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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 16, 2002
i don't know if anyone has tried this already, but i cloned a install from a DP 1.8G5 to a 400Mhz g4 and it worked fine


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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 16, 2002
its decent, obviously id run it on something higher than 400 but its def usable


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 16, 2002
What did the G4 run before that? Panther or Tiger? How does that G4 compare under the basic install of Leopard to Tiger?
i think it was running 10.4, im not sure cuz i have so many comps to keep track of

spaces is very choppy, so is minimizing, but i think with a decent vid card it would improve a lot. on this specific hardware i would stick with 10.3 since it has a 100Mhz bus and a slow video card. but with a <867 DA, GigE or QS tower it should better


macrumors 6502a
Sep 30, 2005
Green Bay, WI
This is good to know. I have an eMac that I dont use, but want to bring to work and for fun thought about putting Leopard on. Its 800Mhz so I knew I probably could install it via target disk mode, but this assures me it really should work.


macrumors 68040
i think it was running 10.4, im not sure cuz i have so many comps to keep track of

spaces is very choppy, so is minimizing, but i think with a decent vid card it would improve a lot. on this specific hardware i would stick with 10.3 since it has a 100Mhz bus and a slow video card. but with a <867 DA, GigE or QS tower it should better

So your saying if your G4 has 16MB video card should upgrade the videocard to around this gem to see best results in 10.5 ... :confused:


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 16, 2002
So your saying if your G4 has 16MB video card should upgrade the videocard to around this gem to see best results in 10.5 ... :confused:
that would help a lot, 33Mhz PCI is getting rather old however. most g4s have agp graphics, i think only the yikes and B&W have PCI. this would be a much better card, albeit more expensive: Technologies/100435068/

but if you consider the purchase of a new mini with leopard installed, then its almost not worth it. $600 for mini vs ~$130 for the card and ~$115 for retail leopard


macrumors 68040
that would help a lot, 33Mhz PCI is getting rather old however. most g4s have agp graphics, i think only the yikes and B&W have PCI. this would be a much better card, albeit more expensive: Technologies/100435068/

but if you consider the purchase of a new mini with leopard installed, then its almost not worth it. $600 for mini vs ~$130 for the card and ~$115 for retail leopard

why i was asking was is i still use dual GE system i will be an user of spaces when i do buy leopard..

I own a mini 1.66 intel CD but it's a part of a tv system for now .. :eek:


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 16, 2002
yeah anything with >64MB VRAM would be better than the stock card in a gigE. ebay is a good place to find cheap cards or the buy/sell forum, its almost essential for 10.5


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
My suggestion is at least a video card with Quartz Extreme.

Failing that a flashed GeForce 6200 or Radeon 9600 is a good option.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2005
Springfield Ohio
i plan on buying a eVGA 6800 GT AGP card for my Digital audio. buy as a PC card and flash it to the Mac side = save allot of money, the 6800 GT also supports QE and CI, and i seen they are still a nice performer and it should be ok in Leopard.

then i plan buying a dual 1.4 7455 cpu upgrade, then 1.5gb ram, i think that should be enough to run Leopard. the only thing is i don't have a Mac that is able to run Leopard, so what is the options if this is the case, wait for xpostfacto or another bypass to make it install on a unsupported system ???

that is a relief to see leopard running on a slower G4 system, that gives hope to many. i want to see the gold master installed this way. my Yikes G4 and Beige G3 AIO are staying at tiger ( the G3 has no other choice but to, at least i think), the DA will eventually get the Leopard treatment. once i see how leopard is treating its users and once it gets updated a few times ( i dont want to beta test )

right now the DA is almost stock but with 768mb ram and a Pioneer DVR-110D, 533mhz, GF2MX, 40GB HDD (Pioneer DVR-110D) i would not mind to see how Leopard runs on it how it is jut to see.


macrumors 68000
Mar 8, 2007
Blue Dot, Red State
^^^ Isn't the point of this thread that it WILL run on "unsupported" systems? Your DA should run it stock if you can bypass the conventional install process. i.e. look at the first post above.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2005
Springfield Ohio
i got the point of the thread and thats not why i posted (sorry if i went about posting in a confusing way) , but was just curious since the OP's system is slower and seems to be usable wile running Leopard, i was just wondering how much better the DA would run it ( since it has a QE supported Video card in tiger anyway).

one of the main reasons i posted was to find out another way to install Leopard (since the OP uses a leopard supported system to clone the HDD from) since i don't have a system that passes the virtual cpu speed block and the machine ID check, how would i be able to clone the HDD over to the DA ( since you would need a Leopard supported system to install Leopard onto to do that)

also the other reason i posted is that i was stating the upgrade path i am going to take my DA on. the video card was the main concern, that i think i have taken care of and selected a good one for the job (one that will support both QE and CI). the other is the CPU upgrade (which wasn't a real concern as the video card was), and the last was memory. the video card i plan on buying is a PC card and flash it to Mac since there is a few AGP PC 6800 GT cards on ebay starting from $60 and up. once i finish upgrading i know i wont have any problems running Leopard.

since Leopard will run on a 400mhz G4 (and is somewhat usable) i know that a DA at 533 would be a bit better in performance ( 4x AGP vs 2x AGP, 133mhz FSB vs 100mhz FSB, G4 533mhz vs G4 400mhz, Geforce2 MX vs Rage 128 all would make a bit of a performance boost) i just would not know how much of a gain it would have.

and i was wanting to experience it but not knowing how to get leopard on the DA is going to be the deal breaker until other means are available like xpostfacto or other. i know that once i do get the CPU upgrade (dual G4 1.4ghz) that it will remove the virtual cpu speed block for slower then a G4 867mhz. the only thing i would still have to contend with is the Machine ID block. since i have no other way to install it.

EDIT just found a guide

just one of the way's to get past the installer blocks if you down own a system that is under the allowed systems


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 16, 2002
thanks for the link

i was actually gonna try this trick tomorrow, it used to work in 10.4 for 'non-firewire' machines

ive heard that leopard wasnt compiled for g3s however, im gonna test this theory tomorrow. since i already have the hdd with leopard, all i have to do is swap it into a g3


macrumors 68000
Mar 8, 2007
Blue Dot, Red State
thanks for the link

i was actually gonna try this trick tomorrow, it used to work in 10.4 for 'non-firewire' machines

ive heard that leopard wasnt compiled for g3s however, im gonna test this theory tomorrow. since i already have the hdd with leopard, all i have to do is swap it into a g3

cool, yeah, let us know.
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