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How many 4.7" fans are upset?

  • Im pissed

    Votes: 20 16.3%
  • Doesnt bother me

    Votes: 95 77.2%
  • Im mad and its making me switch to the 5.5"

    Votes: 8 6.5%

  • Total voters


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
I know there was a lot of complaining people when the 6 and 6s came out with the screen resolution being higher and the camera having image stabilizing.
Now that the 4.7 and 5.5 seem to have a few more different features how many 4.7" people are mad about the increased differentiation of them both?
3 gigs ram vs 2
2 cameras + software vs 1(but finally having image stabilizing)
better battery
Initially I was worried about what the 7 Plus would offer, after the keynotes I was pleasantly surprised.

Not only am I not upset about what the 7+ offers over the 7 but I'm more confident now then ever I want the 7 over the 7+.

Battery, the 7 is closing the gap with Apple reporting 2 hours better battery due to increases in efficiency with the 7 vs the 7+s 1 hour.

RAM hasn't been a factor for me in an iOS device since the Air 1 so I know what that feels like. And I haven't experienced any of those issues (tab and app reloading) on my 6S.

2 cameras are cool I guess but I do post editing and the way the iPhone utilizes the telephoto lens wouldn't affect me. I'm sure there are circumstance I would want it but not enough to spend more money for it.

So yeah I'm not upset at all.
the 7+ costs significantly more so it seems reasonable that it'd have some extra features.
Cost difference has always been 100$. Extra screen size also.
Initially I was worried about what the 7 Plus would offer, after the keynotes I was pleasantly surprised.

Not only am I not upset about what the 7+ offers over the 7 but I'm more confident now then ever I want the 7 over the 7+.

Battery, the 7 is closing the gap with Apple reporting 2 hours better battery due to increases in efficiency with the 7 vs the 7+s 1 hour.

RAM hasn't been a factor for me in an iOS device since the Air 1 so I know what that feels like. And I haven't experienced any of those issues (tab and app reloading) on my 6S.

2 cameras are cool I guess but I do post editing and the way the iPhone utilizes the telephoto lens wouldn't affect me. I'm sure there are circumstance I would want it but not enough to spend more money for it.

So yeah I'm not upset at all.

Agree after the keynote the 7+ camera didn't impress me to be honest, I think just everyday photos will be great on the 7. And 2 hrs of battery life on the 7 I'll take :).
Initially I was worried about what the 7 Plus would offer, after the keynotes I was pleasantly surprised.

Not only am I not upset about what the 7+ offers over the 7 but I'm more confident now then ever I want the 7 over the 7+.

Battery, the 7 is closing the gap with Apple reporting 2 hours better battery due to increases in efficiency with the 7 vs the 7+s 1 hour.

RAM hasn't been a factor for me in an iOS device since the Air 1 so I know what that feels like. And I haven't experienced any of those issues (tab and app reloading) on my 6S.

2 cameras are cool I guess but I do post editing and the way the iPhone utilizes the telephoto lens wouldn't affect me. I'm sure there are circumstance I would want it but not enough to spend more money for it.

So yeah I'm not upset at all.

If RAM hasn't been a concern for you since the 1GB iPad Air 1, then you're absolutely the wrong audience for a 3GB iPhone. Personally, the iPad Air bothered me every day with its RAM deficiency.
Extra features make no difference to me if I won't put up with the current Plus size. Hopefully they can downsize it/make better use of the screen once they get rid of the home button next year or so.
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If RAM hasn't been a concern for you since the 1GB iPad Air 1, then you're absolutely the wrong audience for a 3GB iPhone. Personally, the iPad Air bothered me every day with its RAM deficiency.

It hasn't bother me since the iPad Air 1, meaning it did bother me with the iPad Air 1.

And of course someone that finds no value is a feature or spec isn't the target audience for said feature or spec. Obvious things are obvious?
It hasn't bother me since the iPad Air 1, meaning it did bother me with the iPad Air 1.

And of course someone that finds no value is a feature or spec isn't the target audience for said feature or spec. Obvious things are obvious?

Well, your response wasn't clear. When you say the RAM issue hasn't bothered you since iPad Air 1, you meant it hasn't bothered you since iPad Air 2.

For an analogous example or two:

"Since Friday, Fred hasn't been seen," doesn't mean Fred hasn't been seen since Saturday.


If your computer never crashes with Windows 8, you wouldn't say, "The computer hasn't crashed since Windows 7."

