- Or just don't switch to photos.
Except for the fact that the software itself is a tiny bit faster in use, I haven't found a single thing about it that's better than iPhoto.
I've wanted a cloud-based photo library for a long time (same library, concurrently accessible from multiple devices - edit the same image wherever I happen to be, with whatever device I'm using at the time), so for me, Photos is all but inevitable.
I'm an Aperture user, so I definitely want Photos to be more than it currently is (unlike many, I have the patience to see what Photos 1.1 and even 2.0 will bring). For now, I'm running Photos as an experiment, and Aperture as my primary library.
But if I had to go back to iPhoto or switch to Photos, I'm all-in for Photos. I like the changes and improvements to the editing tools (especially the black and white tools) and replacing Events and Places with Years/Collections/Moments (time and place combined is better than either of those alone). I don't see a point to segregating My Photo Stream images from images imported from memory cards or camera syncing - images are images. I often use both my iPhone and "good" camera when I'm shooting - so "camera" is not as meaningful as place and time. I barely ever used Events - I organize my images along different lines. If I need to locate only photos taken by a particular camera, it's easy enough to Search or create a Smart Album.... Other than the GPS issue, I'm good, and I'm confident that we will regain the ability to assign locations.