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Original poster
Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
The wife is having issues with her 13 pro max. It shows a completely white screen at times and occasionally needs to be rebooted to get it back. It's not shutting down apparently, but just going solid white screen. It happened a couple of times over the weekend, and through the beginning of the week so far. She is missing calls and notifications when it's tripping out.

Is this an issue others have had? Was it fixable? What did you have to do to get it addressed. She needs her phone, and having it freaking out like this is not helping her at all.



macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Since this is a 13, I'd say take it to Apple. Have them diagnose it. Seems like a device failure. Although to be safe, one of the first steps they will do it is restore the device and and not use the back-up.
The wife is having issues with her 13 pro max. It shows a completely white screen at times and occasionally needs to be rebooted to get it back. It's not shutting down apparently, but just going solid white screen. It happened a couple of times over the weekend, and through the beginning of the week so far. She is missing calls and notifications when it's tripping out.

Is this an issue others have had? Was it fixable? What did you have to do to get it addressed. She needs her phone, and having it freaking out like this is not helping her at all.

As @jav6454 suggested, I would also recommend taking it to Apple. Have them diagnose it. If it is determined to be a hardware problem they will issue you a replacement iPhone right away. Make sure it's all backed up. Good luck!
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Original poster
Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Since this is a 13, I'd say take it to Apple. Have them diagnose it. Seems like a device failure. Although to be safe, one of the first steps they will do it is restore the device and and not use the back-up.

That's what I was wondering, but I wouldn't think firmware would do that, but it's all magic. My 12PM has the 'dead screen spot' problem I've been hearing about. The upper left sometimes has to be touched several times to get it to respond. *sigh* Technology is so great, when it works...
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Original poster
Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
I guess we will both be headed to the Apple Store as soon as we can both get together long enough to do the long drive.

We have local support (Geek Squad?) but prefer to go to the Apple Store because at least we get people that seem to be a lot more knowledgeable about what could be happening, and very easy to talk into replacements, historically. *sigh*


macrumors newbie
Dec 5, 2023

I recently had an experience at the Apple service centre located at 27 Main HSR, < PEOPLE IN BANGALORE MIGHT NKNOW THIS > and I wanted to share my concerns to get some insights from the community.

During my visit, I was informed that my out-of-warranty Apple device required a diagnostic check to address an issue potentially related to a recent software update. What surprised me was the ₹2500 diagnostic fee associated with this service, considering my device is no longer under warranty.

I recognize that diagnostic services may involve charges, but given that the problem seems to stem from a software update – something beyond the user's control – it feels unusual to be charged for a service when the provider is already aware of the underlying cause.

As a community, I would like to hear your thoughts and experiences on similar matters. Have any of you encountered diagnostic fees for issues that appear to be linked to software updates? How have you approached such situations, and do you have any advice on navigating this with the service centre?

Additionally, if anyone has insights on the best way to address this concern with the Apple service centre, I would greatly appreciate your input.
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