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macrumors 604
Original poster
Mar 17, 2004
Melenkurion Skyweir
Well, this past weekend was Homecoming weekend at my university. On Friday, I went to the pre-bash. I drank hard, both before, during and after the party, and got really drunk. I even went up the wrong stairs to the dorm (to take a piss - the outside toilet booth things had long lines, and I couldn't wait). The party was in the retrieving dock under the cafeteria, and the dorm is up the stairs to a upper level. Well, there's another set of stairs right next to that, that leads to a platform about 5 feet high. I'm not sure what the purpose of that platform is... And there's no railings. I basically went up that stairs by mistake, and when I got on top of the platform, I got confuzed and didn't know what's up with the wall that's blocking my way. I turned around, saw the drop-off, but for some reason didn't register it, and walked right over it and fell. Got scrapes on my right hand and a nasty bruise on my leg, and a hurt knee to prove it.

Anyway, I remember everything until after the pre-bash. I remember I went to a house party, and then... nothing, until I went back to the dorms, still quite drunk, and dropped to bed.

What's strange is that yesterday, while sitting in the cafeteria drinking water hoping that'd help my nasty hangover, a guy comes up to me and started chatting like we're best buddies. I had absolutely no idea who he is. Turns out I met him at the house party, and we chilled like villains and discussed philosophy and other deep ****. He thought I was cool ****.

Have this ever happened to you? I thought this was bizarre, and I felt a bit cheated - like the conversation was wasted, because I don't remember it. He doesn't think I'm that cool anymore. :p
Ah yes, many strange drunken experiences abound. Thanks to a crazy senior year of high school followed by my years so far at a very social school, I have lots of stories to tell.

A similar thing that happened to me recently was that I took my camera to a party and took quite a few pictures. Well, as I was flipping through those pictures I found one of myself making out with some random guy that I definitely don't remember. Must have been fun, but the experience was wasted on me.
This has happened to me more times than I care to remember (or not remember as the case may be). It's been over 5 years since I've done anything like that but I had quite a few experiences like that my final years of undergrad studies. I remember once I was convinced I learned how to teleport since I remembered being in the basement of a house for a party and the next coherent memory I was outside the house, I just attributed it to the super powers that alcohol can induce.

The last time I had any memory loss was the first time I was ever supposed to meet the woman that would become my wife outside of work. I am actually amazed that she ever agreed to go out with me again after that but somehow it all worked out.

Of course it didn't help that the University I was at had a 12:1 male:female ratio so there wasn't much else to do other than get fitshased most weekends.
LOL! I am laughing about your post! OH the BLACK OUTS!!! Happened to me about a week ago. I posted a drunk thread in here and I cannot remember doing that to this day!

Anyway, not remembering something happens to me every time I drink so that is why I need to NEVER get drunk. I have only been going out drinking recently cause my boyfriend broke up with me, but I decided to finally stop this past week. I have figured out there is something chemically messed up with my body's reaction to alcohol???!! I get really happy at first, and then something will happen and I end the night miserable and crying, playing sad songs??!! Most of that is being heartbroken but I am so over waking up feeling like what the hell was wrong with me??!!

I enjoyed reading the story though...back in my college days this happened all the time. There were some nights I would take a ton of pictures and when I got them developed I didn't know half the people in them but yet we all looked like the best of friends! So funny! :)
Raven VII said:
Well, this past weekend was Homecoming weekend at my university. On Friday, I went to the pre-bash. I drank hard, both before, during and after the party, and got really drunk. I even went up the wrong stairs to the dorm (to take a piss - the outside toilet booth things had long lines, and I couldn't wait). The party was in the retrieving dock under the cafeteria, and the dorm is up the stairs to a upper level. Well, there's another set of stairs right next to that, that leads to a platform about 5 feet high. I'm not sure what the purpose of that platform is... And there's no railings. I basically went up that stairs by mistake, and when I got on top of the platform, I got confuzed and didn't know what's up with the wall that's blocking my way. I turned around, saw the drop-off, but for some reason didn't register it, and walked right over it and fell. Got scrapes on my right hand and a nasty bruise on my leg, and a hurt knee to prove it.

Anyway, I remember everything until after the pre-bash. I remember I went to a house party, and then... nothing, until I went back to the dorms, still quite drunk, and dropped to bed.

What's strange is that yesterday, while sitting in the cafeteria drinking water hoping that'd help my nasty hangover, a guy comes up to me and started chatting like we're best buddies. I had absolutely no idea who he is. Turns out I met him at the house party, and we chilled like villains and discussed philosophy and other deep ****. He thought I was cool ****.

