This! It’s honestly one of the worst features Apple has ever put on a device, here and on Reddit there are endless threads about abnormal battery health and people coming up with all sorts of crazy remedies to try slow it down “NeVeR cHaRgE OvEr 80%” “nEvEr LeT tHe BaTtErY gO uNdEr 20%”, “dOnT cHaRgE oVeRnIgHt” lol, absolute craziness and then some are using those old 5W chargers (I made this mistake to) on their brand new phone.
People don’t understand that not only is battery degradation not linear but each and every battery in each and every phone is slightly different, no 2 iPhone 12 Minis have the exact same capacity, there can be a full 100mAh difference in either direction of the design spec and not to mention how old the battery is. There is so much at play that you really don’t have a great base of where the battery health really should be, but rather just enjoy the device and replace the battery when you feel Performance has become sluggish and health is below 80%.
Many people will see fast drops of battery health followed by it sitting on a specific number like 93% for many many months afterwards. Others will sit at 100% for a year and then see a huge drop to 95% after an update when the health actually corrects itself lol, others will see more gradual movement, there is no cure, the battery will degrade no matter what you do.