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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
2006? Fanboy? far from it, a real "fanboy" has been using apple since "Lisa" or the IIe.
although in reality at that age that would make them a "fanman"...LOL (i started with IIe)

my .02

I'm 37 and still consider myself a fanboy! Anyway I have the iPad 2 and didn't
consider the upgrade as worth it. I will hold out as my screen is perfectly good even if it's not Retina. If you'll use it keep it. If you won't then return. As for Apples profits I don't think your purchase will make much difference each way.


macrumors 68000
May 3, 2005
Chicago, IL
No one posted the obligatory face palm yet?

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