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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today declared its support for the Equality Act of 2015, introduced by members of congress this afternoon. The Equality Act would expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964, adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the legislation that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin.

In a statement to the Human Rights Campaign, Apple echoed sentiments on equality that it has shared several times before:
At Apple we believe in equal treatment for everyone, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, how they worship or who they love. We fully support the expansion of legal protections as a matter of basic human dignity.
The Equality Act will ensure full federal equality for all LGBT Americans, including those who live in the 31 states that do not currently have non-discrimination legislation, protecting LBGT citizens from discrimination when seeking jobs, housing, public accommodations, education, and more.

During Apple CEO Tim Cook's tenure, Apple has taken a strong position on inclusion and equality. Earlier this year, Apple joined 378 other companies urging the Supreme Court to rule in favor of marriage equality, and the company has participated in the San Francisco Pride Parade for several years running.

Cook himself has made several impassioned speeches on non-discrimination and equality and has publicly opposed harmful religious freedom legislation. Last fall, Cook became the first Fortune 500 CEO to publicly come out as gay, an announcement he made in an effort to "bring comfort to anyone who feels alone" and to "inspire people to insist on their equality."

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Apple Backs Federal Non-Discrimination LGBT Equality Act of 2015
  1. If you're into equality, this is good news.
  2. If you'd like to see Apple's continued success, this equality… stuff could be seen as trendy and good for the company's public image.
  3. If you think Apple should focus more on product quality than equality, bear in mind that Apple's sole debugger/designer doesn't work with public relations.
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I'd be more okay with things like this if they didn't encourage the placement of rainbow things all over the bloody place.

Just for you, and kickin' it old school:



"At Apple we believe in equal treatment for everyone, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, how they worship or who they love."

but what if the person only loves their race (whatever it is), only loves heterosexuals, and came here illegally and they believe its their religion to kill Americans.

Then what? everyone still? Just asking the question.... o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
  1. If you're into equality, this is good news.
  2. If you'd like to see Apple's continued success, this equality… stuff could be seen as trendy and good for the company's public image.
  3. If you think Apple should focus more on product quality than equality, bear in mind that Apple's sole debugger/designer doesn't work with public relations.
It's that third one that always trips people up. Some people think that "Apple" is a single human being that performs every single task and does every single job required for the company to function.
"At Apple we believe in equal treatment for everyone, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, how they worship or who they love."

but what if the person only loves their race (whatever it is), only loves heterosexuals, and came here illegally and they believe its their religion to kill Americans.

Then what? everyone still? Just asking the question.... o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O

Seriously dude?
I am preparing myself to be disappointed by the reactions of some people on here.

History will look kindly upon Apple's support of stuff like this. History will not look upon bigots kindly.

I'm willing to slowly watch their voices dwindle into an overly vocal minority, while the rest of us can live together happily without unnecessary hate.
Correct. Apple is for supporting whatever the current trend is to sell products.

then you should also note that Apple's products were selling and selling well when over 40 states had gay marriage bans and DOMA was still in effect. And those were the trends at that time.

Sure, heres some:

Four of the countries that Tim Cook’s Apple Corporation works with are Uganda, Nigeria, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. All of these nations stone, hang and otherwise punish gays with execution and oppression.

Also there's.. you know.. COMMUNIST CHINA.

But.. per usual.. these are ignored.

I think he means sources. You made the assertion - you should back it up with sources.

It's funny how you guys are so intolerant of those who you think are intolerant. Under your new definition of tolerance, all ideas are equally true and valid. Well if you stick to that, you can't say Christians are bigots without making yourself the intolerant one. See, it's self-defeating.

Have a nice day.
This sort of thing makes me happy. :) Between this and Apples environmental turn-about largely under Cook.. With great power comes great responsibility? I totally understand Jobs' laser focus and it helped build the company up, but it's genuinely impressive to see a company with strong (logical) ethical stances on things as they move forward. Doesn't matter if you think they do it to be "trendy" etc, they're still leading the way.

Also it's fine to be intolerant of people who's own views are all about curtailing the rights and powers of others. Let's be intolerant of the westborough baptist church, ISIS, homophobes, racists etc. Not exactly edgy.
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