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Apr 12, 2001

Apple CEO Tim Cook and Koch Industries CEO Charles Koch today teamed up to write an opinion piece in The Washington Post urging Congress to create a legislative solution to protect those affected by the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

DACA, for those unfamiliar, gives illegal immigrants who entered the United States at age 16 or younger work permits and protection from deportation by two-year deferral. Many of those protected by DACA have been in the United States for most of their lives.


Cook and Koch say they often disagree on political issues, but are "firmly aligned" on DACA. "This extraordinary set of circumstances has brought the two of us together as co-authors," reads the letter.

In the missive, Cook and Koch point out that there are 690,000 "dreamers" aka children of immigrants who may not be able to enjoy another holiday season in the United States as a result of DACA. The two urge Congress to "show the courage to embrace diversity and to do what is right."
We have no illusions about how difficult it can be to get things done in Washington, and we know that people of good faith disagree about aspects of immigration policy. If ever there were an occasion to come together to help people improve their lives, this is it. By acting now to ensure that dreamers can realize their potential by continuing to contribute to our country, Congress can reaffirm this essential American ideal.
Cook and Koch ask Congress to work quickly to come up with a solution before the end of the year to "bring certainty and security to the lives of dreamers."
No society can truly flourish when a significant portion of its people feel threatened or unable to fulfill their potential. Nor can it prosper by excluding those who want to make positive contributions. This isn't just a noble principle; it's a basic fact, borne out through our national history.
Apple CEO Tim Cook has been advocating for new DACA legislation since United States President Donald Trump announced plans to phase out DACA back in September. At that time, he promised Apple would work with members of Congress to come up with a legislative solution that will continue to protect the children of immigrants.

Apple is also working with impacted Apple employees to provide support, including access to immigration experts. Apple employs 250 "dreamers" or children of illegal immigrants who came to the United States at a young age and have lived in the country since then.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Apple CEO Tim Cook Again Urges Congress to Take Action on DACA
I wanna throw up.

Tim Cook is reprehensible

I would like to urge the Apple board to initiate phase one of looking for a successor CEO

Apple deserves better than this rabid VIRTUE SIGNALING china pandering globalist who can't respect election results and the wishes of American citizens, much like the rest of silicon valley and thinks he speaks on behalf of EVERYONE while pushing diversity as a top agenda (irony?)

Out the white male that is Tim Cook, if that's what they want to do and believe in. That would be a good Place to start
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For anyone that has not looked into any of this and plans to throw out opinions based on reading a few short blubs, all illegal DACA individuals will not be rounded up and thrown out of the country if this is not settled by the end of the year.

This whole issue got thrown into the spotlight when lawsuits were threatened forcing the president to put this squarely on the shoulders of the house to fix this. He gave them 6 months, and clarified he will extend if needed. Unfortunately like many laws, this was shoved down America’s throat by the previous administration, hopefully someone will do their job in Washington and settle this once and for all.
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I wanna throw up.

Tim Cook is reprehensible

I would like to urge the Apple board to initiate phase one of looking for a successor CEO

Apple deserves better than this rabid VIRTUE SIGNALING china pandering globalist who can't respect election results and the wishes of American citizens, much like the rest of silicon valley and thinks he speaks on behalf of EVERYONE while pushing diversity as a top agenda (irony?)

Out the white male that is Tim Cook, if that's what they want to do and believe in. That would be a good Place to start

That’s a lot of salt! Do you speak for everyone? If not, who does?
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Good for the two of them. Congress needs to act on this issue, instead of kicking the can down the road, so it's good to see two major business leaders team up and offer their views.

DACA was created by Obama specifically to "kick the can down the road" granting temporary visas (operative word temporary) to people that have no right being here in the first place.

Doomed if you keep it in place, and doomed if you don't. Can't win either way.
That’s a lot of salt! Do you speak for everyone? If not, who does?

I offer an alternating viewpoint from the bubble that is Silicon Valley, and the media, and Hollywood, and low energy "resistance" fighters who really just impress upon people their worst selfs to society and serve no other
Purpose, much less some genuine semblance of resistance or Cohesive plan for what the alternative path should be, beyond the obvious of hell on earth and perpetual hysterical misery and socialism.

Sorry that is upsetting: Diversity of opinion. What a crying shame we don't all think alike all the time on absolutely everything

I would also argue Timmy is the one being salty, and not letting go, of predatorily seeking low wages and dressing it up as something more. He should be doing his job
Which is running the biggest tech brand in the world. Not writing crap blog posts on Bezos' propaganda rag.
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DACA was created by Obama specifically to "kick the can down the road" granting temporary visas (operate word temporary) to people that have no right being here in the first place.

Doomed if you keep it in place, and doomed if you don't. Can't win either way.

I offer an alternating viewpoint from the bubble that is Silicon Valley, and the media, and Hollywood, and low energy "resistance" fighters who really just impress upon people their worst selfs to society and serve no other
Purpose, much less some genuine semblance of resistance or Cohesive plan for what the alternative path should be, beyond the obvious of hell on earth and perpetual hysterical misery and socialism.

