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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


Apple CEO Steve Jobs wowed the crowd during the company’s World Wide Developer Conference back in June with demos of various iPhone games that were in development for eventual App Store release. One of the more impressive titles was Digital Legends‘ Kroll.

Kroll appeared in the App Store today as a $7.99 download. Kroll is described as a 3D-rendered side-scrolling fighter divided into three chapters, each of which includes three levels plus a boss battle. The game is controlled by touching six icons arrayed about the edges of the iPhone’s screen. Said controls consist of left / right movement, left / right quick attacks, and left / right delivery of slower, more powerful attacks.

A video posted back in June gives a taste of the game, but actual visual may have changed since this video was produced:

App Store Link:

Article Link


macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2008
So there's nine levels? Hopefully this game isn't short and that the levels are long.

Indeed I hope the same. Otherwise I am really happy that it is finally out. I have been waiting patiently and now I buy it.


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2007
Indiana, USA
Someone get it and let us know if its any good. I'm very tired of wasting money on games that look good but end up sucking. I wish more developers would see there is a desire for good in-depth games on the iPhone. Its not just an average cell phone. It could be a whole new handheld gaming device if people developed for it.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 3, 2007
i think there are plenty of great looking, great playing games..........the problem is the replayability factor. they look great and play great, for only a short period of time, i.e. less than a month at which point its just money wasted. devs need to take advantage of the iphone's online/networking ability and offer more multiplayer/online type options so we won't get bored so quick. galcon is a great example of a game if it were not for the multiplayer aspect, i think i would have gotten bored with it in less than a couple of weeks.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 11, 2003
In the Bowels of the Cosmos
Someone get it and let us know if its any good. I'm very tired of wasting money on games that look good but end up sucking. I wish more developers would see there is a desire for good in-depth games on the iPhone. Its not just an average cell phone. It could be a whole new handheld gaming device if people developed for it.

I think one cause of the hindrance of in-depth app development for the iPhone is the "relatively" low price these apps are selling for. A developer may not wish to invest heavily in a game that will only sell for $10 or less.

Just my 2 cents.


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2007
Indiana, USA
I think one cause of the hindrance of in-depth app development for the iPhone is the "relatively" low price these apps are selling for. A developer may not wish to invest heavily in a game that will only sell for $10 or less.

Just my 2 cents.

The market seems to be there though. Even for $10 or $15 if they make a good game there are enough people to buy it they'll money.


macrumors 65816
Mar 20, 2008
LOL.. I spend way too much on the App store already, but I'm buying this anyway. :p


macrumors 68000
Aug 29, 2007
Developer land
Hmm as much as I hate saying this and think i (should) volunteer myself, I think i'll wait on this one until good reviews/replay value scores are out.
Not really into the troll type games but the video from toucharcade does look good.


macrumors 6502a
May 23, 2006
I think one cause of the hindrance of in-depth app development for the iPhone is the "relatively" low price these apps are selling for. A developer may not wish to invest heavily in a game that will only sell for $10 or less.

Just my 2 cents.

I think the one exception to this are sports based games. I bought Real Soccer 2009 and I've played, no lie, well over 100 games on it and don't plan on stopping until I have all the trophies (400-500 games) so it's has a HUGE replay-ability factor but that's just me. I like to win all the trophies, records and everything else in sports games.

*For conversion sake that's well over 50 hours of entertainment


macrumors 68000
Aug 29, 2007
Developer land
I think the one exception to this are sports based games. I bought Real Soccer 2009 and I've played, no lie, well over 100 games on it and don't plan on stopping until I have all the trophies (400-500 games) so it's has a HUGE replay-ability factor but that's just me. I like to win all the trophies, records and everything else in sports games.

*For conversion sake that's well over 50 hours of entertainment

A little off topic but my god you're completely right, RS09 has huge replay value.


macrumors 6502a
May 23, 2006
A little off topic but my god you're completely right, RS09 has huge replay value.

Yep, there's a reason that madden is always the #1 video game. There are no "levels" and you can never technically beat the game because every single game is always different. You basically just stop playing when you feel as though you've accomplished enough (some it's 1 super bowl, some it's 10) to say you've throughly owned the game! :)


macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
Playing it now. Interface is beautiful, game looks and sounds great.

Gameplay seems a bit limited thus far (only on 1st level), forward/backward, big hit or little hit, and that's about it. Still, fun so far! Controls are very easy :)

Edit - Seems short though. I'm about half-way through after less than 20 minutes of play.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
First impressions. The visuals are very impressive. Great looking game.

The controls work well. The gameplay, however, is very simple. There is move left/right, fast attack left/right and slow attack left/right.

