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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 13, 2014
So Apple designs the A series processors for the iPhone years ahead of time.

The problem is that they already know that the last 4 years of processors (iPhone 6, 6s, 7, 8 and X) are too power hungry to maintain performance after a year or so to the point that they need to be throttled or have shutdowns.

Why is this ok? Seems kind of shady for Apple to be touting how fast your processors are ad nauseum at every keynote event, yet they sell their products to the customers knowing full well ahead of time it won’t actually maintain that level of performance :rolleyes:

Imagine if you bought an electric car and the manufacturer knew ahead of time that the engine was too power hungry and would throttle your engine by up to 50% after the first year :eek:
These conspiracy threads are getting old
Real old

It’s a legitimate question about the A series processors which I’d like input from other forum members on.

By all means though MacDawg feel free to move along. It’s not like I forced you (or anyone else) to click the thread or you can’t find other threads you enjoy more. Quite a few threads I choose not to respond to as well for that very reason.
It’s a legitimate question about the A series processors which I’d like input from other forum members on.

By all means though MacDawg feel free to move along. It’s not like I forced you (or anyone else) to click the thread or you can’t find other threads you enjoy more. Quite a few threads I choose not to respond to as well for that very reason.

Because it isn’t a legitimate question. It is based on speculation that there are not any facts to back it up with.

Hearsay and other forum post don’t count as facts.
Because it isn’t a legitimate question. It is based on speculation that there are not any facts to back it up with.

Hearsay and other forum post don’t count as facts.

That's your opinion, which you're entitled to have just as much as I am with mine.

For me it's not hearsay. Apple has worked on the processors years ahead of time. They have known about the power draw / shutdown issue since the 6s. They started throttling devices since 10.2.1 to mitigate their error of selling us devices with processors which were too power hungry and yet they continue to do so...
I’m generally pretty happy with a lot of the things I can do on my iPhone today compared to the first iPhones I’ve owned... All of which pretty well possible because of the technological improvements over the years, including CPU improvements.

Battery tech is just not at the point where everyone expects them to be, at least in consumer electronics. Not much you can that can be done about that, be it Apple, Samsung, google or whoever.

At the end of the day I guess, when I buy something that is driven by a battery, I generally fully well expect that as a battery is a consumable item, it will eventually need to be replaced.
Maybe because they continuously work on battery tech and are hoping for a breakthrough. Can’t let battery tech slow progress on cpu tech. I don’t want an A10 in my iPhone X just because in a year the battery may need replacing. Give me the fast cpu and the option to service my battery.
That's your opinion, which you're entitled to have just as much as I am with mine.

For me it's not hearsay. Apple has worked on the processors years ahead of time. They have known about the power draw / shutdown issue since the 6s. They started throttling devices since 10.2.1 to mitigate their error of selling us devices with processors which were too power hungry and yet they continue to do so...
So this will continue with the 8 and the X? Maybe they quietly sourced better batteries like Samsung did this year.
Maybe they need to stop putting device thinness as such a high priority and use higher capacity batteries.

Except that won’t solve the issue because the issue is the voltage demands in bursts for high powered tasks.
Because it isn’t a legitimate question. It is based on speculation that there are not any facts to back it up with.

Hearsay and other forum post don’t count as facts.

Correct. Threads similar to these are conjectured theories, but don't resemble anything other than generated opinions for others to construe them as facts.
So this will continue with the 8 and the X? Maybe they quietly sourced better batteries like Samsung did this year.
I hope not. I wouldn't want an iPhone that I'm not allowed to take with me on an airplane like Samsung phones with their "quietly sourced better batteries" that went up in flames.

This! Whatever happened to the good old days? Where they would just mail us the parts, and we built our own phones?
Apple device where they mailed you the parts...

That would be an Apple 1 computer, which you can sell nowadays for several hundred thousand dollars if it's in good condition. Maybe they should do that.
You guys gonna cherry pick topics to complain about conjecture, theories, opinions, questions on a site called macRUMORS?

It depends on how somebody conflates something if they are interjecting facts based on something they have no knowledge or evidence on, then it doesn't make it accurate. Similarly to what somebody would say when they come up with their own hypothesis of white something is the way it is, that's more speculation than it is confirmation.
That's your opinion, which you're entitled to have just as much as I am with mine.

