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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple has posted two new 'Get a Mac' commercials to their ad page. The holiday-themed ads utilize a style introduced in 2007 in which Justin Long and John Hodgman provide voices for animated versions of their "Mac" and "PC" characters.


- 'Tree Trimming': "Mac" and "PC" are trimming a Christmas tree together, with "Mac" expressing happiness that the two of them have put aside their differences to do something fun together. A nervous "PC" is reluctant to plug in the lights on the tree, and when he finally does so, a surprise is revealed.

- 'I Can Do Anything': "PC" shows off some of the benefits of being animated, including being able to talk with a rabbit. When the rabbit reveals where he his headed in order to do his holiday shopping, "PC" exacts a bit of revenge.

Article Link: Animated Holiday 'Get a Mac' Ads
I just saw both of these while watching TV. The one with the bunny made me laugh really hard! :D
lol @ bunny one

so does this mean bunnies are allowed in apple stores?
Hehe, these are pretty funny, and dare I say it, I even think windows fanboys (the ones with a sense of humour, so all 3 of them) would find these funny. Subtle taking the high road with "Tree trimming", though, sneaky :apple:

Here's to a new year where these Get a Mac Ads stop being negative about Windows and positive about Apple. Please, Apple. Lets hear "Here's what Apple can do, which PC can't or can do but is impossible hard". Less of the Vista bashing!

My two cents :)
Does this mean we will see some sort of BunnyBook G5 at MWSF?!?!?! RUMORS ANYONE?!?!?
I think a blue-screen should have come up when he plugged in the tree...

Then, after the "snowman head" incident, the bunny should have gone crazy and chased off PC with an iPhone Lightsaber App...
zzhoom, zzhoom...
Very funny. These commercials have done well for Apple. They are as classic as the Energizer Bunny. I hope they keep them fresh and keep them coming.
"PC rules"?!? Was that a Microsoft or an Apple ad? :eek: ;)
Microsoft bought out Apple, remember? :eek:

Seriously though, I think it's just Apple being nice in good spirit of the holiday season...or maybe using reverse psychology or something :p
Hey rabbits are people too! PC better stay away from my rabbit:mad:
Pic#1 is my rabbit putting her shawl on getting ready to go to the Apple Store.

Pic#2 is my rabbit sitting in her bathtub, after PC pushed the snowman's head on top of her, that's why she's all white. LOL


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It's been said a few times before, but the bunny one is hilarious. Rankin/Bass styled Apple commercials are the new Christmas tradition.
PC is Awesome lol :p who wants to see another Seinfeld, and Bill Gates reunite for a Christmas commercial ??? Hahaha
I just watched all the ads from 2006 to 2008. The bunny one is the best. :D
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