I got a rMBP 13 inch on Friday. 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD. Latest model. Since then Safari has crashed once and Mail has crashed once. No harm done either time and both were back up and running in seconds, but this concerns me because it's a brand new computer. I realize crashes happen regardless of OS or model of computer, but should I be worried? I am really happy with the computer and have had no other problems at all. It's fast, smooth and responsive. This is my first Mac since college (1992) so I guess I am what you'd call a noob.
I got a rMBP 13 inch on Friday. 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD. Latest model. Since then Safari has crashed once and Mail has crashed once. No harm done either time and both were back up and running in seconds, but this concerns me because it's a brand new computer. I realize crashes happen regardless of OS or model of computer, but should I be worried? I am really happy with the computer and have had no other problems at all. It's fast, smooth and responsive. This is my first Mac since college (1992) so I guess I am what you'd call a noob.