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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 22, 2019
I've owned my first Apple Watch for three months now and have fallen in love with it. Matter of fact, even though its a Series 5, I'll probably buy the Series 6 as soon as it's out.

I'd like to see:

• double the watch faces
• a 3rd party watch face store
• a gold aluminum model (the current version is more of a rose gold)
• an Amazon Music app (I know Apple has no control over that)

I'm just wondering what other AW owners hope to see in both Apple Watch Series 6 and watchOS 7?
• Mind-reading Siri
• A laser pointer
• A camera linked to my iPhone so I can see around corners while only exposing my wrist
• A forehead thermometer
• A guitar tuner
• NFC key fob for my car
• BMI sensor
• Blood alcohol detector
• Aviation band radio receiver
• Real time two-way translation
• Speaker volume adjustable up to 11
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The removal of the hump on the bottom of the watch so it sits flush with your skin, creating a slimmer profile. Of course, this would require an all-new charger for the watch - but if it's flat - then could just charge on a Qi pad like the iPhone etc
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I've owned my first Apple Watch for three months now and have fallen in love with it. Matter of fact, even though its a Series 5, I'll probably buy the Series 6 as soon as it's out.

I'd like to see:
• double the watch faces
• a 3rd party watch face store
Modular face with seconds

I don't think that it is necessary to upgrade the watch itself in order to get new faces that are made available? Aren't new watch faces (i.e. complications) generally part of watchOS upgrades, or separately made available - so that would be a wish list item for watchOS 7, I agree.

Double the battery life!

I agree completely - battery life improvements are at the top of my own wish list, along with the desire to have more health related capabilities, sleep monitoring, and those types of features.

The removal of the hump on the bottom of the watch so it sits flush with your skin, creating a slimmer profile. Of course, this would require an all-new charger for the watch - but if it's flat - then could just charge on a Qi pad like the iPhone etc

I think that the profile of the bottom of the watch is driven by the sensors incorporated (for heart monitoring, etc.) and I think that is a small price to pay for those abilities. I also think that the current watch can be charged on a third party charging pad - isn't that right?
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Blood oxygen monitoring (SpO2)
For those with respiratory issues.
This is especially useful in our days of the coronavirus.

Sleep tracking is also a big one I'd like to see. And luckily both of these are rumored to be coming in series 6.
Come to think of it there is one feature that would make me upgrade.

If, like some other devices out there - it could tell you your body temperature in case you are getting a fever. I've already had COVID - so it's probably too late to be useful in that sense - but just in case you can get it again etc... Anyways - Even aside from COVID I think it would be a useful indicator for any time of year for a multitude of illnesses.
Vitals and blood sugar somehow. FaceTime w/camera. Music speaker. Battery bands. Faster updates. Mac compatibility to manage. More storage. Streaming video apps. Multiple or recurring alarms. Call recording (but more an iPhone want).
Better battery
More storage
3rd party podcast support (I want pocketcast)
Glucose meter
Louder speaker
For those who are hoping for more storage - what is it you use that requires more than 32gb?
For those who are hoping for more storage - what is it you use that requires more than 32gb?
Podcasts and music. Would like to leave the phone at home or in the car and still listen to music/podcasts without killing the battery by streaming over cellular.
Podcasts and music. Would like to leave the phone at home or in the car and still listen to music/podcasts without killing the battery by streaming over cellular.

I too load my watch with music for when I'm solo without a phone when exercising...

And that brings me to my #1 biggest wish for the next version of WatchOS

I would love for either:

1. Apple Watch is able to integrate into the iOS Music app - so you can just press an Artist etc - and transfer a copy of the entire artist, or multiple albums/songs at once straight to the watch.

2. The watch app treats music with a little more respect by giving you a cleaner interface for music and better options for transferring entire artists etc and sorting your music in the Watch app.

The current music transferring abilities of the Watch app look and act like it was created before iTunes was ever even created... Seriously it reminds me of crappy bare-bones apps from the early 2000's.

