This is the most disappointing thing about the AW in my view. I don't care whether Apple opens up the watch faces to community generated content, or a store, or anything like that. I more expected Apple to work with watch designers, graphic artists, and the like to create curated faces that would be released at regular intervals. They've clearly done this with the bands, why can't they do it with faces? I was even really hopeful that the process was starting with the Hermes version. But so far those are the only curated faces we've gotten, and the only message Apple has sent so far is that if you want additional faces you're going to have to shell out for special editions that are only available at select retail stores. Not good enough in my book.
I find myself in the odd position of not regretting my purchase of the Apple Watch, but at the same time thinking that I would not have done it over again knowing what I know now. As a result I don't recommend it to anyone I know unless they really want to track fitness data and want something that looks better than a plastic fitibt.