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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 16, 2014
I didn't realize the 6 and 6+ were coming out. That explains the odd looks the Apple Store employees were giving me.


macrumors 68040
Nov 19, 2013
When did you buy the 5S? You must live under a rock if it was within the past week and you didn't know the 6 was coming.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 16, 2014
They didn't tell you about iPhone 6 once you asked for a 5S?

No, why would they? The buying experience is supposed to be fun, they aren't going to try and make me feel like an idiot for not knowing about the new iPhones or that I am making a stupid decision.


macrumors 68040
Jul 16, 2014
No, why would they? The buying experience is supposed to be fun, they aren't going to try and make me feel like an idiot for not knowing about the new iPhones or that I am making a stupid decision.

Maybe they thought you decided to take advantage of iPhone 5S price cut.
Anyway you have 14 days to return it if you want to switch to iPhone 6


macrumors 68000
Sep 17, 2013
United Kingdom
If the 5s was good enough for you when you bought it... then theres no reason to exchange it/return it, remembering that the 5s has now seen a new lower price in Apple stores. If however you want the latest and greatest iPhone and your going to keep the device for a couple of years or more then it may be worth adding the extra money and getting a 6, but as I said the 5s is still a very, very capable and good phone.


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
San Antonio, TX
No, why would they? The buying experience is supposed to be fun, they aren't going to try and make me feel like an idiot for not knowing about the new iPhones or that I am making a stupid decision.

Well, especially if you went in and bought it before the announcement; they're actually not allowed to tell you about products that are only speculative at that point. Why would they want to discourage you from buying something today?

I would take it in and see if they can take a return. The only downside is that you'll potentially be without a phone for a while because getting your hands on a 6 this weekend is going to be something of a challenge, I would think. They can also always reject the return since technically you're past the 14-day window.


macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2014
I have just bought a 5S too :D I waited to see the 6, thought meh! too big and went with the reduced price 32GB 5S. Love it, I wish they would make smaller phones.

Me too


I plan on keeping my 5s for as long as it lasts (keeping it on iOS 7, maybe 8 if it doesnt affect performance, so it's as fast as the day I bought it + battery replacement over time if needed).


macrumors 6502
Apr 27, 2007
Are there iPhone 6 signs at your apple store? There aren't at mine yet.

No sympathy for you, should have done your research. A new iphone comes out every year, and didn't you think with it being september that an new iphone release was imminent?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2013
New York
I don't think there's anything wrong with the 5S. The only difference between the 5S and the 6/6+ is size and a slightly better battery. Otherwise, you still own a great phone. It'll perform well for what you need it to and will last you a good amount of time. Don't feel down because you bought the 5S and didn't wait for the newest addition. The 5S won't be obsolete just because the 6/6+ comes out. Enjoy your phone. Be happy with your purchase. It's still a great phone, regardless. My dad bought my 16 year old sister a gold 5S a couple of weeks ago as an early birthday present and she loves it. It's fast, convenient, and beautiful. A great device to have. If you really feel like you've missed out, then just return the 5S and get the 6 or 6+, but your chances of getting it by the release are very slim because of high demand. I personally feel that you have a great phone in your possession and that you shouldn't be so concerned with the newest, unless you wanted the bigger screen.


macrumors 603
Nov 15, 2012
I don't think there's anything wrong with the 5S. The only difference between the 5S and the 6/6+ is size and a slightly better battery. Otherwise, you still own a great phone. It'll perform well for what you need it to and will last you a good amount of time. Don't feel down because you bought the 5S and didn't wait for the newest addition. The 5S won't be obsolete just because the 6/6+ comes out. Enjoy your phone. Be happy with your purchase. It's still a great phone, regardless. If you really feel like you've missed out, then just return the 5S and get the 6 or 6+, but your chances of getting it by the release are very slim because of high demand. I personally feel that you have a great phone in your possession and that you shouldn't be so concerned with the newest, unless you wanted the bigger screen.

5s is still a fantastic device.. by all means get it. BUT.. for 100 bucks more you will have: newer device, extra year of compatibility hardware and iOS wise, NFC, bigger screen, faster processor, higher resale value, and so on.

100 bucks will be well spent. IMO


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2006
the OC
if you're happy with the phone, then great. at the very least, go in and get a partial refund from the lower pricing of the phone.
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