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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 2, 2013
I got my new 6 at AT&T today and had them put on a new Zagg glass screen protector. When I was in the store, I was just excited to get the phone. Now that I am looking at it, it does not cover the face of the phone from bezel to bezel. I compared it to my mom's 5c and it is larger than hers, so I know it was not for the old 4" screen. And the box definitely said iPhone.

Does anyone else have this screen protector and if so, does it cover your entire phone? I am planning on going back to AT&T to try for a refund but I doubt they will give me one. I never would have bought it if I had known it would leave part of the screen uncovered.
I got my new 6 at AT&T today and had them put on a new Zagg glass screen protector. When I was in the store, I was just excited to get the phone. Now that I am looking at it, it does not cover the face of the phone from bezel to bezel. I compared it to my mom's 5c and it is larger than hers, so I know it was not for the old 4" screen. And the box definitely said iPhone.

Does anyone else have this screen protector and if so, does it cover your entire phone? I am planning on going back to AT&T to try for a refund but I doubt they will give me one. I never would have bought it if I had known it would leave part of the screen uncovered.

Yes my zagg glass came in the mail today. Very disappointed in the fit. I emailed customer support wondering if they are making a better one. From what I can see ,I don't think they can go to the edge because of the shape of iPhone screen . It will have to do for now but really looks bad on my new iPhone 6.
You guys got the case friendly version. Meaning it does not go bezel to bezel so that when you put your case on it won't push it off.
I got my new 6 at AT&T today and had them put on a new Zagg glass screen protector. When I was in the store, I was just excited to get the phone. Now that I am looking at it, it does not cover the face of the phone from bezel to bezel. I compared it to my mom's 5c and it is larger than hers, so I know it was not for the old 4" screen. And the box definitely said iPhone.

Does anyone else have this screen protector and if so, does it cover your entire phone? I am planning on going back to AT&T to try for a refund but I doubt they will give me one. I never would have bought it if I had known it would leave part of the screen uncovered.

I am as disappointed as you are. I was a big fan of the Zagg glass screen protector, but after I installed it today I hated it! It does not cover the full screen like it used to. Im sooo mad. Im not sure what to use now.
Yes my zagg glass came in the mail today. Very disappointed in the fit. I emailed customer support wondering if they are making a better one. From what I can see ,I don't think they can go to the edge because of the shape of iPhone screen . It will have to do for now but really looks bad on my new iPhone 6.

Ahh, okay well thank you for the reply. It looks terrible. No fault of AT&T though so I probably won't try to return it to them. I will follow up with Zagg though. Hopefully if they make a new one they will let us exchange for it. I agree, it looks absolutely terrible - I am so sorry I bought it!
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I have the same screen protector at it doesn't cover the entire front of my phone. The Best Buy sales rep said that it is designed that way on purpose, so that there isn't any issues with getting a case to fit properly.
I have the same screen protector at it doesn't cover the entire front of my phone. The Best Buy sales rep said that it is designed that way on purpose, so that there isn't any issues with getting a case to fit properly.

crisis averted?
It's not about a case fitting, its about being able to produce one that mimics the screens curvature. It's difficult.
I am as disappointed as you are. I was a big fan of the Zagg glass screen protector, but after I installed it today I hated it! It does not cover the full screen like it used to. Im sooo mad. Im not sure what to use now.

I would suggest you use nothing. You don't really need a screen protector on these things. I bet a lot of iPhones of never had a screen protector never had a scratch. The curve on the edges of the glass is really gonna be problematic for a screen protector. I don't think they can make it so that I can wrap around the edges and stick down and able to handle the corners
Tech Armour is the same way. They mention they can't go bezel to bezel because of the curved shape to the screen. This was written in a note in the package.
Just wondering, but is it possible if you can post a pic so we can see how it looks?

I tried - out of town on my iPad. I tried to use the photo link button in the post box but it only allows linking an image already on the internet. I am trying to find a diet to upload it to so I can link. The pic is crappy since I took it with my iPad but it does show how small it is.

I just purchased this screen protector after being SO satisfied with the quality of the Glass for the i5. It's already shipped, but I've emailed Zagg as well.

If anyone can post quality pics of the fitment, that'd be of great use!

I can see why Zagg didn't go with edge to edge for the iphone 6/6+. It is because of the rounded edges. I'm sure they could make it edge to edge and have a curved glass but I'm not sure they will manage that. Even for the S5, it's not edge to edge.

Anyways I was thinking of going to Best Buy and get one for my self but after seeing all this hype, I may not get one.
Just wondering, but is it possible if you can post a pic so we can see how it looks?

Please forgive the horrible quality of the photo (taken with an iPad) but it does show the outline of the screen protector and how small it is.

Zagg iphone 6 glass protector?

Yea I have a Zagg Glass on my Plus but I really don't care for the fit, on my 5S I never even noticed it was on the screen, this one clearly is and anyone could see it, I think it looks especially bad on the black. For now it will stay until something better comes along.
If you are not going to use a case, I can see your displeasure.

I purchased two at the AT&T store yesterday for two iP6 - 64 gigs along with a pelican case. The case meets the edge of the Zagg. I do not see a problem, so far.
It's not just Zagg go to the iPhone accessories here and you'll see a lot of complaints there for other companies out there. The lesson here is do not buy any type of hard screen protectors yet. Get a full body protector case or skins if there is one for now.
I bought the glass version as well for my 6 and my wife's phone.Its okay . Funny thing is my 5S had light scratches most likely from my back pocket. But even stranger is my wife's 5s going in and out of her purse there is not a freaking mark on it. I thought for sure hers would be a mess but its like new. In the end its great because I need to sell it in the next day or so

But the glass is okay it fits short of the edges and my one corner did not apply perfectly. Ill see how it does since its on there now
If you are not going to use a case, I can see your displeasure.

I purchased two at the AT&T store yesterday for two iP6 - 64 gigs along with a pelican case. The case meets the edge of the Zagg. I do not see a problem, so far.

I have an Apple leather case and there is still a significant gap, what really bothers me is the earpiece and home button cutouts though, on my 5S they were able to fully cut them out, not cut around them.
I got the 6 plus one. They put it on at the store not quite perfect and it sticks off the bottom just a hair because of the curvature of the phone. I think it looks fine. It feels better than no protector.
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