My phones(NOT ordered via the launch) came via Fed Ex. My iPad which was a pre order came UPS.In the US, phone launches use UPS, and accessories typically come via FedEx
Right. That is true for non launch day and is 2-3 month after launch they use fedex. First few month after its initial launch its coming from UPS as Apple catches up on the demand and still coming from China.My phones(NOT ordered via the launch) came via Fed Ex. My iPad which was a pre order came UPS.
internation also UPS? In The Netherlands (and Germany) every apple order the last few years came with DHL Express, never seen UPS here tho as far as Apple Online store is concerned, also, they even use DHL Express for repairs when handing in a MacBook or some such, then it goes to Pegatron facility in Czech Republic and back. Though, up until 2016 most of Apple's European repairs would go The Netherlands, but Pegatron/Apple sadly closed down that location (in the city of Breda) in 2016, and consolidated their repair activities at their Czech-based location.International (direct from factory) - UPS
Domestic (from distribution center) - FedEx