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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 17, 2011
Spokane, WA
Day 7 is over. rick snagwell is dead. A wolf.

Villagers Win!

So... The fun stuff.

The players:
WoodNUFC: Hunter
Sythas: Villager
rick snagwell: Alpha
twietee: Villager
Moyank24: Undertaker
Ravenvii: Neighborhood Watch
Scepticalscribe: Villager
Plutonius: Bartender
Philbeeney: Villager
Tomorrow: Guard
mscriv: Villager, then Seer
Dsching: Neighborhood Watch
curmudgeonette: Kamikaze
mrkramer: Villager
Queen of Spades: Villager
Don't Panic: Villager

The events:
Day 1
WoodNUFC Lynched
Night 1
twietee killed by Wolves.
Plutonius gives twietee an advantage.
twietee scans Queen of Spades
Ravenvii/Dsching invite Moyank24 to NW
Moyank24 Scans WoodNUFC
Tomorrow protects Moyank24
Day 2
Ravenvii Lynched
Night 2
Tomorrow protects Tomorrow
mscriv scans Plutonius
Plutonius gives Queen of Spades an advantage
Queen of Spades scans Moyank24
Wolves kill mscriv
Moyank24 Scans Twietee
Day 3
rick snagwell infects Tomorrow
Night 3
Wolves kill Plutonius
Moyank24 Scans Sythas
Tomorrow protects Queen of Spades
Day 4
rick snagwell infects Scepticalscribe
Philbeeney lynched
Night 4
Moyank Scans Philbeeney
Wolves kill Moyank24
Tomorrow protects Tomorrow
Day 5
Scepticalscribe lynched, first wolf death
Night 5
Tomorrow protects Queen of Spades
Wolves kill Don't Panic
Day 6
Curmudgeonette lynched, second wolf death
Tomorrow killed by the Kamikaze
Night 6
Wolves kill Dsing
Day 7
rick snagwell lynched, last wolf death
Villagers Win!

So. The seer. Copying all of the roles into excel and I missed the seer. So when I put that into, no one got that role. I didn't realize until the first night when I was going through everything and didn't have anything for the seer, but I had somehow sent Tomorrow Mo's role. I blame being exhausted and sick. Tomorrow knew that that wasn't supposed to happen. Totally my mistake.
Afterwards, I gave mscriv the role (again, using Kinda sucky, but being only day 1 (and mscriv did get a scan for that night) I don't think it would have changed things too much.

And infection. After the first attempt failed, rick asked whether there was a second attempt. I didn't say specifically in the OP, and since things were kinda tipped in the villagers favor, the wolves did get a second attempt, with the caveat that they had to wait until the next day ("the wolf was injured and needed to recuperate before making an attempt again" so to speak).

Overall, even with my mistakes and lack of clarity in the OP, I think the game actually went well. The two new players were both incidentally able to work with experienced players, and we went practically as far as possible because of some very lucky and unlucky moves by both sides.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 22, 2009
Québec, Canada
Day 7 is over. rick snagwell is dead. A wolf.

Villagers Win!

So... The fun stuff.

The players:
WoodNUFC: Hunter
Sythas: Villager
rick snagwell: Alpha
twietee: Villager
Moyank24: Undertaker
Ravenvii: Neighborhood Watch
Scepticalscribe: Villager
Plutonius: Bartender
Philbeeney: Villager
Tomorrow: Guard
mscriv: Villager, then Seer
Dsching: Neighborhood Watch
curmudgeonette: Kamikaze
mrkramer: Villager
Queen of Spades: Villager
Don't Panic: Villager

