, the iphone lags a lot and i cannot even connect it to my laptop anymore. Thus i dont think it would even connect anymore to my laptop ... says usb error. I dont think getting a new battery will do anything as the first battery replacement i got went bad pretty quickly. Thus want to get a new iphone.
I basically use my iphone very little. Basically use it to make phone calls and use it to web browse and youtube a bit. Basically I use it very little. Thats why i got the iphone 4s back 2 years ago because i wanted an iphone and didn't want to spend a lot on it because i dont use a phone that much. But just wanted an iphone.
So now, what is the best iphone for me? My 4s is 16gb. I know 16gb is very little for most people. I have about 10gb free still i believe. So based on this, is getting an iphone 5 or 5s best idea for me? Fine with getting it on ebay from a very reputable member with excellent feedback? I think 32gb would be max i need... i havent even touched using 5gb on my 16gb iphone yet.
Thus no point of me spending 500 or 600 plus dollars for an iphone for something i rarely use much. I also like to mention i need to get unlocked iphone since im out of the usa most of the time. Thats why i got unlocked iphone4s. Now if my iphone 4s doesn't have any battery issues or those other problems, i would be perfectly fine with my iphone. But this iphone has so many issues that i think its time to get a new one.
The thing is though aren't iphone 7 going to come out soon? If thats the case, wouldn't the iphone 6 drop price as well? If so, when would it? Would the iphone 5 or 5s drop even more? I recalled back 2 years ago in 2014... i paid around 330 dollars for a used iphone 4s on ebay which was fine for me.
This is what im looking at now btw.
I mean.. isn't it no brainer to get 32gb for about 20 dollars more? What about the iphone 5 16gb? Pretty low price and i guess very similar to my iphone 4s thats 16gb as well?