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macrumors 601
Jun 25, 2007
St. Paul, Minnesota
Cool! Really looking forward to Windows 9. I think, as with Vista, after the initial problems were ironed out, Windows 8 wasn't terrible and actually pretty good in a lot of regards... first impressions really cement people's opinions in the tech world, as with anything, though!


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Really windows 9 when they only now seem to be getting windows 8 off the ground. Seems a little premature to me. I'm interested, but I'm not so sure about the timing.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Really windows 9 when they only now seem to be getting windows 8 off the ground. Seems a little premature to me. I'm interested, but I'm not so sure about the timing.

I my work they are just now converting workstations and laptops to Win 8. All new VDis are Win 8 all new servers are Server 2012 OS. So now after going through that kind of transition. I do not see them going to Win 9 for at least 2 or more years. My work is a Gold partner with MS.


Oct 9, 2005
I my work they are just now converting workstations and laptops to Win 8. All new VDis are Win 8 all new servers are Server 2012 OS. So now after going through that kind of transition. I do not see them going to Win 9 for at least 2 or more years. My work is a Gold partner with MS.
My employer is still in the process of rolling out Windows 7 in place of Windows XP. It'll be three years minimum before they're ready for Windows 9.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
My work is also a partner with MS but skipped over Windows 8 as they felt it was too drastic of a change. They will be running with Windows 9 when it comes out next year.


macrumors regular
May 3, 2010
My place too and i would assume many others. Still need to upgrade to 2012 (or the next) at my place so i'm not sure how fast we'll migrate to 9.

Windows 8, as it stands now, is a fantastic OS and is pretty much only a start menu away from completely eclipsing 7. I'm really looking forward to 9, the rumored improvements sound very promising and cant wait to see what else they have in store.


macrumors 65816
Aug 13, 2011
And for the love of God make it an option to disable Metro on a server OS. RDP to a non-full screen session and trying to hit those corner points with a mouse is like trying to hit a bucket with a pea, 100 yards away.

(Although it is a bit better with 8.1/2012r2)

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
And for the love of God make it an option to disable Metro on a server OS. RDP to a non-full screen session and trying to hit those corner points with a mouse is like trying to hit a bucket with a pea, 100 yards away.

(Although it is a bit better with 8.1/2012r2)

Server 2012 never really took off. Now that they are doing away with the charm bar and adding the start menu back, I see Windows Server 2016 getting some traction.


May 25, 2013
I my work they are just now converting workstations and laptops to Win 8. All new VDis are Win 8 all new servers are Server 2012 OS. So now after going through that kind of transition. I do not see them going to Win 9 for at least 2 or more years. My work is a Gold partner with MS.
We are as well a gold partner but we are finishing up the windows 7 from xp. Lol we are implementing our vdi with win7 for now since Windows 8 isn't really business ready.


macrumors 68030
Nov 6, 2012
The mass hysteria around Vista and Windows 8 is pretty similar. A lot of people hear others complaining and it is already decide in their mind.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I my work they are just now converting workstations and laptops to Win 8..
We just finished our roll out to Windows 7, I highly doubt my company is going to win8 any time soon.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
I have one PC in my office on Windows 8.1. The rest are on Windows 7 and one on XP for legacy stuff. I have no plans to update to 8.1 on the Windows 7 PC's since they're working just fine as they are.

While I'm used to Apple rolling out a new OS every year, I am not used to Microsoft rolling out a new OS as often as they do - and its a longer cycle than Apple!

I reckon I'll probably get Windows 9 when it comes out and put it into Boot Camp just so I can mess around with it. I fired up Windows 8.1 for the second time on my Mac just a few days ago...


macrumors G3
Aug 24, 2009
I'll be upgrading. Love 8.1 (probably the only person in the world who does) and I look forward to what Microsoft have in store for 9. Hopefully my craptop will still be in spec to run it.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
I'll be upgrading. Love 8.1 (probably the only person in the world who does) and I look forward to what Microsoft have in store for 9. Hopefully my craptop will still be in spec to run it.

For me, aside from the Metro interface, I don't mind 8.1 at all.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'll be upgrading. Love 8.1 (probably the only person in the world who does) and I look forward to what Microsoft have in store for 9. Hopefully my craptop will still be in spec to run it.

I'll wait and see, I need my windows installation to be stable since I use it for work. I have Win8 just the way I like it, and I don't want to mess that (though I have it backed up with winclone.) Depending on the features released I'll probably skip any possible public beta


macrumors regular
May 3, 2010
I'll be upgrading. Love 8.1 (probably the only person in the world who does) and I look forward to what Microsoft have in store for 9. Hopefully my craptop will still be in spec to run it.

I doubt the min requirements will be far removed from win 8 if there are any changes at all. When you throw tablets into the equation, i can only see them continuing to make it as streamlined as possible.

I am curious to see how resource heavy some of the rumored new features like Cortana will be.


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2007
For me, aside from the Metro interface, I don't mind 8.1 at all.

I've actually come to like Metro UI and with 8.1 the changes made by MS to commonly used shortcuts from the Start button was a nice addition. IMO, W8.1 looks best and fits perfectly well in a gaming environment. Windows 8 just seems to look the part of what a gaming rig OS should look like.

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
So those of you with the Surface Pro, are you going to upgrade them to Windows 9? If so, how do you feel about having to buy it and probably doing a clean install to upgrade your Surface? Microsoft did away with Technet too so that makes it even harder to acquire a legit copy for free.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
Really windows 9 when they only now seem to be getting windows 8 off the ground. Seems a little premature to me. I'm interested, but I'm not so sure about the timing.

Seems like their normal routine to me. Every 3 years we get a new 'big release'.


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2007
So those of you with the Surface Pro, are you going to upgrade them to Windows 9? If so, how do you feel about having to buy it and probably doing a clean install to upgrade your Surface? Microsoft did away with Technet too so that makes it even harder to acquire a legit copy for free.

There's several rumors pointing to MS giving W9 away as a free upgrade to Windows 8 users.


Oct 9, 2005
So those of you with the Surface Pro, are you going to upgrade them to Windows 9? If so, how do you feel about having to buy it and probably doing a clean install to upgrade your Surface? Microsoft did away with Technet too so that makes it even harder to acquire a legit copy for free.
My SP3 is my daily machine, so I doubt I'll put a beta OS on it, but I'll be happy to upgrade when the full release comes out.

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
My SP3 is my daily machine, so I doubt I'll put a beta OS on it, but I'll be happy to upgrade when the full release comes out.

The point I'm making is that upgrading is cumbersome right now for Microsoft products. One, you may have to buy the software. Two, you should upgrade via clean install. This is not a user friendly experience for most folks. Microsoft needs to iron that out going forward.
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