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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 23, 2010
S Florida USA
Sorry for those of you who are still waiting. :(

I was really looking forward to many of the watch features but I am surprised at things that I just love that are very useful in my day-to-day life.

One of my most used feature is actually in the watch itself. I just LOVE the complications and I change my face throughout the day depending on what I need. During my work day it is super useful to have my next appointment right there on my watch. Some days I'm just going from appointment to appointment and it's nice not to have to grab my phone to see what's coming up next.
Biggest feature I didn't anticipate was the inclusion of all the classic emojis for messaging; I thought we were limited to those stupid animated faces, hearts and hands.

But yes, the watch face itself and the complications on it are really the greatest feature of all. I think those functionalities were so quickly overlooked by people wondering, "what does it do?".
I agree with the complications. I love being able to tap on the watch face and it takes you straight into selected application. So convenient.
I love the ability to leave my iPhone on mute 24/7 without missing important messages and calls.

I go in and out of meetings and appointments everyday. I long for an app that would automatically silence my phone according to my calendar events. But the apps available for this are all very disappointing.

With my watch, my iPhone can be left muted all the time. My watch will buzz quietly instead. Very happy about this.

ability to take a call without being near my phone, even in the gym when my phone is in the locker room.
ability to take a call without being near my phone, even in the gym when my phone is in the locker room.

I think this is my 2nd favorite feature I didn't expect. I swear I thought taking calls on my watch was just silly (fun to play with since I'm such a nerd but not really practical) but I find it is extremely useful at times. Twice in a few hours I was thankful for it. The first time I was actually taking a nap (the afternoon after a red-eye flight from San Fran to West Palm Beach) and someone called. My phone wasn't too far but instead of having to hear it ring and ring (or worse, get up to silence it) I just clicked the decline button on my watch & went back to sleep.

The second time I received a pretty important call while in my garage. My phone was in my bedroom and there is no way I would have heard it ring. I answered the phone and just talked while I walked over to grab my phone.
I like the nudges to get up and move around when you've been sitting awhile. Sometimes I get working and sit for hours so I find this helpful.
The complications are great. All that info right in the face. It's amazing they couldn't have come up something similar on the phone, and no notification center is not the same thing.

The digital touch thing IMHO though, worthless.
I love it all, but I've gotta say, my biggest kick so far has been paying at Walgreens without wallet or phone. That was just freaking awesome. :cool:
I really like how I can get directions to home in, like, three swipes.

The NYTimes app for Apple Watch is also surprisingly adorable. Really, go read it. It even gives you a complete screen after you eat all the mini news cupcakes, like "done with news now, I'm an informed citizen."
Have to say Siri. I never use it on my phone, but it seems so much more convenient and accurate on the watch.
2 things I like but didn't expect: remote control for my Apple TV and remote control for my Xfinity X1 cable box. I can speak into the watch and say "watch HBO" and it tunes the channel to HBO.
When it works, "Hey Siri" on wrist raise may be the killer feature. But when you start talking to her and she stops listening and hits you with the "what can I help you with?" screen instead, then it becomes the most frustrating feature.
Is this Comcast specific?

Is controlling your Comcast equipment specific to Comcast? Yes. Yes it is.


My favorite unanticipated feature is the handoffs to iPhone. It's neat to have the little icon on my lock screen to pick up the full version of the app I'm in on the watch.
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