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macrumors 604
Jan 7, 2014
In between a rock and a hard place
By definition alone, every ILLEGAL alien breaks the law the moment they arrive. How many of those do we have again?
You're thinking about the Wall. Different subject altogether.

100%. It's against the law to come here illegally. So if the come illegally they are willingly breaking the law.
These people aren't trying to come here illegally.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2010
No, he means immigrants, not Trump voters.
You do realize that the countries where a decent percentage of the population believe this include some of the countries banned for a few months, right? That anyone who isn't a Muslim is an infidel, that gays should be stoned or thrown off buildings, that rape victims should be executed, that Sharia law should take precedence everywhere... Now before you attack back at my "racism" or whatever, I am fully aware that this doesn't apply to everyone, but it applies to some, which is indisputable. I don't personally agree with the refugee ban, because from what I discovered, they are heavily vetted already, but don't make blanket accusations about 60+ million Americans that make you sound ignorant. It's especially funny since Trump is the first president to actually support gay marriage from day 1. Note: I didn't vote for him either, but I know plenty of people who did, and none of them fall into this category.


macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2005
I can never understand why people so hellbent on letting anyone into the country don't open their checkbooks and their homes and host these people themselves? I'm sure your children and belongings will be fine. As a matter of fact, since Tim Cook is feeling so generous maybe he should turn the new Apple Campus into a refugee and immigrant hotel. It could turn into a new pool of labor for when Trump forces him to move iPhone manufacturing from China to the US.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 24, 2009
There are too many people here now. We don't need nor can we support any more people irrespective of creed, color, race, sex, orientation, etc.

Oh dear, haha. Just jump from one "issue" to another, whatever suits Trump's master plan (to get even more filthy rich on the back of his Presidency).

Enjoy our autocracy. It might not work out the way you're expecting, but good luck.

edit: BTW, your profile pic of Hilary behind bars renders everything you say as worthless propaganda, in my personal opinion.


macrumors 68040
Apr 2, 2007
Trump will not take in any of this letter. His response is going to be something like this: "I'm only banning them for 120 days until we get more stringent vetting in place!" and that'll be it. He believes what he is doing is right and he will not bow to pressure on it because it's only a temporary measure in his mind.

Of course they should have written the letter, the more pressure on him the better to show every anti-american move he does will be met with opposition but I honestly don't see him reversing his decision on this issue because he already sees it as a temporary thing as if that absolves him of culpability.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2007
I didn't know Macrumors is filled with racists, impressive.

Wanting more secure borders and a tougher immigration policy doesn't make someone racist. Nor does voting for or supporting a person that you oppose or think to be racist. However calling someone that wants that is pretty judgmental in itself. This is common deception the liberal media is using to create more story than there is. Putting a hold on immigration from somewhere isn't stopping it all together either. The frenzy and click bait news sites are using right now is generating them so many millions of dollars it is ridiculous.


Feb 17, 2009
There are too many people on this planet. We don't need nor can we support any more people irrespective of creed, color, race, sex, orientation, etc.

There fixed that.

That's where everything starts. And, yes, no nation can fix all the shortcomings of that and other countries and cultures.

Not everybody is smart . Not everybody will be able to get a job in their country. Not everybody is born healthy. Not everybody gets or can get a good eduction. Not everybody is ground in reality with wishes or life stye. Not everybody lives within their means..........

This list is endless.

This will sound very cynical and almost "trumpesque", but nature tries to regulate itself by throwing out diseases we haven't figured out to cure yet and actually wars, natural catastrophies and other disasters help keeping population somewhat in check.

Humans are not capable of self regulation.

We only get upset about the results.

Back to Trump. He will stick a needle into every established pile of political dirt and may cause a few changes.

As misguided and not well thought out as it seems a lot of it is just to highlight what other presidents and politicians never tackled.

Laws, politics and complacency will swing everything back to a new normal when he is done.

The world is directed by money, any change has to be "profitable" for at least one side or it's not happening.


macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2013
Munich, Germany
Wanting more secure borders and a tougher immigration policy doesn't make someone racist. Nor does voting for or supporting a person that you oppose or think to be racist. However calling someone that wants that is pretty judgmental in itself. This is common deception the liberal media is using to create more story than there is. Putting a hold on immigration from somewhere isn't stopping it all together either. The frenzy and click bait news sites are using right now is generating them so many millions of dollars it is ridiculous.
But this ban has nothing to do with making borders more secure.

And don't use the word "liberal" if you don't know what it means. It's not an insult.
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