The International Air Transport Association, or IATA, announced today that it plans to launch a digital travel passport for COVID-19 test results and vaccination certificates on Apple's App Store around April 15.

As reported by Reuters, IATA has had the digital passport in development for the past few months and is currently undergoing beta testing. Initial plans called for the digital pass to launch at the end of March, but undisclosed reasons pushed the release into mid-Apri.
The app will show whether a person has tested positive for COVID-19 and may become the international standard for proving someone has been vaccinated.
Kamil Alawadhi, IATA's regional VP for Africa and the Middle East, says the new app will only become valid when counties, airports, and airlines adopt it and make it a requirement. Already, UK-based airline Virgin Atlantic said that it would begin a trial of the pass with a flight on April 16 from London to Barbados, which will require travelers to present upon arrival.
Article Link: Airline Body IATA to Launch COVID-19 Travel Passport App in April