My ten year-old Mac Mini has a built in DVD/CD drive, that has long since failed. It was a good move by Apple to drop the DVD drive from its computers. Better to use an external drive for those who do desire or need it.
I have an external drive that I do still occasionally use, mainly to upload the audio that comes on CD or DVD with some textbooks I use (as a teacher).
I do miss the CD and DVD format. For one thing, I don't have a credit card, so buying music or renting movies from various on-line sources is not really a goer. For another, coming from the era when vinyl reigned, I do like the physicality of having music and movies on a disc..... Despite analogue LPs sounding a little better to the very critical ear, the digital format came with many other advantages. DVD movies often came with various extras, such as out takes, background, and the like, through which one could learn a lot more about the film.
It's a shame that the CD and DVD formats have become all but obsolete.