Also to break the ice I'll start with my uses. Whether it makes sense or not I honestly want these cards for 2 reasons.
1. Colour accuracy. I know that this can be software reliant. But I want to be able to calibrate to the highest I can. I know some will say "it doesn't matter!" And that is ok. It is a personal choice I am making for my photography.
2. Reliability/error correction. Here is another thing where some will say it does not matter. Most people want "maximum performance!!!" I would like that as well but within reason, I will gladly sacrifice a couple of minutes of performance if it means that the chances of anything going wrong are dramatically reduced. Data corruption is a definite avoid at all costs situation.
What do I do? I'm just a guy who is trying to transition his photography from hobby to full time working Pro.
Also interested in cad/design but on a more minor scale, I work in engineering shop by day so get to see the awesome software they use.
I am not going to argue if workstation card is a good choice, that's your choice. But I want to join the discussion.
AFAIK, colour accuracy / error correction / reliability… are all driver related. In Windows, work station card has their own driver, which make those difference. But under MacOS, most of those card are not even officially supported. Even they do (e.g. K5000), they use the same driver as the gaming card, which do not provide extra colour accuracy, reliability etc, and ECC is disabled. This is one of the main reason why lots of us didn't choose the workstation card. We pay the premium, but cannot enjoy any benefit. In some case, even the 24/7 support may be useless for us.
However, in terms of hardware, I believe workstation card is more reliable (less chance of having faulty hardware). I don't know their failure rate, it's just my guess. May be workstation card has more or less the same failure rate as the gaming card, but just has quick and helpful hardware support from manufacture. I really don't know.
Anyway, there is definitely more (powerful) single slot workstation card to choose. Or if want a card with 4 display port etc. It's also much easier to achieve that by installing a workstation card.
So, in terms of hardware, I can see their difference. But in terms of software, there should be no difference. And the software stop the hardware giving us any benefit under MacOS.