Although I have been a fan of the new MB I decided a few days prior launch that I wasn't going to order one. On the way back from Hyde Park (Chicago) I stopped at the Oak Brook, IL store today and spent a few minutes with one. Wow. The screen is gorgeous. The keyboard and trackpad are fine, they felt like I would be comfortable typing on them all day. The trackpad is cool. The size is fantastic for someone who travels or wants to cut down on weight. The build quality is a good as Apple has made so far, if not the best. The MBA looked very dated next to it. As to performance, my observations were limited. There was no UI lag at all in the the 10+ minutes that I was actually using it. All of the Apple apps ran smoothly and fast. The only non-Apple app that was installed was Light Room. I imported one of the pictures that they had loaded in Photos and played in LR for a while. Photo Shop with multiple layers may be another story although that is what I have my iMac for. Despite all the nay saying on this forum Apple is going to sell a lot of these. I have changed my mind and ordered a 1.3, 512 in Silver.
IMG_0134 by David Dornblaser, on Flickr
Oh, yeah, one of the salesperson suggested that I check out the the Apple Watches. I did, and even meet with the salesperson to try them on and play with a live watch. My Tissot had nothing to worry about.
IMG_0134 by David Dornblaser, on Flickr
Oh, yeah, one of the salesperson suggested that I check out the the Apple Watches. I did, and even meet with the salesperson to try them on and play with a live watch. My Tissot had nothing to worry about.