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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 22, 2002
New York
Adobe has released a new version of Premiere for Windows XP, but not for OS X. Adobe says that they don't see a market for a 3rd party application since Apple had already satisfied the Mac market.

Apple says that their relationship has not been damaged because of this.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2002
Ladera Ranch, CA
Premiere was a great little app. I learned on it before I switched over to FCP3. Kinda sad to see it go, but hell, there's really nothing that can compare to FCP3 or now (when I get the money) FCP4.

R.I.P. Premiere.


macrumors regular
Feb 3, 2003
No. Cal.
I suspected this would happen when Apple released FC Express. With imovie, FC Express, and FC Pro, Apple has all the levels covered. Not a big enough niche left for Premiere I guess. I understand Adobe's decision, but still hate to see less options for Mac users.


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
You can still buy Premier 6.5 (OS X compatible), if you wanted. Though I don't know why you would. I don't blame them, there's no need for it on the Mac. I don't think we have to worry about Photoshop or Illustrator anytime soon, though.

Adobe does seem to be filling a big hole in Windows software. I still don't want to edit video on my PC. It's such a pain.


macrumors 68000
May 6, 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
i guess it's kind of sad, only to see Adobe not being the one-time Mac mega partner it once was. but i always hated Premiere. i used After Effects as an editor until moving to Final Cut just to avoid Premiere. oh well, R.I.P.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2001
Adobe Premiere for Mac terminated

Read about it here

The decision reflects Apple's success in the digital video market with Final Cut Pro. "Around 80-90 per cent of our Premiere customers are on Windows," Kilisky said. "There was around a 70 per cent Windows, 30 per cent Mac split before Final Cut Pro."

"Final Cut Pro cut the business in half," he added. "It's unfortunate for those left behind - we'll be happy to upgrade them to the Windows version," he said.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2003
Yeah I was wondering how the hell Abobe could keep it's premiere app going when FCP beats the crap out of it.

//Most predictible thing ever


macrumors regular
Nov 4, 2002
Madrid (Spain)
I really hope the G5 is succesful and things like this stop happening... If Apple looses Adobe, It's going to be one big hit...


macrumors member
May 14, 2002
San Francisco
Well, that makes sense.

The downside is that this will more likely split the two platforms further for Premier users. A window's premier user may be less likely to switch if switching ment also changing an app they have become used to using. On the upside, this shows how good FCP is that it has essentially killed the competition.


macrumors 6502
Aug 12, 2002
I know, but this still sucks big time

I guess we knew it was going to happen, but this still sucks big time.

How much have I invested in Premiere software and time spent learning the app?

While I like Final Cut Pro, at $1,000 (plus learning curve) it was a bit overkill for home use. Final Cut Express is nice at $99, but not capable of a lot of things that Premiere could do. At $550, Premiere was a decent product.

While it sucks that Apple is stepping on major developers, a lot of the blame has to be placed on Adobe...especially their marketing department. Actually it was a lack of synergy between marketing, biz dev and engineering.

Premiere was waaaay first to market and in wide spread cross platform use while Final Cut was Macromedia vaporware.

Apple seized upon the opportunity to market a product that was designed for the digital hub as well as professional media production. Premiere could've done the same thing. It was one product for all uses with no marketing for anything specific. Apple has iMovie for families to make DVDs, Final Cut Express for amateur video production and Final Cut Pro for professionals.

When Apple purchased Final Cut, Adobe should've picked up SoundEdit, but no...instead they gave crappy/buggy updates.

Ironically, this weekend I've been using Final Cut and Premiere all day switching between the two. I haven't had an application crash all weekend (or for that matter all month)'s kinda creepy actually to use your Mac with no crashes...geez, I remember the days when firing up Premiere meant keeping one hand on the Power button to restart the whole friggin machine.

I was just thinking how *both* these apps are so solid now that it makes digital video editing a whole different experience. Ironic that I find Premiere nirvana the weekend before its death.

Now, if Apple could only kill off Photoshop and the rest of MS Office...


macrumors G3
Mar 9, 2002
Re: I know, but this still sucks big time

Originally posted by MacSlut
Now, if Apple could only kill off Photoshop and the rest of MS Office...