Sorry that is upsetting: Diversity of opinion. What a crying shame we don't all think alike all the time.

I would also argue Timmy is the one being salty, and not letting go, of predatorily seeking low wages and dressing it up as something more. He should be doing his job
Which is running the biggest tech brand in the world. Not writing crap blog posts on Bezos' propaganda rag.

I think you put way too much stock in the weight of your words if you think they’re getting anyone upset. You come off as a caricature of the alt-right hate machine. Reminds me of a buddy of mine that’s become so obsessed and angry over the past few years that none of our friends invite him to anything anymore, because he can’t just have a nice time without becoming toxic. I feel sorry for people like you.
I think you put way to much stock in the weight of your words if you think it’s getting anyone upset. You come off as a caricature of the alt-right hate machine. Reminds me of a buddy of mine that’s become so obsessed and angry over the past few years that none of our friends invite him to anything anymore, because he can’t just have a nice time without becoming toxic. I feel sorry for people like you.

You just loosely throw out words and hope they'll stick/constitute an argument.

"Alt-right hate machine?" Lulz.

Give me a break. I can see you aren't interested in discussion, just name calling

"Weight of my words" yeah this is a forum. Last I checked we communicate using words. I do place weight on my words when I post. Doesn't everyone ? You're gonna scold me for articulating instead of groaning and being incomprehensible?

So predicable. Feel sorry for yourself And being adamant to never want to expand your mind/remain ignorant always... must be painful and a lot of upkeep.

don't feel sorry for me One bit :p

I also don't cry about election results like it's still November 2016. I acknowledge the date is December 2017.
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I think you put way too much stock in the weight of your words if you think they’re getting anyone upset. You come off as a caricature of the alt-right hate machine. Reminds me of a buddy of mine that’s become so obsessed and angry over the past few years that none of our friends invite him to anything anymore, because he can’t just have a nice time without becoming toxic. I feel sorry for people like you.

What happened to diversity of opinion? Seems like you’re more comfortable in an echo chamber.

Your sympathy isn’t accepted. Thanks.
Illegals? Surely, we are talking humans here? From my experience on life, it's the dirty politians that really are the 'illegals'.


The great Stefan Molyneux clarifies this one perfectly: they are illegals, not undocumented immigrants.

When someone invades your home, you don't call them an undocumented homeowner, you call them an invader.

As a side note - No one is saying they aren't people. But they are here on grounds that aren't legitimate. Other countries enforce their borders, why is it so offensive that America tries to too? And why is it offensive when Trump brings itnup but when past presidents, of the opposing party no less, have argued for the same and it has been met with arms wide open?

If I decide I want to become a citizen in another country, there are rules I must follow
To become a citizen. I can't just buy a plane ticket and decide because I'm physically where I wanna be, I'm never leaving and going to take advantage of the benefits of that country.

It simply doesn't work like that.

And I'm ok with that.
Illegals? Surely, we are talking humans here? From my experience on life, it's the dirty politians that really are the 'illegals'.

Who said that they’re not human? They are human illegal aliens who knowingly broke the law by entering the country without a government issued visa or green card. Now they’re trying to get away with it, which is a huge slap in the face for people like my parents who spent a lot of time and money to LEGALLY immigrate to the US. Sucks for the kids, but the parents should’ve thought of that before breaking the law. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.
Cut it out Tim.

Your virtue signaling is getting boring.

Here’s an idea: open a location where your employees get deported to.

Then they can still work for Apple.

Problem solved.

My God, you are cruel. Have you travelled much? Remember, karma is a bitch! And remember, the US once belonged to the Native Americans!!! Open your eyes, we outside of the USA are truly horrified with how your country is currently operating! GMO food, worst food in the world, 1 in 2 cancer, 70% reliant on medicine, 8 hours a day TV watching, 70% obesity. 1 in 2 children type 2 diabetes. That to me signals a very very sick country. Probably, the sickest in the entire world.
The DACA can teach every one a great deal and I applaud them. Diversity is what makes a country great!
My God, you are cruel. Have you travelled much? Remember, karma is a bitch! And remember, the US once belonged to the Native Americans!!! Open your eyes, we outside of the USA are truly horrified with how your country is currently operating! GMO food, worst food in the world, 1 in 2 cancer, 70% reliant on medicine, 8 hours a day TV watching, 70% obesity. 1 in 2 children type 2 diabetes. That to me signals a very very sick country. Probably, the sickest in the entire world.
The DACA can teach every one a great deal and I applaud them. Diversity is what makes a country great!

If you think that lowly of America, perhaps you can leave?

Enforcing borders and immigration law isn't gonna stop America from being a melting pot. That's naive.

And letting illegals do their thing without going through the process, pisses off legitimate immigrants that did do the right thing and jumped through all the hurdles in order to live out the American dream. It's offensive to them too.
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Those legal politicians of whom you speak passed and signed the laws that these illegals would be violating.

And sadly these dishonest politicians are truly laughable. Their laws mean nothing. It's very sad that people believe their utter dishonesty which is promoted on American TV thanks to Fox and the Murdoch empire. Very very sad.
Thank God the rest of the world is an outsider to this hatred.
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