I did, I got a used XS right at launch for 300.00 off the price so that's what made upgrading to me easy. I wasn't even going to bother, didn't preorder for the first time in my iPhone buying history. Now will you notice a ton of new things between the two devices. Nah, extremely small stuff. The quickness of the device is noticeable depending on what you are doing, but not mind-blowing. Camera is a little faster but again depends on what type of photos you're taking. Overall I'm glad I upgraded... just means I don't need to upgrade for another 2 or 3 years. So if you get a good deal on a used device or maybe a new one depending on a carrier deal and you are certain you don't care about devices released in September this year.. go for it. Otherwise I'd say if you like to upgrade yearly and are still with your X.. just wait till September. This opens you up for more options. Get the XS at an even better price at that time because a new phone is released or buy whatever Apple announces. Of course the downside is waiting, not having a new toy to play with now and of course depreciation value of your X.