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macrumors god
Original poster
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
RailheadDesign provides us an update regarding Mac OS X 10.1.5...

The next minor update to OS X 10.1 is almost ready to go final candidate — but there’s one hiccup: Microsoft wants a different release schedule than Apple’s.

Per the update, it's mentioned that MS's IE update will take another 7 weeks with current plans. Details at at RailheadDesign.


macrumors 65816
Feb 20, 2002
ummm, forget 'em Apple! Why did we buy from you anyways?

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
Here we go again. Microsoft is giving orders to Apple...Hold off the release of a free update to your operating system, which most likely will provide less bugs, so that we, the guys at Microsoft, can release a slow-scrolling internet application, which renders pages much slower than Mozilla or Netscape.

What a bunch of BS. I think Apple should go with their operating system. And with the rumors of 10.1.6, I think Microsoft can wait until then. In seven weeks' time, Apple might already be finished with 10.1.6. Just my thoughts.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 11, 2001
silly microshaft and their quest for power...

steve should release 10.1.5 tomorrow just to spite them!!!

ok, now that i'm past my initial craze... microsoft should let apple help them speed up the development process so they BOTH can release their updates rather quickly

can't we all just get along and share the love??

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
Regarding my post on 10.1.6, I am pretty sure that there was a discussion about 10.1.5, with a pinch of 10.1.6 added in to the mix. I just can't remember where I found it.

SPG, if you think MS does crappy mouse drivers (which I agree), Kensignton Mouseworks for OS 9 and even OS X is right <down> there with MS.

It is, however, sad that Apple sort of needs to rely on MS for Microsoft Office v.X. I wonder what would happen if Apple matches MS and does better. Then Apple might not need MS anymore for certain software.

In the meantime, Appleworks is a really neat software product. I have done so much with AW it has saved me in the process of making 2D drawings and figures look 3D.


macrumors 601
Jan 3, 2002
San Destin Florida
Man it is things like this that make me want to get rid of them is one massive sweep of my hard drive. Screw them! We bought Apple for a reason, so that we don't have to be under the thumb of Bill Gates, and his band of merry men. You know what, come to think of it. I don't need them. I think I will do a little trashing on my system right now. Can't Appleworks read word documents?

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
Originally posted by Backtothemac
Can't Appleworks read word documents?

According to the Help menu for Appleworks, you need a MacLinkPlus translator.

But, really, Apple should make Appleworks the standard for basic text, drawing, database executions, spreadsheets and presentations. Now if Apple can add even more simple features and more options for export/import we would be set.


macrumors 68000
Dec 9, 2001
State of Denial
Originally posted by King Cobra

According to the Help menu for Appleworks, you need a MacLinkPlus translator.

But, really, Apple should make Appleworks the standard for basic text, drawing, database executions, spreadsheets and presentations. Now if Apple can add even more simple features and more options for export/import we would be set.

I agree completely with the second paragraph. As for the first one, v. 6.2.3/4 (9/X) has the translator built in.

Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
So if we get 10.1.5 in the next few weeks and/or without a new IE, that means Stevie grew some balls and told M$ to piss off.

Can't wait to see what happens:)


macrumors 6502a
Dec 11, 2001
Originally posted by Kid Red
So if we get 10.1.5 in the next few weeks and/or without a new IE, that means Stevie grew some balls and told M$ to piss off.

Can't wait to see what happens:)

i'm pretty sure stevie already has the balls to do it... but he doesn't want to piss off microsoft so much that they pull office... lots of people use it... the agreement between the companies already expired and steve's actions could very well break up the "strong relationship" between the two companies


macrumors newbie
Mar 14, 2002

Well, I think they should make 10.1.5 available via Software Update as soon as they can. An IE update can come later.

As far as refreshing what is shipped out on new systems, maybe they should wait so they don't have to refresh and refresh again.

