Not having found a thread where my issue is discussed, I've decided to create a new one. I have a Mac Pro 5,1 with dual boot (High Sierra + Mojave). Up until today, both operating systems have worked just fine. Since this evening, however, Mojave no longer recognizes the Wi-Fi card, whereas High Sierra has no problem with it. Since this isn't a hardware issue, I have to conclude that something has gone horribly wrong in Mojave, and this happened out of the blue, without any clumsy action I might have carried out. Continuity/Apple Watch Unlock, etcetera, have disappeared, and naturally, I can't see my own Wi-Fi network. Short a full restore, is there anything specific I might try to make Mojave recognize my Wi-Fi card? Not that it is particularly relevant, but my card is a Broadcom BCM94360CD.