Been there myself, more than once.
I've now settled on using Reminders and
GoodTask (actually just a Reminders client).
Why Reminders?
- Reminders is simple, minimalistic and straightforward to use
- Drag a task to the calendar to schedule it
- Drag emails right into Reminders to make it a task (with a link to the email)
- Never to worry about updating the iOS and my task manager not being compatible
- cloud sync
- the app's limitations force me to simplify my task management, to think simple and clear
Why GoodTask?
- shares database of tasks with Reminders
- the interface looks nicer IMHO
- few more options like alarm times next to due times
- quick actions like adding a tag, shifting a due date by a week
- list management, sort and filter options
- Focus on Today, This Week, This Month
Typically, when I'm at work I will run GoodTask and hide my private lists.
At home, and exclusively on my iPhone, I just use Reminders and focus on nothing but my private lists.
If you're into GTD, Things might be worth looking into. The interface is a bit old fashioned but still beautiful to work with. If you need it on all your devices, it becomes somewhat pricy. And Cultured Code is notoriously slow on developing. Things 3 should come in a brandnew interface and of course lots of improvements, but has been announced for several years now.
If you'd like "Manage my tasks" to be your main task, OmniFocus is there for you. Powerfull, sure. But it had me Getting Nothing Done (except organizing my tasks).
For now, I'm pretty happy with my choice. I have about 10 lists in Reminders. 6 of them are projects, 4 are so called area's (something I took from Things). I also added a small Automator task to my system that allows me to add any selected text to my Reminders inbox (of course with a shortcut: Ctrl-R).
Recently, I read a line somewhere that said: "Real men don't use tags". So I stopped using tags :-D
Neh, I have a few: the initials of my team members, so I can add them to my tasks in case I need them to finish.
In Reminders, I can do a search on them, in GoodTask I have smart lists.
The GoodTask developer is a nice person, willing to listen and quite responsive. He's working on GoodTask 3 at this moment - can't wait to see what that will bring. There's a free version, a trial and a full version on iOS and OSX.