The events:
Day 1
WoodNUFC Lynched
Night 1
twietee killed by Wolves.
Plutonius gives twietee an advantage.
twietee scans Queen of Spades
Ravenvii/Dsching invite Moyank24 to NW
Moyank24 Scans WoodNUFC
Tomorrow protects Moyank24
Day 2
Ravenvii Lynched
Night 2
Tomorrow protects Tomorrow
mscriv scans Plutonius
Plutonius gives Queen of Spades an advantage
Queen of Spades scans Moyank24
Wolves kill mscriv
Moyank24 Scans Twietee
Day 3
rick snagwell infects Tomorrow
Night 3
Wolves kill Plutonius
Moyank24 Scans Sythas
Tomorrow protects Queen of Spades
Day 4
rick snagwell infects Scepticalscribe
Philbeeney lynched
Night 4
Moyank Scans Philbeeney
Wolves kill Moyank24
Tomorrow protects Tomorrow
Day 5
Scepticalscribe lynched, first wolf death
Night 5
Tomorrow protects Queen of Spades
Wolves kill Don't Panic
Day 6
Curmudgeonette lynched, second wolf death
Tomorrow killed by the Kamikaze
Night 6
Wolves kill Dsing
Day 7
rick snagwell lynched, last wolf death
Villagers Win!

So. The seer. Copying all of the roles into excel and I missed the seer. So when I put that into, no one got that role. I didn't realize until the first night when I was going through everything and didn't have anything for the seer, but I had somehow sent Tomorrow Mo's role. I blame being exhausted and sick. Tomorrow knew that that wasn't supposed to happen. Totally my mistake.
Afterwards, I gave mscriv the role (again, using Kinda sucky, but being only day 1 (and mscriv did get a scan for that night) I don't think it would have changed things too much.

And infection. After the first attempt failed, rick asked whether there was a second attempt. I didn't say specifically in the OP, and since things were kinda tipped in the villagers favor, the wolves did get a second attempt, with the caveat that they had to wait until the next day ("the wolf was injured and needed to recuperate before making an attempt again" so to speak).

Overall, even with my mistakes and lack of clarity in the OP, I think the game actually went well. The two new players were both incidentally able to work with experienced players, and we went practically as far as possible because of some very lucky and unlucky moves by both sides.

It's never easy, but you did a great job! the hardest part is make a decision and stick with it.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Fantastic game, and very well done, @Comeagain? - superbly well run and fairly adjudicated.

After recent games - and also due to 'stuff' at home - I had decided to take a back seat on this game. I was delighted to get a plain 'villager' role - not a special - and had come to the conclusion that I had become perhaps a little too emotionally invested in earlier games. In fact, I assumed that I would get lynched, or killed early on, and wasn't much exercised or emotionally invested in the outcome. Instead, I was infected.

So, @Don't panic was quite right about what he termed my 'resignation' and semi-detached participation, but - as it happened - wrong about the reasoning.

At this juncture, I'd like to pay tribute to my partners-in-crime, @rick snagwell and @curmudgeonette - they were outstanding as wolves and put a huge amount of work, thought, planning, and intelligent calculation into the game. It was an honour and a privilege to play with them, and to be a part of their team - although, initially, I must admit that I cursed them heartily (privately) when they infected me and notified me of the fact of the infection. Anyway, they were superb, and exceptionally dedicated and ferociously hard-working putting a huge amount of thought and planning into every move.

Well done village - a heard earned win. And, once again, @Comeagain? - thank you, and warm congratulations on a very well - and fairly - run game.


macrumors 604
Mar 2, 2008
Always a day away
Wow, I'm actually surprised the villagers were able to pull off the come-from-behind here. Good job, everyone!

Also, it's tough to get a read on a new player as a werewolf, since you don't really have any previous behavior patterns to go on. Well played game, @curmudgeonette!

Oh, and I almost made it to the very end this time! feelsgoodman.jpg

EDIT: So how many survivors did we end up having?


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Wow, I'm actually surprised the villagers were able to pull off the come-from-behind here. Good job, everyone!

Also, it's tough to get a read on a new player as a werewolf, since you don't really have any previous behavior patterns to go on. Well played game, @curmudgeonette!

Oh, and I almost made it to the very end this time! feelsgoodman.jpg

EDIT: So how many survivors did we end up having?

Two. They were @Queen of Spades and @mrkramer, respectively.

Queen of Spades

macrumors 68030
May 9, 2008
The Iron Throne
thanks, but team effort per usual! glad to see DP get to stick around a little longer than usual, same with some others. and rick played a pretty good Alpha - they almost had us. I admit I had a chip on my shoulder about being left alive/alone, but thankfully that decision bit the wolves in the butt in the end. And I got to work on some misdirection. Fun game. Thanks again @Comeagain?.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2016
Wow, what a trial by fire! I had expected to be gallows fodder, er, a villager; post some analysis; and die mid-game.

