Title says it all. Don't even need discussion. Did you order an 8 or are you waiting to order an X.
8 or 8+.
8 or 8+.
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Oh stay out of it.8+ Actually.
Oh stay out of it.
Jury out on the X....I'll wait for it to be reviewed to an inch of it's life.
Yep.I think the reviews are going to be highly debatable on this one.
This phone is really going to require walking into a store and fondling it first hand to ensure the questionable UI and UX elements fit your personal usage and the notch doesn’t hinder anything about how you personally interact with iPhones.
Pretty much my feeling as well, although I am coming from a Plus (the size was never an issue). I don't use it in landscape mode.Also starting to like the X more. I realized that i rarely ever use the phone in landscape mode and the Plus was never an option for me, because it's too big... and the dual camera will be an added bonus for me, over the normal 7 i have now.
The more info/footage I hunt down, the more I feel comfortable with the X, but I need reviews which point out negatives - it's the bad points, & their impact on my personal use, I look for before purchasing.
If this poll is representative.... and it is a big IF... then Apple have a massive problem because according to reports the X cannot be produced to meet the demand. So they will have lots of frustrated X buyers and lower than normal sales on the 8.
Thank god some people on here know science.Of course it's not representative! Not only is it a ridiculously small sample size given that iPhones sell in the tens of millions, but we are not a representative sample of the consumer base. This is a forum for Apple enthusiasts and tech enthusiasts in general. People here are MUCH more likely to go for the more premium device than the average joe on the street who doesn't even know what an OLED screen is.
8+, I view too many photographs on my phone to have them squished into the smaller in width X's screen size.
And 80% of the parts insideThe only reason to produce an 8 in the shape of a 6 is because the factories already exist.