So, if you meant RAM hasn't been an issue since iPad Air 2, then you really should have said that. When your statements are clear, then - yes, obvious things are obvious, and my other statement wouldn't have applied.
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Upset is the wrong word. Disappointed works. I had my Apple sucks knee-jerk emotional reaction to this year's iPhone release and then softened. Apple can do better in so many ways. We all know it; hopefully they know it too. This a weird release. But I came to terms with it. It is what it is, and so far it is better than the alternatives. And, more specifically on topic, the camera in the plus would be optimal to me. Love to have that across the board. But that's not an option. As a good size person, the plus is too big of a device for what I want in day to day usage. I am an active outdoor person, and the huge phone is a mismatch, even if my oversize hands don't care. I care. So I am disappointed that they have used size to separate features. Size to me is an attribute that shouldn't be penalized, up to a point, of course. Smaller is better in electronics and has been for a long time. Apple knows this. But they get their extra money for the plus, Wall Street gives Tim some love, and life goes on. For now the regular 7 camera and RAM look good enough to carry me to next year. And I will say this a thousand time to Apple:Don't play the Microsoft-like slow and this is it and greed game next year. If you do, you aren't the Apple I have valued and stuck with for decades. You will lose many of us. But today, I can (sort of) live with the bean-counter approved differences between the 7 and 7 plus. Sort of. If you don't, I am in fist pump mode to you. You are more principled than me.
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i expected it.. there were/are difference in the 6/6+ and 6s/6s+

so why wouldn't there be difference for the 7/7+
I know there was a lot of complaining people when the 6 and 6s came out with the screen resolution being higher and the camera having image stabilizing.
Now that the 4.7 and 5.5 seem to have a few more different features how many 4.7" people are mad about the increased differentiation of them both?
3 gigs ram vs 2
2 cameras + software vs 1(but finally having image stabilizing)
better battery

What is there to be upset about? It's an upsell. Just like not being able to get leather seats in a car unless you go up to the next tier that includes things you don't want.
Doesn't bother me nearly as much as the headphone jack issue. As far as the camera goes, we got image stabilization and now camera raw. That's really all I needed. I have an DSLR for when I want some serious zooming capabilities. Not that I wouldn't want that extra lens but these are acceptable differences for the most part.

What is there to be upset about? It's an upsell. Just like not being able to get leather seats in a car unless you go up to the next tier that includes things you don't want.

Hmmmmm... its not EXACTLY an upsell, its more like the difference between buying a CAR and buying an SUV. You should be able to get high end models of both. I understand what they mean, people want the great camera with 2 lenses but don't want a huge big phone.

It's a legitimate gripe.
Hmmmmm... its not EXACTLY an upsell, its more like the difference between buying a CAR and buying an SUV. You should be able to get high end models of both. I understand what they mean, people want the great camera with 2 lenses but don't want a huge big phone.

It's a legitimate gripe.

I guess. *shrug*
Hmmmmm... its not EXACTLY an upsell, its more like the difference between buying a CAR and buying an SUV. You should be able to get high end models of both. I understand what they mean, people want the great camera with 2 lenses but don't want a huge big phone.

It's a legitimate gripe.
So you're saying I should expect a Honda Civic to have the same capabilities and features of an SUV?
iPhone 7 is the high end 4.7" iPhone.
iPhone 7+ is the high end 5.5" iPhone.
Why is that such a difficult concept?
I still don't understand why the Plus has to have the better features to be honest. The larger size is the compromise and better features are not going to compensate for that. Just make them the same Apple!
Not bothered as I had already planned to give the larger size a blast this year. If I can't get on with the larger form factor I will sell it and go back to the 4.7"
For only $120 more, the 4.7" seems overpriced and has way too many corners cut compared to the 5.5". No 1080p screen, less ram, no dual rear camera.
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I know there was a lot of complaining people when the 6 and 6s came out with the screen resolution being higher and the camera having image stabilizing.
Now that the 4.7 and 5.5 seem to have a few more different features how many 4.7" people are mad about the increased differentiation of them both?
3 gigs ram vs 2
2 cameras + software vs 1(but finally having image stabilizing)
better battery
I think it's pretty logical that it's not "the same phone" and then in the industrial design size, the normal size, and the plus size.

It obviously starts with the battery. If you have the space, put stuff in there. If you have the space for the lens, put it in there. If there's no space, dont. If that requires extra ram to keep it snappy as expected, put it in there.

It is more money, you get more for it. If you don't want a big phone, it's the compromise you are ok with.

If those features are not something you want to compromise on, perhaps compromising on the size is what you can do instead.

You asked, sorry if that is offensive to you, but no, it doesn't upset me one bit. Seems logical to me.
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