I know a lot of athletes like myself who at times prefer to not carry a phone and want local storage music...
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I'll be sticking with my S4 LTE for awhile, but wOS 7 better have some better faces. My Galaxy Watch faces blow the AW faces away.

I have a Stainless S4 and it still fires away. Well it's the same chip as the S5 in terms of CPU etc. so nu surprise. Got it swapped because of battery error so it's only a couple of months old and great battery as well..

Would love some new faces as well - they really underperform here and don't use the massive potential they have.
The current music transferring abilities of the Watch app look and act like it was created before iTunes was ever even created... Seriously it reminds me of crappy bare-bones apps from the early 2000's.

I know a lot of athletes like myself who at times prefer to not carry a phone and want local storage music...

I have one primary playlist for when I run - and fortunately it just updates on the watch every night if it's update on my phone. But I agree, it reminds me of the MP3-player days. I had an old school Sony MP3 player, that needed to be loaded through the Sony app (and convert the songs to the Sony format). It sucked.

And I'm one of those guys - ever since the Apple Watch S2 gained GPS, I haven't had my phone on me ever when running. I hate it
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Just remembered one of the BIGGEST things (For me) that if in WatchOS7 would be a huge help!

a 10-second timer when using the watch as an iPhone camera remote!
I'll preface by saying I think the Apple Watch is already great, but the following would be "nice to have":

1. Better battery - 2+ days of use.
2. MicroLED screen which would help enable improved battery life.
3. Sleep Tracking enabled as a result of the improved battery life.
4. Standard QI charging
5. Increased storage capacity
6. Better management of media stored on the Watch. Similar to how iTunes managed content on the iPhone/iPod.
7. Blood Glucose measurement

Having said that, what I'd really like to see is affordable battery replacement service on Apple devices. I hate how a $400 Apple Watch costs $80 to replace the battery and a $329 iPad costs $100, but Apple needs to push new device sales so I get it. AirPods are the worst offender. The iPhone and mac battery replacements are quite affordable compared to purchase price.
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Another for wOS7

I need the HR monitoring to allow you to select a lower minimum HR than 40bpm.

As an endurance athlete my HR falls into the 30's often, and I get constant buzzing on my wrist in the night to 'warn' me LOL. My resting HR watching tv etc is ~43bpm.

Anyways I'd rather not disable that feature and just have the option for uber-healthy people 🤣
- More battery life...I want to drive somewhere nice on a Friday night, pitch a tent up, sit in a pub all day Saturday, stare at the stars, track a 4-5hr run on Sunday, get home and not have to think about battery charge until sitting at desk on Monday morning.

- Slightly bigger screen - just another couple of mm (but keep compatibility with existing straps).

- Ability to remove some of those apps that I will never use on my AW - Photos, Podcasts, the Find People thing, Voice Memos, the Apple Weather app & Breath etc. I'm sure some people use these, but I've not clicked on any of them in over 18months...let me remove them!

- Related to the above, but listed separately, I'd also like to remove the App Store app from the Watch. I find it totally unusable as a way of discovering new apps, and would always prefer to browse the Store on the phone.

- FirstBeat metrics. As many of these as possible - - then I could stop all the faffing around I do in RunAlyze/GoldenCheetah etc.

- A couple more physical buttons that could be soft-keys aligned to the current focussed app. Would love a couple of buttons like the side button on the other side, for functions such as 'lap', 'pause/end', 'skip track' etc etc. I'd imagine them with the same dual functionality as the current side a tap would pause or resume an activity, whereas a long press would end. A tap would skip to next track, or a long press would scrub fast forward (hey, I might even reinstall that Podcast app!) etc etc.

Unfortunately doubt any of these will happen!! 😆 But I'm also happy with that as my Series 4 is perfectly functional for what I expect from it and I can't really see what Apple might introduce that would convince me to upgrade at the moment.
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