For me it's not hearsay. Apple has worked on the processors years ahead of time. They have known about the power draw / shutdown issue since the 6s. They started throttling devices since 10.2.1 to mitigate their error of selling us devices with processors which were too power hungry and yet they continue to do so...

That's really stupid.

So instead of a faster processor that will be throttled down when the battery goes bad, you want a processor that is slow in the first place? Don't you realise that Apple is giving you exactly what you ask for, a slower processor? Or do you want a processor that is faster AND uses less power? Well, if you have any clue how to achieve this, Samsung and TSMC would be only too happy to hire you.
It depends on how somebody conflates something if they are interjecting facts based on something they have no knowledge or evidence on, then it doesn't make it accurate. Similarly to what somebody would say when they come up with their own hypothesis of white something is the way it is, that's more speculation than it is confirmation.

Justify it to yourself buddy. You’re not convincing anyone else here that you’re pretty defensive over Apple criticism and cherry picking topics related to this battery snafu to complain about.

When I see you complain about the speculation threads for new iPhones maybe I might believe you.

Just remember the no knowledge or facts aspect is due to Apple not being more open about this topic before being called out by those guys on Reddit. Blame Apple for topics like this.
Justify it to yourself buddy. You’re not convincing anyone else here that you’re pretty defensive over Apple criticism and cherry picking topics related to this battery snafu to complain about.

Justify? Not quite. I don't need to justify/convince anything to anyone. It's called discussion. I'm perfectly content the way things are performing with my Apple products and expectations. That's all that matters to me. I think your overall response is more rhetoric in nature versus I responded to your initial post.

When I see you complain

Could You please indicate where I have complained about anything? Or are you simply conflating when I interject my opinion versus something that you don't agree with? It's a matter of an opinion, which if it doesn't fit your narrative, that's called contradictory of discussion.

Blame Apple for topics like this.

So your asserting the fact that I should blame Apple when I don't have an issue with anything to begin with? It's evident by your response you seem more unsettled than I do regarding this.
Justify? Not quite. I don't need to justify/convince anything to anyone. It's called discussion. I'm perfectly content the way things are performing with my Apple products and expectations. That's all that matters to me. I think your overall response is more rhetoric in nature versus I responded to your initial post.

Could You please indicate where I have complained about anything? Or are you simply conflating when I interject my opinion versus something that you don't agree with? It's a matter of an opinion, which if it doesn't fit your narrative, that's called contradictory of discussion.

So your asserting the fact that I should blame Apple when I don't have an issue with anything to begin with? It's evident by your response you seem more unsettled than I do regarding this.

It’s called discussion yet you basically want to end discussions on this topic because you think it’s been discussed sufficiently.

Yeah I don’t have a problem admitting that this Apple snafu bothers me. You seem to have a problem admitting these threads bother you yet you’re in multiple threads advocating that the discussion should basically end because it’s been discussed before.

I never said you should blame Apple with respect to you having or not having an issue with their products. That’s you’re lack of reading comprehension.

In the context of this thread I’m saying you should blame Apple for the existence of these threads because Apple has not been forth-willing with information. Hence people are going to ask questions, come up with theories, splice in facts to support their theories and a whole lot more.
It’s called discussion yet you basically want to end discussions on this topic because you think it’s been discussed sufficiently..

Actually, I have not ended any discussion, I asked you multiple questions to my prior post, which you have not answered or deflected from. In the sense of replying, to further the discussion, perhaps you could go back and reread what I wrote and then reply based on that.

You seem to have a problem admitting these threads bother you yet you’re in multiple threads advocating that the discussion should basically end

Thats patently false. I never advocated these threads should end or cease. For reference, is my original post listed below that I replied to another member with, would you inherently replied to stating that you didn't agree with it. Again, your conflating based off your own disapproval for Apple. Not once did I state it I have a problem with these threads, you asserted that. But nor am I in a position where I can't state my opinion based on something that doesn't apply as a fact when somebody Assert a theory. So please tell me the difference between that and your own opinion?

Correct. Threads similar to these are conjectured theories, but don't resemble anything other than generated opinions for others to construe them as facts.

