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macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2016
Lol the liberal media that you watch and all the dems are leading you astray. It is no where near as bad as what they’re saying. My uncle owns a furniture store and he said there has been zero affect. He said most of his suppliers just moved their businesses to Vietnam and costs didn’t go up a single penny. I work IT for a public school district and we have switched to suppliers in TEXAS that give us higher quality products for lower costs.
Thanks for the tax increase, I feel less bent over already.
Bahahaha you’re complaining about a tax increase that ain’t even happening when the alternative is all of us would’ve been speaking Chinese in a decade. That’s what people just don’t get. Thank heck someone showed up in office who’s got the ballz to confront China.


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2016
Los Angeles
China started this trade war more than a decade ago. And we're finally responding. Seeing so many of you cry so hard about this is the exact reason why the government felt they had no choice but to bail out Wall St. in 2009.

I do trade with China so I know first hand what the tariffs on American goods were like ever before Trump came into office. They were slapping 25-150% on goods across almost all categories while doing "free trade deals" with economies much smaller than theirs.

There are too many who are just not well informed enough to know why there needs to be push back against China. Trump demanding a level playing field isn't a horrible nightmare that most of you are being fed by the liberal media, its simply balancing what needed to be badly balanced. We have been losing our ass on trade and well, maybe with these tariffs, we can trade with China in a balanced manner.

Apple needs to strongly re-consider their supply chain diversification strategy and it would suit their shareholders in doing so.

If anybody here is comfortable with an authoritarian Communist regime like China being the #1 global super power, then I hope you're comfortable with tightly controlled internet censorship, forced social credit scores, citizen re-education camps, warrantless search and seizure, unfettered spying, one party system = one political view. Because just how America was able to suppress Communism and spread western values in the 20th century, a China superpower can suppress democracy and spread Communism.

This idealogical war is much bigger than your precious airpods at a 15% premium.
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macrumors regular
May 16, 2014
Welcome. You can thank me again in 2020
Lol “hang on Americans” was the exact same thing Obama was telling us. The only difference is that Trump’s got the ballz to do somethin bout it

At 40% approval, "Individual 1" will be in jail six months after he leaves office in January 2021.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 30, 2010
Bahahaha you’re complaining about a tax increase that ain’t even happening when the alternative is all of us would’ve been speaking Chinese in a decade. That’s what people just don’t get. Thank heck someone showed up in office who’s got the ballz to confront China.
Do you think the government that doesn't care about their citizens is going to cave? They will make their citizens suffer way longer than US citizens can endure. China would let half of their population die to win this war.

The answer isn't tariffs. The answer is major incentives for companies to manufacturer elsewhere while pushing for a better deal.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
Hahaha since when have conservatives wanted to raise taxes on your paycheck?? I think you got your politics a lil mixed up there

Conservatives love raising taxes on people. These taxes that Trump is putting on Chinese goods shows that exactly!


macrumors regular
May 16, 2014
You got three stooges fighting for the spot to compete with him. Good luck. You’ll need it.

Screen Shot 2019-08-30 at 8.25.42 PM.jpg


macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2016
Do you think the government that doesn't care about their citizens is going to cave? They will make their citizens suffer way longer than US citizens can endure. China would let half of their population die to win this war.
So it’s ok to continue supporting China’s government with our business while they don’t even give a crap about their citizens? That is what you just said, right? And they are caving. Everybody but CNN and MSNBC sees it (they do see it, just don’t admit).


Nov 25, 2014
Hong Kong
We have a $418 billion trade deficit with China.

This is BY FAR the dumbest right wing nationalistic Trump voter argument they’ve had since day one. We have a trade DEFICIT with China! With Germany! With half the world! OMG!!!

Of course we have a trade deficit with China. Because we buy from them! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Almost every single American has a trade deficit with Walmart too. Because we give them OUR money and they give us their wares. Not the other way around. I don’t see people asking Walmart to buy cookies from us!


macrumors regular
May 16, 2014
Lol and those are the same people that said Hillary was gonna beat trump by 19% all the way up to the night of election. Remind me what happened again...? Oh yeah, Russia got him voted in, right? ;)

Wake me up when they start doubling those numbers, buddy ;)

How did it go for you in the 2018 midterms?


macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2016
Of course we have a trade deficit with China. Because we buy from them! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Almost every single American has a trade deficit with Walmart too. Because we give them OUR money and they give us their wares. Not the other way around. I don’t see people asking Walmart to buy cookies from us!
...what...? Lol

Oh right, I forgot, you’re one of those peeps praying to the hippie gods for a recession so we can get the orange monster outta office.
Not interested, buddy. Like I said before, these are the same people that said he’d lose to Hillary by 19% on election night.
How did it go for you in the 2018 midterms?
Oh! There it is!

Yes, unfortunately the dems did take the house. But they didn’t win it based on their own merit. We all know by now that’s impossible. The republicans gave it to them when they made the mistake of being too scared to stand by Trump’s policies and lost uniformity. Let’s hope that the repubs swallow their pride next year and support the amazing president that we’re gonna have for four more precious years ;)


macrumors 68000
Jan 20, 2003
Make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... By paying up for our nationalistic, protectionist bribe sucker....

"Actually, it benefits Americans to pay more for stuff. That gives us an opportunity to make that stuff here less efficiently, and still pay more for it, which you would know if you didn't hate America." - Sheep
Long term strategy. China has been eating our lunch for decades.

Your kids will thank you. Or, if you aren't having kids, other Americans will appreciate what President Trump is finally doing - standing up to China.

But carry on with your uninformed snark.


macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2016
Long term strategy. China has been eating our lunch for decades.

Your kids will thank you. Or, if you aren't having kids, other Americans will appreciate what President Trump is finally doing - standing up to China.

