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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today informed podcast creators that use the Apple Podcasts platform that the rollout of Podcasts Subscriptions and channels will be delayed until June to make sure that the "best experience" is being provided to creators and listeners.

We're writing to provide an update on the availability of Apple Podcasts Subscriptions and channels. We've been delighted by the response to last month's announcement and it's exciting to see the hundreds of new subscriptions and channels submitted from creators across the globe every day.

To ensure we are delivering the best experience for creators and listeners, Apple Podcasts Subscriptions and channels will now launch in June. We will communicate further updates on availability, and best practices to help you prepare your subscriptions and channels, through this newsletter.

Over the last few weeks, some creators have experienced delays in the availability of their content and access to Apple Podcasts Connect. We've addressed these disruptions and encourage creators experiencing any issues to contact us.

We've also heard from listeners and made adjustments based on their feedback with iOS 14.6, which was released on Monday. We will introduce additional enhancements to Library in the coming weeks.
Apple first announced Apple Podcasts Subscriptions at its April event. Podcast creators will be able to offer paid subscriptions with access to exclusive content, ad-free listening, and other perks.

Support for Podcasts Subscriptions and channels was added in iOS 14.6, but no subscription offerings have rolled out at this time.

Prior to the launch of iOS 14.6 and Podcasts Subscriptions, Apple overhauled the Podcasts app with iOS 14.5, and users have been very unhappy with the update. There have been a number of complaints about the usability of the app, which Apple began to address in iOS 14.6, and the email sent out to creators today confirms that further improvements for users are in the works.

Apple did not provide a specific date on when Podcasts Subscriptions might officially launch.

Article Link: Apple Delays Launch of Podcasts Subscriptions Until June


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2009
In my opinion, they shouldn't announce new features until they are ready to go live.
Well, they want to populate it with content. And to do that, they need to announce first. Not much of a release if there are like 2 podcasts, and can't expect them to attract a lot of podcasts without an announcement. Trying to do some sort of NDA route within hundreds of providers all over the globe isn't worth it for a service like podcasts.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 16, 2009
Well, they want to populate it with content. And to do that, they need to announce first. Not much of a release if there are like 2 podcasts, and can't expect them to attract a lot of podcasts without an announcement. Trying to do some sort of NDA route within hundreds of providers all over the globe isn't worth it for a service like podcasts.
That’s not the delay, the delay is app/server related. I don’t use the app but I try it every now and I tried a few weeks ago and it’s rough. Surprising the design decisions and execution made it out the door.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
This is good. The app was rushed. Its a bit better with some of the recent changes, but still quite slow compared to the old version, and more limited in terms of functionality. Worth getting right, tho sad that it was released in such a state in the first place.


Nov 12, 2020
That’s not the delay, the delay is app/server related. I don’t use the app but I try it every now and I tried a few weeks ago and it’s rough. Surprising the design decisions and execution made it out the door.
Are you suggesting that Apple is mediocre per the discussion on another thread? ?


Nov 12, 2020
This is good. The app was rushed. Its a bit better with some of the recent changes, but still quite slow compared to the old version, and more limited in terms of functionality. Worth getting right, tho sad that it was released in such a state in the first place.
Hmmm several thousand engineers and the app was rushed? ?

I agree it is sad. Just like the "rushed" releases of Music, Pages, Numbers and Keynote that still do not have the functionality of the originals of a few years ago.

"Can't innovate anymore, my ass," - Phil


macrumors 68040
Aug 28, 2008
Beverly, Massachusetts
This is why I love Apple. They don’t rush in with half baked products and services. They take their time, get it right, and then delight consumers with the final product.
Except when the final product or service comes out it’s still buggy. Remember early days of .Mac or in 2008 when Mobile and launched? Such a smooth experience, and I was so delighted they even extended everyone’s paid membership since they screwed up that launch terribly.

Apple releases buggy, half baked crap from time to time.. (Remember Apple Maps?? I do!) The difference is they usually go back and fix it afterwards unlike Google where they just abandon things after a few months/years.

Last year and early this year, iCloud tabs were screwed up. Old closed tabs that were closed weeks ago were suddenly appearing on other Apple devices. The “engineers” (that what they claim to be) took MONTHS to fix what is really a simple feature that works well on Chrome.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2016
This is why I love Apple. They don’t rush in with half baked products and services. They take their time, get it right, and then delight consumers with the final product.
I would normally agree with you, but gotta say this is an odd place for this comment… The Podcasts app has been a dumpster fire for the better part of the last decade… and now they’re launching a “service” that locks content behind a paywall. Not exactly their finest hour.

Macintosh IIvx

Mar 19, 2021
Announced it and adjusting to some of the feedback. Not sure why anyone would cry about this. "Here's a thing you didn't have before. You'll still not have it until next month but you've lived this long without it, so you should be fine."


macrumors 68000
Jun 11, 2006
I would normally agree with you, but gotta say this is an odd place for this comment… The Podcasts app has been a dumpster fire for the better part of the last decade… and now they’re launching a “service” that locks content behind a paywall. Not exactly their finest hour.

Another avenue for them to collect their 30% commish.

Almost as bad as Apple News. Another dumpster fire.

I got it free for 6 months. I still asked for my money back.


macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2008
Toronto, Canada
This is why I love Apple. They don’t rush in with half baked products and services. They take their time, get it right, and then delight consumers with the final product.
Like it was already said, the half baked product (the updated app) was already pushed out, with no beta testing at all.

If you recall, 14.5 had EIGHT betas, none of which had the podcasts app so public could test the look & feel of it. I'm sure they would have had received the negative feedback on how bad the UI was.
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