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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 3, 2013
Hey guys,

I recently have been getting interested in taking my health a bit more seriously so I’ve been looking into fitness/sleep trackers. I’d like to gamify my fitness (with rings etc), and get a better picture of how I’m really going.

There’s a few Cheap options out there (basic fitbits) but as soon as I step up to a model that has some of the features I think would find useful, they aren’t all that much cheaper than an Apple Watch series 3 (still available), or even refurbished 4’s (a big improvement from what I can tell).

So I’m leaning to towards an Apple Watch, but ONLY if it somehow makes me more productive. And in a way, maybe a basic Fitbit with mostly only fitness features is what I should get to avoid having more distracting tech?

I can see how as an iPhone user the Apple integration is handy. But… since I last looked at the OG Apple Watch, I’ve always thought they were kind of… pointless. I know a lot has been added, but I’m still kind of struggling to see how I’d get real use from it.

The thing is, almost everything it can do, I can do on my phone… and better, on a bigger screen.

I only want the watch for:

  • Sleep/fitness features. And I don’t really think I need modern sensors like blood oxygen, and ECG. (Or do I?)
  • Less screen time for my iPhone. (A quick time and info check on my wrist rather than having to pick up a phone which could lead to further distractions).
  • Notifications. (Even this is a stretch. My phone does this fine, and other than maybe if I was exercising - especially water sports - my phone is usually close by). Plus, to get the most out of that I need a data plan at extra expense, or to keep my phone nearby, which defeats much of the purpose.


  1. What watch apps or functionality have really improved your life, either because it increases productivity, reduces phone time, or can only be found on the watch (or is better or WAY more convenient there?)

  1. Is a series 3 enough? Or should I try to find a series 4? I might wait for the series 7 to see if that results in price drops or Amazing advances, but I’m unlikely to pay for a series 6, 7, or SE unless there’s a REALLY good reason.

  1. What are some apps/functionality I may not know about that may make it worth it in my mind?
these are useful things that i find, in no order. some were unexpected:

1. taking and making quick calls when my hands are tied up (i.e. dont want to reach for phone)
2. tracking HR, particularly across sleep
3. quick glances at msg notifications when im driving or otherwise out and about (also can use voice dictation to respond)
4. quick voice-based siri queries such as unit conversions when cooking
5. glance at temperature (everyday), sometimes elevation/compass (when hiking)
6. stock prices
7. remote control of media - such as volume, speed, fwd/rwnd of podcasts
8. timers and stopwatches for cooking and such
9. to activate Find My Phone. no joke

overall, this was surprisingly way more useful than i had ever thought. never wanted a smart watch but now i have this, would totally buy again
After my wife and I killed multiple fitness trackers we decided on the Apple Watch. Have been very happy. As to apps I use:
  1. Basic watch functions
  2. Timers, really handy when cooking and I can set it easier
  3. Shopping lists. I enter lists on phone but use watch in store
  4. Weather info
  5. Calendar notifications
  6. Apple Maps, for notifications while driving
  7. Now playing, to skip ads in podcasts
I used a Fitbit previously. One consideration is the social aspect. Both have their own environments. Aside from that, they do similar functions from a fitness perspective. But if you’re in the Apple ecosystem then you can control your AppleTV from your watch, for example. Does the Fitbit have a Spotify client? I’m not sure. It might do, depending which one you get.

The gap from the top end Fitbit is not huge; but it’s the integration into the ecosystem that does it for me. That probably sounds nerdy but it’s nice when tech works well together.
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It is very hard to rationalize whether an Apple Watch is "worth it" by reading reviews, adding up pros and cons, etc.
Before I got an Apple Watch I pretty much decided it was an overpriced thing with limited functionality - without actually trying it out.
Until, on a whim, I got one.
There is no one feature that makes it worth it, and it is very personal - some like it, some do not. It is the sum of many little different features that one gradually discovers - the whole package and integration with other Apple devices is quite well done.
You really need to try it for yourself
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It is very hard to rationalize whether an Apple Watch is "worth it" by reading reviews, adding up pros and cons, etc.
Before I got an Apple Watch I pretty much decided it was an overpriced thing with limited functionality - without actually trying it out.
Until, on a whim, I got one.
There is no one feature that makes it worth it, and it is very personal - some like, some do not. It is the sum of many little different features that one gradually discovers - the whole package and integration with other Apple devices is quite well done.
You really need to try it for yourself
I agree with this. It doesn't neatly fit into a cost-benefits analysis, largely because the "features" (except the sensors) can be accessed via the phone. What you don't realize until you have one is how the Watch changes the way you use the features. There's quite a bit for which a quick glance or a quick tap is far more convenient than pulling out the phone and finding an app. The Watch becomes really useful once you customize it to address your particular needs.

Also important (for me, anyway) is the ability to adjust notifications in a very granular way so that the Watch is tapping you when you really need to know something and staying out of your way otherwise.
Silent alarm - so doesn't wake my partner but it always wakes me and buying a beach side coffee straight out of the sea (with no phone) are a few "hidden" benefits I didn't appreciate before. But yeah its mainly just lots of small things that make a big difference....
I agree with the sentiment- you won’t know until you have one. And between series 3 & 4, I say find a 4 if you can. The performance and screen real estate is worth the extra.
Silent alarm - so doesn't wake my partner but it always wakes me and buying a beach side coffee straight out of the sea (with no phone) are a few "hidden" benefits I didn't appreciate before. But yeah its mainly just lots of small things that make a big difference....
forgot this one. super nice feature!!! besides not disturbing the partner, its just a gentler way to be woken up compared to sound alarm
The thing is, almost everything it can do, I can do on my phone… and better, on a bigger screen.

