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macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2011
The way they just arbitrarily changed everything on Watch OS 10 is extremely dumb. Took away options, doubled up on some, I honestly think they are just spinning their wheels and did this to make it seem new, but it just made the overall watch experience worse.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
There is still sort of a small dock at the bottom of the widget list. It only supports 3 apps, but it's better than nothing I guess.

One "improvement" I don't really like is the use of the side button for control center. I don't think a dedicated button is really necessary, and it looks weird when control center comes up briefly when activating Apple Pay.

Yeah I was playing around with that, unfortunately it only lets you add widgets and not apps so it's really a widget dock. The other huge Apple blunder, IMO, is that you can't access widgets when you have an app open...doh. The side button for control center makes little sense to me.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
The way they just arbitrarily changed everything on Watch OS 10 is extremely dumb. Took away options, doubled up on some, I honestly think they are just spinning their wheels and did this to make it seem new, but it just made the overall watch experience worse.

I'm convinced this is a team or teams justifying their existence. You know, the whole "corners are 19% more rounded" bullet point stuff marketing loves to put out.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2020
Apple is recycling features? Like others said you could already record video from the watch, holding and swiping up (that’s how it works for me), same for different timers …
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macrumors member
Sep 21, 2012
London, United Kingdom
Apple doesn't include the new Ping My Watch button in the default Control Center set, but you can add it manually: Go to Settings -> Control Center, then under "More Controls," tap the + button next to Ping My Watch. (Okay, technically not a "‌watchOS 10‌ feature," but still worth knowing!)

Erm... None of that is there on my iPhone 14 Pro iOS 17.0.1...
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 13, 2012
I am having issues with night mode on the modular ultra watch face. When it is on Auto and I tap to wake the watch, it comes on, dims down, and then comes back up to full brightness. Depending on the amount of ambient light, sometimes when it dims down, the night mode flashes and then the normal mode comes back up to full brightness. When I turn off night mode, it no longer dims when I tap to wake. I've submitted this info to Apple. I mentioned this in a thread here in the Apple Watch forum and got no responses, so it's probably just my watch having the issue. Other than that, I love the modular ultra watch face. It's one of the things that made me want the Ultra 2!


macrumors member
Feb 14, 2021
Am, you could set multiple timers in watchOS9. That’s not new at all!
But my question with timers in general is, can someone please explain to me why timers (and Siri) work completely apart from Apple Watch and iOS? ie. if I put in a request to Siri on my Watch, Siri on my phone has no idea. If I set a timer on either device, I can't see it on the other. If I try to say "Hey Siri" to my watch and my phone is nearby, it's not easily understandable to know which device is going to respond. I'm sure there must be some technical reason for these things, such as "on-device" processing, but with features like continuity and Hand-Off, I'd really like things like this to work more seamlessly. Anybody have any insight on these things? Thanks in advance!


macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2009
My personal opinion but I think Night Mode on watch is terrible. It’s incredibly hard to see anything at night, have to turn it off after a few days. They need to allow more customization to the night mode.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 27, 2015
I was excited about the automatic night mode until I actually tried it. It did way too much switching between day/night during both day and night. I don't know why it can't just be a setting under Display & Brightness and have it change with sunrise and sunset like the iPhone.
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macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2010
Who keeps misplacing their iPhone and watch?! I can't understand locating these items as a necessary function, so I must be doing something wrong that I don't misplace my Apple products.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2019
Even if WatchOS 10 gave my AW7 battery charge of 90% left after 12 hours of all day cellular & 3 workouts, I will never upgrade from WatchOS 9.

Button changes are counter productive & my freedom to adjust these needless changes do not appear to exist.


macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2020
San Jose, CA
I like watchos 10, especially the widget switcher at the bottom. It's a lot better than having to click multiple times to get to whatever audio you are playing.


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2021
Wait... I got a 15 Pro and a Series 9 and I do not have a Ping My Watch option in Control Center. I can ping it from the Find My app, but that's it.

Edit: Nevermind. Rebooting the phone brought it back.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2023
I miss swiping up for control center, that is much easier than pressing the side button imo. I wish you could choose the action for each of the buttons so I could access the control center by swiping up and widgets by pressing the side button. :/


macrumors member
Jul 8, 2009
This have been here forever. They made a mistake somewhere.
Then how is it possible that I have been doing this for almost 4 years?

I also have been recording video for years from my watch.

But I don't think there's a way to switch from camera to video without first doing so on the iPhone itself. My guess is that the new watch widget now allows you to do this without touching the iPhone.

Of course, that should have been a feature from day 1.

And also, it means the journalist here, and possibly Apple itself, was sloppy in the reporting.


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
Press down and then swipe to the right or left.
It's nice your faces are now locked and not moving unintentional. I know some will disagree.

Yeah, longpress for a second - same as you do to be able to edit a watchface - then swipe left or right and tap to select. I note this is aligned with how you change the phone lockscreen.

I get that's more effort than the prior left/right swipe method, so I get why some may find it frustrating. For me though it was frustrating having to correct accidental watch face changes, which the new method should prevent.
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macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
Erm... None of that is there on my iPhone 14 Pro iOS 17.0.1...

It's there on my iPhone 14 Pro iOS 17.0.1....

Settings -> ControlCenter -> add "Ping My Watch" -- and now it shows in control center.

Though finding my watch hasn't ever been an issue, remembering which room I left my phone in has been so I use the find-phone from my watch frequently.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 6, 2012
I wish they would make it so you can change your email and text tone, mirror my iPhone with the sounds. They seem to overlook this with every update. Nothing like being in a meeting or room with a bunch of people and someone gets a text or email and everyone is checking their watch.


macrumors regular
Jun 30, 2015
What's messed up is they made Watch OS 10 like iPhone OS. I mean this upgrade has recently made the watch experience really BAD...

1:Removing the Dock to use the control center. The apps in the dock is what I interacted with most for the last few years and Now I have to scroll through instead a click of a button is BS :mad::mad::mad:

The control center from a swipe was just fine.

2: Smart stack is useless until all apps can come up with a widget, but since iOS 17 disables Bluetooth and location services nothing is working right atm...

3: Recent apps can not be accessed normally, and overall this is all buggy.

At least I have not experienced any heat issues...:cool:

Hopefully, iOS 17.1 & Watch OS 10.1 will be better.
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