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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple is "seeking to license music videos to sell through the company’s iTunes Music Store".

Then videos are expected to cost $1.99 each with a possible discount if sold alongwith the actual song.

Apple began bundling music videos with certain albums and songs back in early May. A song/video combo was priced at $1.98 at that time. This may represent a much larger selection of music videos to become available.

It also spawns speculation about video-capable iPods as well as the possibility of Movie sales in the future.
I would have bought one last time I got a photo. And I think it would be useful on planes when you're really bored.
Apple is slowly drifting in the video direction. I think they are testing the waters. Other companies are starting to do iPod-like devices with video. SO with Apple, anything's possible.
Sweet. As long as the quality is all right, I am all for it. iTunes is getting quite the multi-media hub.
Does anyone remember the story about Apple buying the company that invented the "iPhoto for videos"? That'd be cool.
Apple is opening quite some revenue streams here. First podcasts, now music videos.
There's nothing ideal about video/movies on an iPod. It could be an interesting gimmicky extra. Not as universal as photos (there's a WIDE desire to transport/show photos on the go), but still neat. Very few people would be likely to use it regularly, but no harm done if it doesn't cost much to add.

But video/movie DOWNLOADS do have a use! There's a market for that.

And music videos are a good place to start. They tie into what Apple already does, and nobody needs to complain about them if they end up on a tiny iPod screen (or iPod-to-TV), since they're just a "little extra" like album art. Fun for some people, but not THE big reason to own the iPod. It doesn't try to make the iPod into a MoviePod. (Just like the main reason to get an iPod Photo is still music--and photos are an extra which tie in: slideshows set to music.)
and then what? what comes AFTER the video ipod? say a year after? THAT IS THE QUESTION.... :cool:
Macrumors said:
Then videos are expected to cost $1.99 each with a possible discount if sold alongwith the actual song.

If you purchase it without the song, what do you hear? Silence? :p

I can't see this being a winner, $1.99 for something that is basically an advertisement for the song, with the possibility of a new iPod in order to play it. What's next - movie trailers for purchase?
They're testing the waters with this music video download thing. Once they can prove to studios that it's viable I'd expect a ton of drm-rentals/purchases to go through the iTunes Video Store (iTVS). I for one would love a video player - something to watch on the bus or subway as well as long trips when I don't feel like lugging my laptop.
Loge said:
I can't see this being a winner, $1.99 for something that is basically an advertisement for the song, with the possibility of a new iPod in order to play it.

Having it on your iPod is just a little extra, if it happens. The videos themselves--usually played on your computer itself--are not just ads to everyone. Some people really enjoy some videos. SOME (emphasis!) are quite artistic, and fun to watch for your favorite artists. I wouldn't pay a LOT for them and I wouldn't buy many. But I'd pay something, and I'd buy a few.

There IS some market there. It doesn't have to be an earthshaking profit center to be a successful new feature added to Apple's music system, and good mindshare for Apple's reputation for innovation. And MAYBE a step towards potential video content beyond music videos someday if the time is right.
CubaTBird said:
and then what? what comes AFTER the video ipod? say a year after? THAT IS THE QUESTION....

BrainPod : A small multifunctional device implanted into your frontal lobe that plays music and video wirelessly to your brain. Keynotes, Quarterly Financial calls and endless iPod ads are played when you aren't listening to music or watching videos. Strangely, you will also have the nagging urge to purchase a new Mac every three months.

Sometimes I think some of the regulars at Macrumors already have this installed.

Oh man! That iSight is a neat little camera. Podcasting goes video would be an interesting evolution. There has to be an interest for that.
greenmonsterman said:
BrainPod : A small multifunctional device implanted into your frontal lobe that plays music and video wirelessly to your brain. Keynotes, Quarterly Financial calls and endless iPod ads are played when you aren't listening to music or watching videos. Strangely, you will also have the nagging urge to purchase a new Mac every three months.

Sometimes I think some of the regulars at Macrumors already have this installed.


Sign me up! :D
Loge said:
If you purchase it without the song, what do you hear? Silence? :p

I can't see this being a winner, $1.99 for something that is basically an advertisement for the song, with the possibility of a new iPod in order to play it. What's next - movie trailers for purchase?

i'd almost say the song/video connection works both ways. i don't buy music from itunes because i can get better sound quality from a CD. then again, the CD doesn't have the bizarre "land of confusion" music video from genesis and i'd be quite tempted to purchase it on that account.

i'm very fond of the notion of a user-defined television experience, and the ability to randomly watch msuic videos of songs i like certainly fits into that mold.

user-defined television. it's inevitable. and i can't wait!
not for me

i could care less about a video ipod, my 40GB ipod is all I want from Apple beside their operating system.

I really wish they'd focus on OS X and their computer line, where are the tv commercials for the imac and mac mini? When will they take advantage of the so-called halo effect of the ipod? The ipod won't stay 'cool' forever, so how about bundling a mac mini and an ipod for a special discount this xmas, and running ipod-like commercials from now on, showing both products working together?

very frustrating!
So what about the DRM on these videos?

AFAIK, the videos they were selling earlier didn't have any sort of DRM.
I seen somebody say before, that it would be nice if the iPod Photos and color iPods could play videos via a firmware update. This would be quite nice for those of use that have bought the latest and greatest. I would only be watching music videos and Podcast videos(if this happens, I have heard some say this already exist).
miketcool said:
Oh man! That iSight is a neat little camera. Podcasting goes video would be an interesting evolution. There has to be an interest for that.

Now that is a great idea. I just hope Apple releases new iMacs soon so I can do that! Schools season is almost here, it can't be TOO long of a wait, right?
I hope they do more than just 'promos'. If they've got any imagination they could use it for 'live performances', special one-offs and such. $1.99 for a music video is a little steep.
Do you know what I find hilarious? That companies are actually selling music videos and people are buying them! Music videos are/were made to promote the song so people would go buy the album. They are/were seen as marketing. NOW they are actually able to sell these things? It amazes me.
Wonder Boy said:
Now that is a great idea. I just hope Apple releases new iMacs soon so I can do that! Schools season is almost here, it can't be TOO long of a wait, right?

podcasting supports quicktime video now.
nagromme said:
There IS some market there. It doesn't have to be an earthshaking profit center to be a successful new feature added to Apple's music system, and good mindshare for Apple's reputation for innovation. And MAYBE a step towards potential video content beyond music videos someday if the time is right.

I agree there is some kind of market here. But pricing them at over twice the price of the song seems absurd. Have Apple suddenly lost their negotiating skills with the music industry?
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