Instead I got to be a wolf. I had to pick my votes to advance the wolves' agenda, and vote as a villager, and vote as an inexperienced/stupid newbie, and combine all three criteria into a unified vote. The third criterion wasn't that hard as this was the first time I've ever played this game! A few times, I spent an hour choosing my vote.

I guess my voting was successful - villagers didn't seem to see a connection between me and rick snagwell until just the very end.


Analysis of Comeagain?'s comments around the lack of a Seer led me to believe that twietee must have been a special and that WoodNUFC might also have been a special. The logic was that twietee could not have been the Seer because he was something else. Thus picking a remaining player to be the Seer would not affect the game. I wasn't sure if this logic extended to WoodNUFC or not.

As it turned out, this wasn't quite the case:

WoodNUFC: Hunter
twietee: Villager

Our failed Day 3 infection attempt of Tomorrow was a panicked attempt to sway the voting away from rick snagwell. As it turned out, this wasn't necessary as Tomorrow changed to a no vote.

The failure did however clue us into the Guard's protection pattern. This allowed us to kill unhindered the rest of the game!

I was trying to understand Comeagain?'s decision around a second infection attempt. Many of the nightly actions have a 24 game hour repetition rate. As we originally tried to use it during the Day time, having to wait for the next Day made sense.

The second infection chance was probably a double edged sword. Scepticalscribe was selected because rick snagwell thought her to be the Seer. That was a failure. While we gained some voting control, we now had to protect a third wolf, while trying to avoid the appearance of a link. Ultimately, I think this was our undoing.

We were amused that the villagers though Scepticalscribe was the Alpha! Village fail.

Tomorrow protects Queen of Spades
Wolves kill Don't panic

We killed Don't panic because we (correctly!) thought that Queen of Spades might be protected. We actually thought that the player most likely to be protected was Dsching.

At the end I was advocating for a Tomorrow vs Dsching vs rick snagwell final day. This would play on the villagers mistaken hunt for the Infection. It is not clear if we could have achieved this endgame. If the Kamikaze kill were blocked, there would be four players - and the villagers would now be mistakenly looking for the Kamikaze. This would throw suspicion onto rick snagwell as village specials cannot be the Kamikaze.

It actually would have worked: The same protection that caused us to kill Don't panic was still in affect for the Kamikaze kill. Thus I would have chosen mrkramer, and the Alpha would have nightly killed Queen of Spades. Then Tomorrow and Dsching would be pointing at each other looking for the infected villager, and rick snagwell could pick one of them at random. Tomorrow's vote for Don't panic would have made him look really guilty.

However, rick snagwell had other endgame plans. Hence I deferred to the Alpha and made use of knowledge of the Guard's protection sequence to kill Tomorrow.

At one point I was contemplating a Kamikaze-Hunter Gambit: If voting were to go against me, I was going to claim to be the Hunter. The apparent high mortality rate of specials made this viable. If I were to win the gambit, I'd have 99% cleared myself. If I lost, I was the Kamikaze, so someone else would likely also die.

WoodNUFC: Hunter
Moyank24: Undertaker
mscriv: Villager, then Seer
WoodNUFC Lynched
Moyank24 Scans WoodNUFC
Wolves kill mscriv
Night 4
Wolves kill Moyank24

This would have worked from day 5 on. However, on that day Scepticalscribe was lynched. If instead I had been on the hot seat, I'd have played the Gambit. The following day I didn't play the Gambit because, while I would have cleared myself, suspicion would likely fall on rick snagwell.


Well, it is time to retire to other forums here and complain about all recent OSX version, phones screens bigger than 3.5"4", chiclet keyboards, and so on.


macrumors 603
Jan 24, 2012
At the end I was advocating for a Tomorrow vs Dsching vs rick snagwell final day.

Yes, keeping QoS around was a foolish idea! :D

Letting Tomorrow live that long was a nice gamble - I would have sworn he was the infected. So killing him off after all was only halfway there. Major benefit for the village was killing Dching I'd say.