I can never imagine Photoshop being toppled... other companies have tried it, and failed...

That said, if Apple took Photoshop and then added features from Painter and combined them all in a super-art-design package, that fully supported PS files etc etc.... then judging by Apples recent software record, it might just work.... you never know... :D

It'd be one hell of a risk though...


macrumors regular
Jan 14, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Pretty much every mac user I know who used to use premiere now uses FCP or FCE - its market share has been complete erroded by a far superior product.

But this is potentially troubling news - what if Adobe killed After Effects and Photoshop for Mac?

I predict one of two things:

1. Steve buys Adobe just to spite them. (I havne't checked market capitalisation so I have no idea if its possible).

2. Apple announces its own Photoshop/AE killer (and I'm labout 90% sure they have one in development - they need to) which will be one of two things:

a) Based on GIMP (and its FilmGIMP variation). They'll tighten up the code, provide a supertight GUI.

b) Based on Shake. Shake has superior colour tools (32bit floating point internally), a superior workflow (if you get your head around the procedural aspect) and market awareness.

Either way, it'll underprice Photoshop and AE by at least 50% and be at least 200% faster cause Adobe's code sucks total ass.


macrumors 6502
Oct 30, 2002
Austin, TX
Originally posted by h'biki
Pretty much every mac user I know who used to use premiere now uses FCP or FCE - its market share has been complete erroded by a far superior product.

But this is potentially troubling news - what if Adobe killed After Effects and Photoshop for Mac?


[Apple will] underprice Photoshop and AE by at least 50% and be at least 200% faster cause Adobe's code sucks total ass.
That's the real problem. Adobe has been used to not much competition (well, unless you count Corel) for years now. Photoshop, Illustrator, et al are nice, but not as advanced as they could or even, dare I say, should be. It would be wonderful if Adobe would buck up their products under the face of competition rather than folding them (its not like FCP is free with Mac OS X or anything after all), but that's their decision to make.

They may well be reaching the point where most of their software has reached a maturity level that makes it hard to work with. Large, complex, stable applications tend to resist large-scale changes. Maybe Adobe needs to be working on the next Photoshop killer -- but this seems to be a very hard step for a software house to take (ignoring the pressure to reuse old modules, etc).

Ah, well. Time will tell...



macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2002
This Old House
Adobe is Dead Meat

Apple is attacking from the graphics side and Microsoft wants their PDF business, which is actually their most profitable business right now.

Longey Nowze

macrumors regular
Apr 18, 2001
well... this is good cuz it means FCP is a much much better app, but losing any app can never be a good thing IMHO more apps are better, look how many crappy apps wintel has!

thank you

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Re: Re: I know, but this still sucks big time

Originally posted by iGAV
That said, if Apple took Photoshop and then added features from Painter and combined them all in a super-art-design package, that fully supported PS files etc etc.... then judging by Apples recent software record, it might just work.... you never know... :D

They'd have to offer it at really low prices or make it an iApp first - upgrading to the pro version down the road.

You ship something that competes with Photoshop Elements for free and you'll get a lot of people interested....

As for Premiere - I used it a long time ago - FCP is so much nicer. It makes sense that Adobe stops development for the mac, but as long as they can make money that justifies further development on other apps, I don't see why any other Adobe products would ever follow suit.



macrumors newbie
Apr 30, 2003
Where the Shadows lie
Not really news. Premier on the Mac has been dying for years.

Adobe will continue to develop Photoshop, InDesign etc whilst it is profitable for them to do so. If someone comes along with a better product than Photoshop should we care about Adobe?


macrumors 68000
Jul 9, 2001
London, UK
There already is a better product than PhotoShop, Corels Painter. Most of the PC mags are saying it is better as well. It is just PhotoShop is now a standard like M$ Office and will take a long time for someone to beat it. Premier was not really a standard and it had a lot of competion on the Macs and PCs.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2001
Tiger Bay
Avid is releasing a free dv edit system this year. it will take a chunk out of the PC premiere market. premiere could be killed off in a year or two. premiere was an example of too little too late.
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