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Jan 25, 2015
Have applecare plus and debating if I should use the phone caseless but wanted to see how everyones experience is running naked.
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I’ve been using it naked since release day and have had no issues. On my prior phones I’ve always had a couple cases of varying degrees of protect for different environments. Back in March when we were all forced to stay home I took the case off my 11 PM and haven’t gone back. The 12PM is a much more comfortable phone to hold IMO.

I do have an Apple silicone case which I have used once while out in the woods hunting. I got that case primarily because I wanted minimal protection.
Have applecare plus and debating if I should use the phone caseless but wanted to see how everyones experience is running naked.

I have a Gold 12 PM and have been rocking naked from day 1. I haven’t noticed any scratches or anything yet. Though I do have AC+, so in case anything significant happens, then it will be taken care of.

TBH, this device doesn’t deserve a case, but for certain situations, a backup case is always useful. So I am keeping a Pitaka Air case, which is super ultra-thin and lightweight (only 10 gram)
in terms of slipperyness is the aluminium just as slipper as the stainless steel i wonder
I’ve been using the 12 PM since launch with no scratches at all, and actually easier to hold. I don’t find it slippery at all, and I have small hands.
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I’ve been using my gold 12 PM and so far there are no micro scratches on the coating. It seems like the coating is a lot tougher this time comparing to last year’s 11 PM which I also used naked. Pretty happy so far with not having any micro scratches because by now, the 11 PM would be all scratched up.
I’ve been using my gold 12 PM and so far there are no micro scratches on the coating. It seems like the coating is a lot tougher this time comparing to last year’s 11 PM which I also used naked. Pretty happy so far with not having any micro scratches because by now, the 11 PM would be all scratched up.
I know this is an old thread but would like to ask you on how the stainless pvd coating is? Still no light micro scratches even while inspecting it under direct bright light and tilting it in an angle?
When I am in the bathroom I use my iPhone 12 naked but then I get dressed. :p
I have a case on my phone.
Still pristine? Zero micro scratches on the stainless frame PVD coating even under direct bright light and insoecting it in an angle?
I love being naked with my phone. How do you capture your d* picks? I avoid scratches by not allowing the cats in the room while I’m naked. It’s worked well for me so far 🤷🏼‍♂️😂

To actually answer the question as intended: I almost always use a case, but the times I’ve not I didn’t have much issue. Just been extra careful not to drop the phone or slide it across surfaces I think would leave permanent marks on it.
Got my purple 12 mini on April 30th, used it naked "while I decide what kind of case I like", and dropped it onto concrete in the parking lot on may 3rd, got the aluminum all scratched up and dented (it bounced and slide several times).

It sits now in a cheap knock off silicon case "while I decide what kind of case I like" :rolleyes:
Every phone since my Bold 9700 I’ve had in a case, but I’ve never liked cases. I think they’re desperately uncool, a cool person doesn’t care tuppence about their phone getting scratched/smashed. Can anyone imagine Beyoncé or H.M.The Queen naffing about with a ghastly TPU bumper? No sir, I think not. And checkout phones you see in movies and news reports, see any in cases? No sir, I think not. Cases are for pathetic peasants whose phones are a big thing in their lives, people like me 😂
Every phone since my Bold 9700 I’ve had in a case, but I’ve never liked cases. I think they’re desperately uncool, a cool person doesn’t care tuppence about their phone getting scratched/smashed. Can anyone imagine Beyoncé or H.M.The Queen naffing about with a ghastly TPU bumper? No sir, I think not. And checkout phones you see in movies and news reports, see any in cases? No sir, I think not. Cases are for pathetic peasants whose phones are a big thing in their lives, people like me 😂
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I went without a case on my 12 Pro for a week and developed 6 or 7 scratched by the notch. They do t pose a functional problem but they annoy the heck out of me. I put the case back on once I noticed them.
I've been using my 12 Mini caseless and see no visible scratches.
I don't always use a case on any iPhone and only my 8 got barely scratched on the front from my jeans 5th pocket rivet.

I only use a case when it's raining or I'm going to a public event like a concert, theme park, parade, etc, where I think my hands could be slippery and I plan to take pictures. Otherwise, all my iPhones have been caseless and screen protector-less since the original iPhone with barely a noticeable scratch on any of them after many years of use.
You know, if it wasn’t for the camera bump, I’d use my phone naked. Since it has the bump, the idea of putting it on a table, or any flat surface, makes me cringe. It was designed to not be placed on flat surfaces, which sounds absurd because it IS absurd.

I guess I could get used to it, but I’m not sure if I want to.

Also, my Bellroy 3-card Phone case is truly practical. I don’t carry a real wallet. If I went caseless, then I’d need to carry a wallet.
I’ve been using the 12 PM since launch ceaseless, and I haven’t found a single starch on the display, the back glass, or the stainless steel edges. I’ve gone caseless every year since the 5S, and every other phone I’ve had has gotten some form of scratches/slight bumps on then. The new glass on the 12’s is really impressive and is actually quite an improvement. I also find with the square edges it’s easier to handle. I haven’t dropped it on anything other than a couch or other soft surface since getting it
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Don’t really ever use cases. Had the 12 mini without a case, but the back glass did get a lot of finger prints. Now I have the 12 Pro in PB and absolutely love it caseless. No finger prints on the back and the SS sides feel great. Very easy to hold, no scratches or nicks. :)
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I have the 12 Mini and the days before I received my case I was nervous carrying it around outside, esp. in rainy weather because it feels rather slippery. More than my 7 and 5S which had aluminum backs. But since I am using Spigen cases anyway, I don't mind. I have the Liquid Air which feels super pleasant in your hand and just costs around 10 bucks. Also protects your screen and camera bump, while the glossy fingerprint-magnet glass gets covered. I would never use a smartphone without any case/bumper. Not worth the frustration when it drops and cracks one day.

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