So you are just hitting attack a lot and running through. The Boss fights are even more simplistic - basically it’s one big cut-scene. Big boss appears and this icon appears at certain moments and you have to press the icon very quickly. If you don’t, you get killed. If you do hit the icon at the right moment, it branches to a cut scene where you dodge/fight in some elaborate manner. You have to press the icon about 4-5 times at the right moment to make it through a boss fight.

not sure if there's going to be much replay value.



macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2008
Playing it now. Interface is beautiful, game looks and sounds great.

Gameplay seems a bit limited thus far (only on 1st level), forward/backward, big hit or little hit, and that's about it. Still, fun so far! Controls are very easy :)

I agree. I finished the first chapter in 5m and there is another 2 chapters before I finished the game (a few levels per chapters).

The problem with this game is the amount of levels. Is it really worth to pay for a game that you finish in 20m ?? Too late, I payed for it and just for the ambiance, it is worth it. I really hope the update it and add levels.


macrumors newbie
Sep 10, 2008
Playing it now. Interface is beautiful, game looks and sounds great.

Gameplay seems a bit limited thus far (only on 1st level), forward/backward, big hit or little hit, and that's about it. Still, fun so far! Controls are very easy :)

Same feelings here... great technical achievement but the gameplay is limited, repetitive and flat. No jumps, no other interaction besides the combat with really easy and static enemies; and the boss fights, at least the first one, is just a quick time event where you touch some icons on the screen while the action goes on. But just like you, i've played only the first level, so i'm still keeping my fingers crossed for something more than that further in the game...


macrumors 68000
Aug 29, 2007
Developer land
First impressions. The visuals are very impressive. Great looking game.

The controls work well. The gameplay, however, is very simple. There is move left/right, fast attack left/right and slow attack left/right.

So you are just hitting attack a lot and running through. The Boss fights are even more simplistic - basically it’s one big cut-scene. Big boss appears and this icon appears at certain moments and you have to press the icon very quickly. If you don’t, you get killed. If you do hit the icon at the right moment, it branches to a cut scene where you dodge/fight in some elaborate manner. You have to press the icon about 4-5 times at the right moment to make it through a boss fight.

not sure if there's going to be much replay value.


Alright cool, thanks Arnold. Seems like a pretty simple game with good graphics - not sure if it's worth investing in. Perhaps updates could bring more levels?
Is it possible to change the skill level?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2008
California, USA
So you're telling me that the iPhone has enough processing power and cache to render all of those 3D graphics, yet it can't even handle the simple Apps that keep crashing ... and not enough cache to be able to click "back" in Safari without having to reload the page ?????????????????? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:


macrumors 603
Aug 29, 2006
So you're telling me that the iPhone has enough processing power and cache to render all of those 3D graphics, yet it can't even handle the simple Apps that keep crashing ... and not enough cache to be able to click "back" in Safari without having to reload the page ?????????????????? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
APp crashing can be completely unrelated to power and cache.
And clicking back in Safari does a reload rather than a cache back. Which is a decision in a way to do that. It certainly helps on overheads i'd imagine to do it that way.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 14, 2006
I think one cause of the hindrance of in-depth app development for the iPhone is the "relatively" low price these apps are selling for. A developer may not wish to invest heavily in a game that will only sell for $10 or less.

Just my 2 cents.

Are you nuts?

They don't have to distribute - so no shipping, packaging or shelving costs!!!!

They can actually make far more money this way.


macrumors 68020
Dec 9, 2004
They don't have to distribute - so no shipping, packaging or shelving costs!!!!

Apple takes 30% though.

In any case, I don't see what the big deal is...for, say, $5, just a few hours of decent gameplay would make it worthwhile. You'd spend twice that to go see a movie and that would only last you an hour and a half or so.



macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2007
You forgot that there is no spoilage or returns cost (no refunds unless if the game is defective, for the most part), and no transferability - which means that everybody must purchase from the developed, as there is no "used apps" market once a user gets tired of the game. I imagine that this latter fact is huge for developers!

Are you nuts?

They don't have to distribute - so no shipping, packaging or shelving costs!!!!

They can actually make far more money this way.


macrumors 604
Apr 11, 2005
I'm still looking for a good golf game for the iPhone, figuring that the replay factor on that should be good. I heard that even with the price drop that Par 72 Golf was just too unrealistic and poorly written to bother playing, but have more hope for Nuclear Nova's GL Golf though I have yet to take the plunge there either as the graphics are rather uninspiring. As a old Links and Links LS fan, and a Tiger Woods for the Mac fan, I hope someone develops a good golf game with good graphics. The golf game on my Nokia 8801 was actually pretty good. I wouldn't mind seeing an NHL hockey game as well.
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