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President Trump would insist on a 6ltr V12 even in city runabouts to keep his Big Oil paymasters happy.
He'd also levy 100% taxes on EV's because there is no such thing as 'Global Warming' isn't there. :)
That's not gutting the DOT then is it?
I really doubt Apple would even be able to sell its cars. I mean if the iPhone is ready bad enough with its price you can only image what this thing wil cost. I think Apple is lost with its roadmap.
I think EVs are actually the future. However I agree that Apple is a lost cause. They don't have the leadership to make a project like this work. Tim Cook just isn't the right CEO for the future. He should have been made an intern CEO from the get-go.
Interesting! I really and impressed with Tesla, even more now.

Giving the state of the Mac line up, apple watch, and the Iphone 7 (6SE?), not sure hardware is Apple's thing anymore.
Definitely not a missed opportunity. Electric cars have plenty of room and time to grow. I'm glad there's something in the longer term that we have to look forward to from Apple. Hopefully the new MacBook Pro is out by 2021.
Tesla has literally built the greatest cars of all-time
I am sure many would disagree. I guess it depends on what you consider great though.

I have nothing against Tesla, and think the stuff they are doing is great.

But, I think people exaggerate the fuel savings of Tesla. A while back, some of the electric car forums had really low KW/h costs for electric, like @ $0.04.

Another thought, the infrastructure for electric in the US is not ready for widespread adoption of electric cars. Lets just say it happens, the price to fuel your electric car could be a lot higher than the cost of petroleum. Peak-time charging is already more expensive than gasoline in some areas.

But, to get back on topic, while I think it is smart for tech companies like Apple to explore new areas, I wish they would concentrate on Macs a little more.
Tesla has literally built the greatest cars of all-time; its only challenge (but a huge challenge at that) is scaling its manufacturing to compete with larger auto makers. Tesla could therefore contribute to preventing and reversing the effects of climate change, but it can't do that by replacing all of the Mercedes models on the road; it has to replace all of the Honda Civics.

I am not sure how Apple will be able to compete with Tesla in this space without facing similar issues, and how it would be able to reach more people at a more affordable price. Make no mistake, no amount of car-to-smartphone connectivity would outweigh the average person's bottom line. To most people, their car is a huge investment; while they might be able to justify springing the extra couple hundred dollars for a MacBook Pro vs. a Windows PC, they may not be able to justify crippling themselves over the 10s of thousands of dollars an Apple Car would require above the price of a Toyota Camry or Chevy Malibu. At present - and likely for a good chunk of the future - there is simply no way that a new auto maker can compete in terms of manufacturing and infrastructure with other auto makers. Just not going to happen.

If Apple does bring a car to market I doubt they'll be competing in the low cost electric vehicle space for all of the reasons you've outlined. They are far more likely to compete in the premium and/or luxury space. Especially at first. Tesla's has already laid out the road map for how to do that.

In terms of what it takes for a startup in the automotive industry to compete with the existing powers that be in the market, you are right that for most start ups it would be nearly impossible but Apple is hardly a start up. They've got plenty of cash to throw at this if they decide they want to seriously pursue it.

I'm not saying they'll succeed but they certainly have the financial resources to make a run at it.

I doubt we'll ever actually see Apple bring a car to market but I can definitely see them competing in the component space as they are already doing with Car Play.

If driverless electric vehicles are the future, and it certainly appears that they are, vehicle occupants are going to need something to occupy all that spare time.
They should just sell whatever they have now.
"But it has no engine or transmission or wheels!?"
You don't need those things. They are ugly and outdated.
"But this car just sits there!"
Yes, but it sits there beautifully.
Does anyone else find this incredibly arrogant? I see this sentiment of entitlement often on MacRumors where members here think it's something to celebrate of Apple just buying out every competitor.

It's ridiculous and extremely anti-consumer.

It is interesting you say this. I agree.

Comcast and TWC in the US did exactly this, and hardly anyone celebrates their actions. The same could happen at Apple.

Edit: I thought that I should say that if Apple buys a smaller company to improve their products, that is not necessarily a bad thing for consumers. But, just buying a competitor for the purpose of less competition is not good for consumers.
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I'd feel a lot better about the Apple Car if they could manage to keep products updated in one of their core businesses.

Oh, btw, the Apple car will have a single door. Up to three extra doors available CTO for $5000 each.

Apple apologists will argue that nobody really needs more than one door. Doors are relics of the past and Apple are leading us to the future.
5 of my friends have Tesla cars. I think Elon Musk is kinda like a new Steve in some ways. I just read his book.

I hope Tim Cook steers clear of Tesla's business model. Both Tim and Steve made money and created operational excellence after they took over Apple.

Quite different from Tesla:

Tesla could be bankrupt (Chapter 11) by the time Apple's car is ready.

The Solarcity merger will add more debt and cash outflows soon:

Tesla's financials are one huge mess of cash drain every quarter and missing almost all deadlines.

Or does anyone expect the Model 3 will be really out late next year?
I really doubt Apple would even be able to sell its cars. I mean if the iPhone is ready bad enough with its price you can only image what this thing wil cost. I think Apple is lost with its roadmap.

I 'd go one step further.
Me thinks they can't even make one for a long long time.

Tesla (and others) are so far ahead and I question if the Apple brand can take a product like a car.
(Samsung is at least 200 drawings ahead)

This car would have to be almost a wonderthing with many features nobody else has.

I don't want to judge something that doesn't exist yet and will wait and see, but that is some steep climb Apple you are planning.
Whatever, it will be dissapointing. The expectations will be too high and Apple, these days, has no ability to disrupt any market anymore.

Apple was completely misguided in the smartwatch market thinking their Apple Watch was going to usurp luxury premium watches, it failed. Apple Watch is closer to a Timex then it is a Rolex. Apple will make the mistake of thinking their car is a luxury car and price it as such, but it will be boring like a VW, drive like a Ford, rust like a Chev, and priced like a house.

The only surprise would be for Apple to deliver a $25,000 car that is actually premium quality and premium features, but this goes against Apple's philosophies about retail pricing. The reality is that Apple's products for the last few years have been underwhelming and overpriced and personally I am really getting tired of this company, and so too is a large part of the consumer market that is moving on away from Apple the way the sales figures are going.

We reached peak Apple in 2015, Apple is slipping into mediocrity once again, I don't think they can wait until 2021 for their " big thing".

I hope Tim Cook steers clear of Tesla's business model. Both Tim and Steve made money and created operational excellence after they took over Apple.

Quite different from Tesla:

Tesla could be bankrupt (Chapter 11) by the time Apple's car is ready.

The Solarcity merger will add more debt and cash outflows soon:

Tesla's financials are one huge mess of cash drain every quarter and missing almost all deadlines.

Or does anyone expect the Model 3 will be really out late next year?

The automotive industry is a tough one to enter. Huge up front costs with manufacturing infrastructure, engineering and development, and safety validation. Then razor thin margins for all but the highest end cars which are difficult to sell in volume. It's just not at all comparable to the tech industry which is far, far easier for small nimble companies to enter and flourish.

Apple looks like they're skipping the manufacturing infrastructure by outsourcing production to eastern europe, but it's still far from certain they will enjoy success. That Tesla are doing it all from scratch is absolutely remarkable. IMO their Model 3 will finally bring the company into profitability if, and only if, they can control reliability problems. The mid-range market of $40-$60K cars is far less forgiving for bad repair records than the $100+K market.

One more thing...Steve Jobs had his share of flops and was even booted out of his own company. Musk has yet to produce an analog to the Apple III - though some of the Model X quality control issues are pretty bad.
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