Have this ever happened to you? I thought this was bizarre, and I felt a bit cheated - like the conversation was wasted, because I don't remember it. He doesn't think I'm that cool anymore. :p

Has this happened to me, uh yea this past Friday night, in addition to almost every Friday night freshmen year. I drank 2 40's of malt liquor at my apartment, went to a Friends apartment drank 3 brews while watching the homecoming fire works on his porch then went to the bar and drank more, made an ass out of myself, my gf, all my gf friends who were visiting for alumni weekend(my buddies didn't really take offense, in fact encouraged). However none of them held it against me since it's not the first time or the 100th time.

I wouldn't sweat it, if i kept track of all the times i got drunk and into random conversations with random people, well then I'd probably have left campus. Maybe just attempt to chill a little on the alcohol. I know it's easier said then done especially during celebration times(I had just finished 3 mid-terms a long paper and a presentation, so drinking lightly was kinda outta the question on Friday)

I have found that as long as i take things easy rather then, participating in every shot-gunning of beer, or being the one who does keg stands, or playing 15 straight games of flip-cup/beer pong, then I still find enough brew in my veins to have a good time and in fact a great time!

The comparison which brings me back to the point of this post and relates it to yours. Friday night as i just mentioned i got bombed i was sloppy in the bar, in front of my gf(who i hadn't seen in a few weeks), and every other person i came in contact with(public trans., sidewalk), so i made a complete ass out of myself. Saturday night i took it easy taking it slowly and spreading it out, i still managed to get in the shots with everyone, but instead of pre-gaming as hard as everyone else did, and double fisting the dollar beers at the bars I took it slow and turns out i was the one helping get people home/rides to places. I still managed to have conversations with everyone i hadn't seen in a while, i still laughed with all of my buddies, and most importantly i remember all the things that everyone told me!(Some of my close friends have moved very far away after graduation and there is no substitute to hearing them tell their stories of jobs, friends, experiences, as opposed to emails and phone calls) Moral of the story, i'm not gonna tell you not to drink because why the hell would you listen to someone on a forum, but what i am suggesting is that dude you can still party and drink even alot, but make your new getting slammed or "drunk" make that at a level where you still remember things, and have a good time. Don't make drunk blacking out which routinely so many college kids do. It's a vicious trend to only consider yourself drunk enough if you don't remember things.(Freshmen years in the dorms we'd get someone to buy us a handle of 10 dollar vodka, which we'd proceed to take 8 shots each BEFORE going out) I have found a much better level to call myself drunk, "as soon as i start to feel like dancing to songs like Madonna, Ace of Base." Good Luck, and drink plenty of water.
macartistkel said:
LOL! I am laughing about your post! OH the BLACK OUTS!!! Happened to me about a week ago. I posted a drunk thread in here and I cannot remember doing that to this day!

Anyway, not remembering something happens to me every time I drink so that is why I need to NEVER get drunk. I have only been going out drinking recently cause my boyfriend broke up with me, but I decided to finally stop this past week. I have figured out there is something chemically messed up with my body's reaction to alcohol???!! I get really happy at first, and then something will happen and I end the night miserable and crying, playing sad songs??!! Most of that is being heartbroken but I am so over waking up feeling like what the hell was wrong with me??!!

I enjoyed reading the story though...back in my college days this happened all the time. There were some nights I would take a ton of pictures and when I got them developed I didn't know half the people in them but yet we all looked like the best of friends! So funny! :)

Oh yea you did i was in on that one, i actually was pre-gaming myself i think and i was encouraging you to keep posting. You said something along the lines of "drunk drunky drunkity i don't care i'm drunkkk" or some other combination of hilarious typing
:( Blackouts are your body's danger sign to you.
Drinking after experiencing blackouts is a potential sign of alcoholism.

That said... The last time I blacked out apparently; I made a fool out of myself when I killed a decent sized handle of vodka by myself (I'm not a very big woman at all, Asian at that!). I 'forced' my bf to call up his missing pals and drunkenly told them that they better get over to the get together or I'd kick their butts. Then when I eventually started to feel sick, I kept repeating non-stop, literally, "I don't feel so gizzood" over and over again. :eek:
haha mostly i have those blackouts of the way home or of the way from club to club

you know those moments when you wake up and the last thing you remember is yourself picking up your denim jacket saying "i think it's time to go now"...then over the next minutes you realize that you not only changed to night clothes but also ate the last remaining bread & cheese, and checked emails

i got told later that i laid my arm around a girl when walking though town.. i still can't believe that since her kinda-ex-boyfriend was present... they still like each other and go in the clubs together.. so they might be pulling a joke on me there ;)

thankfully i still remember the other story which included vodka, rain,shopping carts,and street signs for rain protection .. :cool:
iDM said:
Oh yea you did i was in on that one, i actually was pre-gaming myself i think and i was encouraging you to keep posting. You said something along the lines of "drunk drunky drunkity i don't care i'm drunkkk" or some other combination of hilarious typing