In the context of this thread I’m saying you should blame Apple for the existence of these threads because Apple has not been forth-willing with information.

No, it doesn't and I shouldn't blame Apple for anything, because I don't have any concerns at this moment. That's you projecting your own opinion on to my post. . It doesn't necessarily apply to me as it may have others. Your experiences may Vary. If others want to state their opinions or disapproval for Apple, so be it. But that doesn't mean everybody has to share the same values being disgruntled about Apple because you're frustrated. Again, your own rhetoric is widely apparent.
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Actually, I have not ended any discussion, I asked you multiple questions to my prior post, which you have not answered or deflected from. In the sense of replying, to further the discussion, perhaps you could go back and reread what I wrote and then reply based on that.

Thats patently false. I never advocated these threads should end or cease. For reference, is my original post listed below that I replied to another member with, would you inherently replied to stating that you didn't agree with it. Again, your conflating based off your own disapproval for Apple. Not once did I state it I have a problem with these threads, you asserted that. But nor am I in a position where I can't state my opinion based on something that doesn't apply as a fact when somebody Certs a theory. So please tell me the difference between that and your own opinion?

No, it doesn't and I shouldn't blame Apple for anything, because I don't have any concerns at this moment. That's you projecting your own opinion on to my post. . It doesn't necessarily apply to me as it may have others. Your experiences may Vary. If others want to state their opinions or disapproval for Apple, so be it. But that doesn't mean everybody has to share the same values being disgruntled about Apple because you're frustrated. Again, your own rhetoric is widely apparent.

I never said you ended any discussion. However when you speak about threads like this one in that manner you’re essentially being dismissive. You would prefer threads like this one don’t exist. It is in that context I call that a complaint from you which you didn’t deny here:


I perfectly understand that you have no problem with Apple devices or services. You have concerns with threads like this one which I have stated before but you seem to think I’m saying you should have a problem with Apple devices or services directly. No. I’m saying you have a problem with threads like this one and I’m also saying it’s because of the way Apple has operated that threads like this one exist and will continue to exist if they are found to not be forthcoming with the facts you want threads like this one to contain.
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These conspiracy threads are getting old
Real old

Yep, I wish the mods would put them all in one thread. Some of these member go from one conspiracy to the next! We all know Apple screwed up but the users have pressured them into faster and faster CPU while battery technology has not changed. Hope Apple makes the next iPhone twice as thick so we can put a monster battery in it. Part of the problem is Apple's and the consumers begging for thin phones. It is all a compromise.
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I never said you ended any discussion. However when you speak about threads like this one in that manner you’re essentially being dismissive. You would prefer threads like this one don’t exist. It is in that context I call that a complaint from you which you didn’t deny here.

1). First and foremost, I don't mind having a discussion or conflict on here being cordial, but for the sake of the actual discussion, you refuse to answer any questions that were asked of you in three post(s) now. I don't find that to be conducive to discussion just because you want to project your own viewpoint, which I respect, but you're more off topic then you are being accurate with your own stance.

And it's not a complaint, it's an observation. Threads like these are more than welcome to exist, but that doesn't stop me from interjecting something that I don't believe is based on fact, versus a conjectured theory. Conflation or not, it doesn't make it right or wrong. It makes it something that you don't agree with because it doesn't fit your own narrative. Again, that's conflating. I don't know how else to reiterate that to you.

You have concerns with threads like this one.

InCorrect. It's been said many times there are no issues with the thread itself, it's it's the issue that others misconstrued facts for opinions or theories for on speculated hearsay. That is what I'm speaking of. For three different post, that's exactly what I have iterated to you. So I politely suggest you reread what I wrote and even doing so for my original post to another member. Not once has it been stated that it's threads like this cannot exist. So please stop projecting something on your own viewpoint or you're simply ignoring what you don't want to read.

I’m saying you have a problem forthcoming with the facts you want threads like this one to contain.

No. No facts are presented other than what I replied to someone else until you started your own viewpoint, then went off on your own tangent speculating something that wasn't accurate. Projected theories hold no value, but they can be openly discussed, just not presented as fact. Significant difference between what you're Posting and actually believing.
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