(and no, i don't use IE anymore)

- n8


macrumors newbie
Jul 12, 2001
here is the 'Important Information' document that comes up just before you install the 10.1.5 update i was shown:

Mac OS X Update 10.1.5 delivers enhancements which improve the reliability of Mac OS X applications, delivers improved networking, security, and expanded peripheral device support. Specific improvements include:

Peripheral Device Support:
-Expanded support for new Canon digital cameras
-Improved support for Nikon FireWire cameras
-Expanded support for SmartDisk, EZQuest, and LaCie disc recording devices
-Improved support for MO drives

Application Improvements:
-Increased stability of Mail and Sherlock
-Emails are properly retained when rebuilding the Draft mailbox
-Updated Carbon applications can use Quartz anti-aliasing technology for high quality text display

Networking and Security Improvements:
-Improves networking via AFP when accessing multi-level directories on Windows NT file servers
-Significant improvement to file searching on local and remote volumes
-Mail accounts go off-line to indicate that SSL encryption settings are not supported by the mail server

WebDAV Improvements:
-More efficient iDisk mounting and file navigation
-Added support for connecting to iDisk using default DNS settings of AirPort
-Support for mounting a WebDAV volume from a non-standard http port

Asian Language Improvements:
-Significant updates to the Korean Input Method, especially important when using AppleWorks
-Internet Connect and AirPort applications updated with Chinese and Korean localized content

i don't install pre-release stuff myself, especially OSX updates! but i have been told that it works fine... ill be interested to see if the version apple releases is any different


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2001
Dendermonde/Leuven, Belgium
Originally posted by SPG
It only took MS a year to get OSX drivers for it's mice while they were saying "any day now", so waiting for them now is a little risky, and BTW their drivers don't even work that well!

Which reminds me... Microsoft promised to release an update for Entourage v.X to make it able to synchronize with a Palm, a few weeks after Palm would have released its Desktop Software for OS X...

It's quite a while now the Palm Desktop Software is available, but no sign of Entourage Update... :(

I have a meeting with a Microsoft manager next week... I will poll him...



macrumors 6502a
Apr 16, 2002
Remember when apple didn't have alot of things going on. Well, Bill Gates gave apple 50 million, before Steve came back. I hate microsoft as much as the next guy. He also ownes 10% of apple.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 11, 2001
Originally posted by robotrenegade
Remember when apple didn't have alot of things going on. Well, Bill Gates gave apple 50 million, before Steve came back. I hate microsoft as much as the next guy. He also ownes 10% of apple.

i'm pretty sure that the investment was sold... i remember a thread where someone mentioned the sale

if only i could remember how long ago it was, i'd find it, but alas...

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
Originally posted by kishba

i'm pretty sure that the investment was sold... i remember a thread where someone mentioned the sale

if only i could remember how long ago it was, i'd find it, but alas...

I think this was it...

And Gates did not give Apple $50 million, but rather $150 million, according to the first post.

BTW: There are a few flames that can still be detected in this forum. Enjoy! :)

King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
Hey, an anti-smiley! :)

I have a feeling that this could burst into another flame war, or possibly heated opinions at the least, just as long people keep seeing MS, M$, Microsoft, or Bill Gates. I think I will stay out of it for a while.


macrumors newbie
Jul 12, 2001
Microsoft are a big bunch of pansies - im sorry, they just are.

i take immense joy in thinking about them fall from grace, but Office for Mac is a stupidly important app. the singularly most impressive thing you can tell a PC user is that their sorry M$-owned lives can be reopened on a mac.

Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
Originally posted by King Cobra

I think this was it...

And Gates did not give Apple $50 million, but rather $150 million, according to the first post.

BTW: There are a few flames that can still be detected in this forum. Enjoy! :)

They bought IIRC $150 million of stock options which have since been sold back a while ago. The reason for the $150million was to settle a lawsuit with Apple over M$ stealing the Apple GUI. M$ and Apple signed the contract in which M$ would make Office for the Mac and Apple would drop the lawsuit.

I'm sure there were other stipulations, like Apple couldn't directly compete with Windows OS, had to make IE the defualt browser, etc. Notice this year Apple is getting more ballsy with their ads? I think that's because the contract is about up - August I think?


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Originally posted by King Cobra
Hey, an anti-smiley! :)

yeah....u like that ;)

as far as flamewars for this thread go...I don't think we're going to see one...

basically....everyone is pissed off that the release is being set back a bit because of something on Microsoft's part...I don't think it's really a personal vendetta against Apple...but it does suck... :( (well there I go with another anti-smiley)
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