I only want the watch for:
  • Sleep/fitness features. And I don’t really think I need modern sensors like blood oxygen, and ECG. (Or do I?)
  • Less screen time for my iPhone. (A quick time and info check on my wrist rather than having to pick up a phone which could lead to further distractions).
  • Notifications. (Even this is a stretch. My phone does this fine, and other than maybe if I was exercising - especially water sports - my phone is usually close by). Plus, to get the most out of that I need a data plan at extra expense, or to keep my phone nearby, which defeats much of the purpose.
  1. What watch apps or functionality have really improved your life, either because it increases productivity, reduces phone time, or can only be found on the watch (or is better or WAY more convenient there?)
  2. Is a series 3 enough? Or should I try to find a series 4? I might wait for the series 7 to see if that results in price drops or Amazing advances, but I’m unlikely to pay for a series 6, 7, or SE unless there’s a REALLY good reason.
  3. What are some apps/functionality I may not know about that may make it worth it in my mind?

Side note - it'd be easier to read and reply to your post if you'd reformat it without all the extra linebreaks...

I've never used the sleep monitor stuff. Others will need to address any of those aspects.

This is also a fairly common topic - you might want to run some searches for the prior threads so you see the input from the people who don't see your post or don't bother to reply again.

Why an Apple Watch?

For one thing I use it as a running watch and listen to podcasts stored on the watch, leaving my phone behind. Same for kayaking, bicycling, or even just walking.

Sure you can do most everything right on your phone -- but the point is the watch is often much quicker and easier. What & when is my next meeting/appointment? Glance at my watch. What's the outside temperature? Glance at my watch. How am I doing on my activity goals for today? Glance at my watch. Answer a phone call while I'm making supper and my hands are dirty? Tap the watch (and wash it later). Change the music volume on my bluetooth speaker? Spin the crown. Skip this song? Tap skip on the watch. Unlock my truck? Open the Directed SmartStart app on the watch and tap unlock. Set a reminder or timer or some other Siri item? Lift my wrist and Hey Siri... What time's the ballgame tonight? Open theScore app. My phone can be in the next room or in my bag or whatever. The watch is on my wrist so it's right there.

Often the thought is "I already always have my phone with me, why would I need a watch?" without realizing that the AW shifts the paradigm to where you don't feel the need to always have your phone with you. Or when you do have it, there's a convenience factor of not needing to dig out of your pocket or backpack or whatever for many of things we attend to on the phone. Even if I didn't use mine for fitness / activity related stuff I'd still own one simply from the convenience factor it brings to the things I do -- particularly in terms of Siri commands to set a timer, create a reminder, add something to the grocery list, control HomeKit switches, etc.

Here's a thread to also read -- there's plenty of others as well.

Hey guys,

I recently have been getting interested in taking my health a bit more seriously so I’ve been looking into fitness/sleep trackers. I’d like to gamify my fitness (with rings etc), and get a better picture of how I’m really going.

There’s a few Cheap options out there (basic fitbits) but as soon as I step up to a model that has some of the features I think would find useful, they aren’t all that much cheaper than an Apple Watch series 3 (still available), or even refurbished 4’s (a big improvement from what I can tell).

So I’m leaning to towards an Apple Watch, but ONLY if it somehow makes me more productive. And in a way, maybe a basic Fitbit with mostly only fitness features is what I should get to avoid having more distracting tech?

I can see how as an iPhone user the Apple integration is handy. But… since I last looked at the OG Apple Watch, I’ve always thought they were kind of… pointless. I know a lot has been added, but I’m still kind of struggling to see how I’d get real use from it.

The thing is, almost everything it can do, I can do on my phone… and better, on a bigger screen.

I only want the watch for:

  • Sleep/fitness features. And I don’t really think I need modern sensors like blood oxygen, and ECG. (Or do I?)
  • Less screen time for my iPhone. (A quick time and info check on my wrist rather than having to pick up a phone which could lead to further distractions).
  • Notifications. (Even this is a stretch. My phone does this fine, and other than maybe if I was exercising - especially water sports - my phone is usually close by). Plus, to get the most out of that I need a data plan at extra expense, or to keep my phone nearby, which defeats much of the purpose.


  1. What watch apps or functionality have really improved your life, either because it increases productivity, reduces phone time, or can only be found on the watch (or is better or WAY more convenient there?)

  1. Is a series 3 enough? Or should I try to find a series 4? I might wait for the series 7 to see if that results in price drops or Amazing advances, but I’m unlikely to pay for a series 6, 7, or SE unless there’s a REALLY good reason.

  1. What are some apps/functionality I may not know about that may make it worth it in my mind?
I was considering an AppleWatch for the same reasons, I got an s3 from my aunt who didn't use it. IF YOU WANT SLEEP TRACKING GO FOR A 4. The extra battery life is needed, I get to 20 percent with 1 short workout a day, apple recommends 30 percent for sleep tracking. The 4 is new enough to last for a few years to come, it has the new design and is basically a SE for 1/2 the price.
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