Yesterday, I had a toggle in control center to turn off and on announce messages with siri. Now it's not there. Any idea how to get it back?
My apple watch 5 had the toggle, but my Apple Watch 6 does not. But both of them automatically announce Siri messages. Also my Apple Watch 6 does not have a toggle in the Siri settings on the watch for this. I don't remember if my Apple Watch 5 did.
Anyone else.....
Strange. Did you change any settings that could have affected it to show up
I have my APP on right now and connected via BT on the watch in settings and I don’t see the Announce icon either.
Scroll all the way to the bottom of control center and choose edit and see if it’s in the hidden section.
I tapped on edit in control center and there was no announce icon. The only hidden icon displayed was a person with his arm's hidden by default
Same here. Just got my Series 6 today. Had Announce messages with Siri working fine on my Series 4. The toggle and Announce messages doesn’t work any longer on the Series 6 but still works with my iPhone. Trying the Siri voice change now.Yesterday, I had a toggle in control center to turn off and on announce messages with siri. Now it's not there. Any idea how to get it back?
When you mean disconncect from iphone do you mean unpair, not possible. Or simply just turn the phone off. I tried this and did not work for meAlright, I got it fixed. Basically I followed this thread:
I had to put airplane mode on my watch, disconnect it from phone, change the Siri voice to force a wifi download of a new Siri voice and then restart the watch. After that, I had the icon back. Hope that's helpful, would love to hear if it works for others.
This is happening in 7.0.1Seems to be a bug. I'd hold out for 7.0.1 or 7.1. Otherwise if it doesn't randomly appear like mine did a re-pair may be the only solution.