But carry on with your uninformed snark.
Right!? His kids will be speaking Chinese if it weren’t for Trump’s guts. IF he has any kids.


macrumors regular
May 16, 2014
...what...? Lol

Oh right, I forgot, you’re one of those peeps praying to the hippie gods for a recession so we can get the orange monster outta office.
Not interested, buddy. Like I said before, these are the same people that said he’d lose to Hillary by 19% on election night.
Oh! There it is!

Yes, unfortunately the dems did take the house. But they didn’t win it based on their own merit. We all know by now that’s impossible. The republicans gave it to them when they made the mistake of being too scared to stand by Trump’s policies and lost uniformity. Let’s hope that the repubs swallow their pride next year and support the amazing president that we’re gonna have for four more precious years ;)

Isn't it time to go to a Trump rally and clap like a circus seal?


macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2016
Isn't it time to go to a Trump rally and clap like a circus seal?
Bahahahahaha! Never had the privilege to do so unfortunately. But I’ll let ya know when I do.


LONG LIVE RUSSIA!!!!!(!!!!(!,!!;$:$!

*clap, clap*
*seal sound*
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 30, 2010
So it’s ok to continue supporting China’s government with our business while they don’t even give a crap about their citizens? That is what you just said, right? And they are caving. Everybody but CNN and MSNBC sees it (they do see it, just don’t admit).
The answer isn't tariffs. The answer is major incentives for companies to manufacturer elsewhere while pushing for a better deal.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2008
Yes they are similar to you because you make and exchange US $'s and get more in Canadian dollars.

#1 Canadian average salaries approx. the same as Americans but in Canadian dollars:

"According to the website, the average income of an American and a Canadian are approximately the same amount. Canada's after-tax monthly income is about $3,000 which totals around $36,000 per year. The U.S. sits just below Canada at approximately $2,942 per month, or roughly $35,300 per year.
Food is much more costly in Canada. One kilogram of chicken breasts costs around $6.50 in the United States, while it averages almost $11 in Canada. A mid-range, three-course meal for two in Canada ends up costing $60. In the U.S. you are only paying about $44. Finally, clothing is more expensive in Canada than in the United States. A $40 pair of Levi's jeans in the States will run you about $55 in Canada."

Canadians pay more income tax than most American's. Pay more sales tax then every american I believe, lowest provincial sales tax is 12%. Exchange rate like +30% right now. So the purchasing power isn't similar.

There are also plenty of medical bills we have to pay for as well the only thing that is paid for is doctor visits and operations. Dental, physio, chiro, therapy etc you have to pay for or have benefits that pay for a portion of it through work. I'm not going to family doctor or getting an operation on the daily so it's not exactly a costs savings.

I'm not going to comment on Australia and other countries because I have no idea.
I had an anxiety attack two weeks ago with high blood pressure, racing heart, and irregular heart rate. It felt serious enough to go to the emergency room. I asked my wife to drive me there to avoid an ambulance bill, which is $1500. I just opened the ER bill tonight. It’s $3,500. They didn’t do anything for me at all. They told me it was stress related, I spent 6 hours there, they took an EKG, did a blood test, and released me 6 hours later. I asked them to admit me, but they refused. They said unless it’s life threatening, they are not going to admit me.

Two days later, I started having panic attacks with irregular racing beating heart 3 times per minute the entire night. I didn’t go to the ER that time. In the morning, I drove to my cardiologist whom I paid thousands of dollars last year for a complete cardio work up. He told me that I needed to make an appointment to see him, which would be a month from then. I told them I needed help right away, and they told me they wouldn’t see me and that I needed to go to the ER.

This is the reality we live in here. I do have insurance, and we pay USD 1,400 monthly for it (just medical, not dental). It has a $6,000 deductible PER PERSON. so, we are out USD $16,800 per year in just premiums and up to another $18,000 per year in medical expenses until the deductibles are met.

That’s how we live here in the US. Are you a Canadian citizen? I’m offering you to trade the countries. Come here and get my US citizenship in exchange for your Canadian citizenship. Every time I have to return to the US at the end of summer, i dread coming back. I want your life.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2016
The answer isn't tariffs. The answer is major incentives for companies to manufacturer elsewhere while pushing for a better deal.
Other countries can’t compete by using incentives when China doesn’t even play by the rules in the first place. Don’t you get it?? And what could possibly make you think that the socialists running against Trump are gonna make more incentives for businesses than he already has???
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 30, 2010
Other countries can’t compete by using incentives when China doesn’t even play by the rules in the first place. Don’t you get it?? And what could possibly make you think that the socialists running against Trump are gonna make more incentives for businesses than he already has???
You're being very defensive. I never mentioned wanting another candidate. I do not agree with this 'strategy'. Where do you see news about China about to cave? I highly doubt it.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 11, 2011
But throwing our economy into a recession isn't worth it. There has to be a better way to solve this issue.
What then? What should he do? 500 billion dollars a year are enriching Chinese dictators and gutting the American economy. How should he fight back?
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macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2016
What then? What should he do? 500 billion dollars a year are enriching Chinese dictators and gutting the American economy. How should he fight back?
Also, when it really comes down to it, the people are the ones that will allow a recession to go down if it ever does actually happen. Stop maxing out your credit cards and refinancing all your loans. Debt. Is. Bad. Common sense, right(more like “uncommon” sense)?
You're being very defensive. I never mentioned wanting another candidate. I do not agree with this 'strategy'. Where do you see news about China about to cave? I highly doubt it.
That’s cuz I’m a trump voter. Must defend trump to the death! And Russia!! Long live Russia! Oh, and I’m blatantly racist!

If you don’t agree with this strategy, that’s fine. Just let us know if you ever come up with a better ‘strategy’.
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