Yep, that was me!! If it wasn't for one of my friends on here sending me a Private message about the drunk thread, there is no way I would have even known about it!! :p
I got the private message the next day and I was like WTF???:eek:
atszyman said:
Of course it didn't help that the University I was at had a 12:1 male:female ratio so there wasn't much else to do other than get fitshased most weekends.

Same problem here. A ton of dirty male engineers all getting "fitshased" ;) every night we can, because we have nothing else to do.

While I don't necessarily condone such a frequently abuse of substances, I see no arguable alternative.
efoto said:
Same problem here. A ton of dirty male engineers all getting "fitshased" ;) every night we can, because we have nothing else to do.

While I don't necessarily condone such a frequently abuse of substances, I see no arguable alternative.

Hmm. Just noticed your location is Michigan. Might we have attended the same University?

MTU was mine. Wednesday nights was live entertainment at our favorite bar, Thursday nights was quarter tappers, Friday night pitchers, and Saturday night was... well... Saturday night.
atszyman said:
Hmm. Just noticed your location is Michigan. Might we have attended the same University?

MTU was mine. Wednesday nights was live entertainment at our favorite bar, Thursday nights was quarter tappers, Friday night pitchers, and Saturday night was... well... Saturday night.

Is MTU Michigan Tech Uni? I go to Kettering University, formerly General Motors Institute (GMI), thank god it changed because I hate cars for a mechanical driving but nothing else.

There is a friend of mine who has the entire week mapped out for drinking, a term for each day. Something to the effect of:

Slurppy Sunday / or Sober Sunday (depending on effort level and availability of booze on Sunday....some places don't distribute on this holiest of holies :p)
Manic Monday
Trashed Tuesday
Wasted Wednesday
Thirsty Thursday
Fu**ed Up Friday
Sloshed Saturday (funny note, "sloshed" is actually defined by Tiger as "drunk" :D )

A few vary and I'm not sure on all of them, but that was basically it. He had a name to drink for every day of the week. School definitely sucks with no girls around, thankfully working in GR has a decent scenery ;)
kids learn through experience. natural selection takes its place when needed.


soph or junior year at UW Whitewater, can't remember. i didn't drink for 6 months just to prove a point. i ate some deep fried fish that night, a lot of beer, then the one shot of soco to kick my bile out.

drinking after blackouts is NOT always a result of alcoholism. alcoholism (in my definition) is when drinking becomes a problem to you and the people around you.

i've once passed out in 7 different locations and continued to drink. i've binged and purged and kept drinking. funny how i'm 21 NOW, i don't drink that much anymore (on occasions maybe). but pre-21 drinking does get your experience and your knowhow on your body, which i HIGHLY believe in so you don't turn into a "lightweight" when drinking socially.

but thats just me, born and raised in madison.
efoto said:
Is MTU Michigan Tech Uni? I go to Kettering University, formerly General Motors Institute (GMI), thank god it changed because I hate cars for a mechanical driving but nothing else.

There is a friend of mine who has the entire week mapped out for drinking, a term for each day. Something to the effect of:

Slurppy Sunday / or Sober Sunday (depending on effort level and availability of booze on Sunday....some places don't distribute on this holiest of holies :p)
Manic Monday
Trashed Tuesday
Wasted Wednesday
Thirsty Thursday
Fu**ed Up Friday
Sloshed Saturday (funny note, "sloshed" is actually defined by Tiger as "drunk" :D )

A few vary and I'm not sure on all of them, but that was basically it. He had a name to drink for every day of the week. School definitely sucks with no girls around, thankfully working in GR has a decent scenery ;)

Yep, Michigan Tech was my Uni. Had to drink, few women and snowed in for 8 of the 9 months school was in session. It's not that we didn't drink every night, it's just that Wed-Sat had good bar deals/parties. My senior year I even had an 8:00 am class on Fridays that I made every one of. Even sat in the front. Can't say that I was in the best shape most Fridays but I was there....
That picture was not necessary in the slightest...:eek:

I don't have a problem with getting a bit smashed on occasion, but I think floored every other day like some people do just doesn't sit well with me...:p
toezter, there is more things than I dare say that is wrong with that photo.

