So I just got my new MBP yesterday, and I mostly love it. Keyboard is great, it's fast and it does what I need. However, I noticed today that the right speaker has a pretty severe crackling problem. With the volume even at half volume, it's noticeable. Now I don't really use the speakers much, but for this much money I don't want any issues with this machine. I do have AppleCare, so I assume this can be fixed. However, the real problem is timing. I have a BTO 15", 2.7GHz / 512GB / 460, and I need it for college. I know that the lead time on getting one right now is 4-5 weeks, and I cannot be without a computer for that long. I hope this is an issue they can fix at the store, otherwise I will have to wait to report it so I won't be without my computer.