Good game curmudgeonette - maybe you'll join us once more in the future!

Did I miss it or did nobody ever ask who was invited by the NW? That was irritating me when following from the sideline, but maybe I missed that. Also funny how DP keptrepeatedly referencing this or that to Wood, although he got lynched the first day after all :D


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Excellent analysis, @curmudgeonette. You and @ricksnagwell made a superb pair of wolves.

By Day 4, I had thought that I would have been lynched, as a villager, and was relatively indifferent to the outcome, and had intended to post once that I was a villager, rather than attempting an impassioned defence.

However, while I was somewhat surprised to be on the receiving end of an infection, I was pretty certain that I was due to be scanned, or lynched, (or killed) by the WWs within the next day or so.

Re the last night kill, if I were around, I would have selected @Queen of Spades, too, but there is little point in second guessing ourselves subsequent to the game.

Both village and wolves played extremely well, and there was also a welcome absence of the rancour that has marked the end of some games.

Bravo, to @Queen of Spades - superb game. Both sides got a few lucky breaks, but - to my mind - what distinguished this game was the ferocious work rate and planning and thought that the wolves put in. It was that which enabled them to play with such cool calculated nerve for so long while being able to take the risk of having strong players remain alive on the village side.
We had eight pages of private wolf discussion versus the fifteen pages of public discussion by all others.

I know. I read it all. More than once.

Actually, when I received the PM informing me that I had been infected, my heart sank when I realised the preparation and homework I had to do before I could begin to think of playing any sort of meaningful role as a WW.

Anyway, as someone who applauds thought and preparation, you can call me impressed. An extraordinarily impressive work rate by the WWs.

In fact, to my mind, that is the main reason why they were able to last to the bitter end. Indeed, both @rick snagwell - who wasn't even suspected, or seriously on the radar until the last day, when there was hardly anyone else left, - and @curmudgeonette - who showed an exemplary capacity for strategic and tactical planning and analysis - were outstanding.

Again, while - for totally unrelated reasons - I started the game disengaged. and relatively detached, resigned to an early demise, - it was a privilege and pleasure to be on such an accomplished WW team.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2016
Good game curmudgeonette - maybe you'll join us once more in the future!

Yes, probably!

Did I miss it or did nobody ever ask who was invited by the NW? That was irritating me when following from the sideline, but maybe I missed that. Also funny how DP keptrepeatedly referencing this or that to Wood, although he got lynched the first day after all :D

It was kind of obvious that Moyank24 was the invitee. Initially it was revealed that Dsching and ravenvii were the Night Watch. We also knew that Moyank24 was a special, but likely something other than NW. When Mo commented that the deceased ravenvii had been NW, she must have either been the invitee, or the Seer or Undertaker who had scanned ravenvii. Further cooperation between Dsching and Moyank24 confirmed the NW invitee status.
However, while I was somewhat surprised to be on the receiving end of an infection, I was pretty certain that I was due to be scanned, or lynched, (or killed) by the WWs within the next day or so.

Yes, you (and Moyank24 and Queen of Spades) were on our hit list. It really looked like one you might have been the Seer, or at least had scanning ability.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Well, the WWs did well in removing the Hunter so early - although I am somewhat surprised that @WooodNUFC did not defined himself more strongly - specials usually try to mount a more spirited defence as their removal is a loss to the village.

Likewise, once @mscriv was appointed Seer, he was slaughtered in short order - that was a good call by the WWs.

A long and excellent game, one which certainly opened my eyes to the sort of serious work that a good WW team have to do in order to present a serious threat to the end.
[doublepost=1455620631][/doublepost]Yes, it was rather funny that the village - erroneously - thought I was the Alpha, when, in fact, I wasn't, as I had started the game a relatively unengaged villager.
Yes, you (and Moyank24 and Queen of Spades) were on our hit list. It really looked like one you might have been the Seer, or at least had scanning ability.

No, I was merely trying to work out aloud - and invite the village to think - about who might have had what roles. Had I been the Seer, I probably would have been a little more reticent about discussing roles.
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