But yes, kids learn from those tht know, Excessive drinking leads to bad things.

On a lighter note, occasionally we down a 6pack or more and then go DH mountain biking. dulss the pain of crashes and makes the whole exerience really weird.

toezter said:
kids learn through experience. natural selection takes its place when needed.[img]
soph or junior year at UW Whitewater, can't remember. i didn't drink for 6 months just to prove a point. i ate some deep fried fish that night, a lot of beer, then the one shot of soco to kick my bile out.
but pre-21 drinking does get your experience and your knowhow on your body, which i HIGHLY believe in so you don't turn into a "lightweight" when drinking socially.

but thats just me, born and raised in madison.[/QUOTE]

That picture is utterly disgusting. I really have no other words for it, simply gross.

[quote=atszyman]Yep, Michigan Tech was my Uni. Had to drink, few women and snowed in for 8 of the 9 months school was in session. It's not that we didn't drink every night, it's just that Wed-Sat had good bar deals/parties. My senior year I even had an 8:00 am class on Fridays that I made every one of. Even sat in the front. Can't say that I was in the best shape most Fridays but I was there....[/quote]

I've had a few morning classes where I have gone drunk, or hungover, not too many but a few. This coming term should be interesting because I only have a single class on Tues/Fri (10-12) and no classes on Wednesday, and it's winter term so there will be snow and little to do, and no lots o drankin :p
Skareb said:
toezter, there is more things than I dare say that is wrong with that photo.

But yes, kids learn from those tht know, Excessive drinking leads to bad things.

On a lighter note, occasionally we down a 6pack or more and then go DH mountain biking. dulss the pain of crashes and makes the whole exerience really weird.


Drunken downhill mountain biking:

Top ten things you should do a lot if you really want to live out the year.

OutThere said:
Skareb said:
toezter, there is more things than I dare say that is wrong with that photo.

But yes, kids learn from those tht know, Excessive drinking leads to bad things.

On a lighter note, occasionally we down a 6pack or more and then go DH mountain biking. dulss the pain of crashes and makes the whole exerience really weird.

Drunken downhill mountain biking:

Top ten things you should do a lot if you really want to live out the year.


I get into enough pain and trouble mountain biking sober, I can't imagine it drunk. I have already busted two ribs and theoretically had a minor concussion related to this wonderful sport :p I say theoretically because I went down the hill (not the way you were supposed to thanks to the guy in front of me :mad: ) and hit a tree. I was off-track and alone....and somehow it took me a while to get my bearings and such. I get into the tent after finishing out my lap and my helmet is cracked in a few places all the way to my head, and I am bleeding everywhere from tumbling down. Bastard, he just couldn't let me pass him like he was supposed to.
OutThere said:
Drunken downhill mountain biking:

Top ten things you should do a lot if you really want to live out the year.
We we in that stage of adolesece where you think you're invincible. You're either yet to get there or have been there;)


P.S: efote that was one major fall.
Skareb said:
We we in that stage of adolesece where you think you're invincible. You're either yet to get there or have been there;)


P.S: efote that was one major fall.

Already been there for me (invincible stage)....for a long while and it actually worked in a lot of cases. I took a lot of spills and got right back up from them. Now that I'm getting old :rolleyes: things hurt a little more and actual bad stuff happens on occasion.

That was a bad fall, worst I have ever taken. It was a 12 hour race, we were in the nighttime leg, and my headlight went out, his taillight, and he was a class below me and not going nearly as fast. Without the red flasher on his bike or the headlight on mine (still had helmet light but needed that for some other things) I kept rubbing tires with him. He slammed on his breaks once, either to let me go or piss me off....or to slow down I guess....and I hit him pretty hard. We were on a 'cliff' that was a ridable 8-12 inches wide and probably 60º to our left and right, so when I hit him I went to the right, down, and kissed most every tree on the way down. Clipless pedals were an enemy that night as the bike stayed connected to one foot and strained that leg's quad pretty bad as it was getting thrown around. Thankfully the bike was okay....more or less. I sold that frame and built up a new one on most of the same components....just to forget that night.
toezter said:
drinking after blackouts is NOT always a result of alcoholism. alcoholism (in my definition) is when drinking becomes a problem to you and the people around you.
That's just it... that is with your definition. I've taken 3 university courses on substance abuse and addiction and believe me, it is considered a sign of alcoholism (and at first, 'only' abuse) if you drink until you black out and if you continue to drink after that episode.

When you black out, your body is being harmed.

You can die the very first time you drink. You can die if you consume 'too much' alcohol 'too fast,' and that mark is much easier to hit than you'd think.
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