- More battery life...I want to drive somewhere nice on a Friday night, pitch a tent up, sit in a pub all day Saturday, stare at the stars, track a 4-5hr run on Sunday, get home and not have to think about battery charge until sitting at desk on Monday morning.
- Slightly bigger screen - just another couple of mm (but keep compatibility with existing straps).
- Ability to remove some of those apps that I will never use on my AW - Photos, Podcasts, the Find People thing, Voice Memos, the Apple Weather app & Breath etc. I'm sure some people use these, but I've not clicked on any of them in over 18months...let me remove them!
- Related to the above, but listed separately, I'd also like to remove the App Store app from the Watch. I find it totally unusable as a way of discovering new apps, and would always prefer to browse the Store on the phone.
- FirstBeat metrics. As many of these as possible -
https://www.firstbeat.com/en/consumer-products/features/ - then I could stop all the faffing around I do in RunAlyze/GoldenCheetah etc.
- A couple more physical buttons that could be soft-keys aligned to the current focussed app. Would love a couple of buttons like the side button on the other side, for functions such as 'lap', 'pause/end', 'skip track' etc etc. I'd imagine them with the same dual functionality as the current side button...so a tap would pause or resume an activity, whereas a long press would end. A tap would skip to next track, or a long press would scrub fast forward (hey, I might even reinstall that Podcast app!) etc etc.
Unfortunately doubt any of these will happen!! 😆 But I'm also happy with that as my Series 4 is perfectly functional for what I expect from it and I can't really see what Apple might introduce that would convince me to upgrade at the moment.