Or as I call it, why we see so many garbage apps.
Or as I call it, why we see so many garbage apps.
With 10,000 applications and 300 million downloads in less than four months, Apples iPhone may be the most successful software platform since the IBM personal computer.
But that doesnt mean all is well in the App Store.
In fact, the business model that nurtured its success now threatens to choke off the programming talent that sustained it...
The sticking point, as Hockenberry sees it, is that spike by Edible Apples graph: the proliferation of 99-cent applications what he dubs ringtone apps as developers reduce their prices to the lowest possible level in order to get favorable placement in iTunes.
We have a lot of great ideas for iPhone applications, Hockenberry writes. Unfortunately, were not working on the cooler (and more complex) ideas. Instead, were working on 99¢ titles that have a limited lifespan and broad appeal. Market conditions make ringtone apps most appealing....
What should Apple (AAPL) do about the ringtone problem? Hockenberry doesnt offer Jobs a solution. (You and your team are perfectly capable of dealing with it on your own terms, he says.) But he warns that pricing issues are choking off innovation and could prevent development of an app that could do for the iPhone what the spreadsheet did for the Apple II or desktop publishing did for the Mac.