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macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2013
I really wonder what Steve Jobs what make of all this? How would he have reacted? What would he have done?


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2009
Sorry...don't trust you.

Source this assertion, please.

personal experience

back in the old country the KGB once paid my parents a visit to ask why we would go to Moscow so often and stay so long

the old country was the most worthless and depressing country i've ever been to. except for north korea. never been there but i visited the DMZ one time and looked into it


Dec 24, 2009
If you've got nothing to hide, what's the problem? This day and age, what's wrong with eyes and ears?

I apologize ahead of time for my bluntness but this is something I feel very strongly about. People deserve privacy. That's why we have walls and doors and locks. That's why we keep secrets. That's why the GOVERNMENT keeps secrets. It's not in the best interest of people that everything be open for people to look at. People that don't understand this are ruining the planet. They are truly a waste of space.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Criminal Mexi Midget
If you've got nothing to hide, what's the problem? This day and age, what's wrong with eyes and ears?

can I have your SSN number? all of your passwords? can I peek through your web cam at will?

there is a little pesky document called the Constitution, in there you might want to look at the 4TH amendment .


macrumors G3
Feb 26, 2011
New England, USA
personal experience

back in the old country the KGB once paid my parents a visit to ask why we would go to Moscow so often and stay so long

the old country was the most worthless and depressing country i've ever been to. except for north korea. never been there but i visited the DMZ one time and looked into it

Sorry for your family's unfortunate experience.

Shall I counter with multiple FBI violations of civil rights?

Personal, anecdotal, material is not sourcing your assertion in any usefully objective manner. You made a general assertion...need objective support.

Todd B.

macrumors 6502
May 1, 2013
Who cares? I can't believe that people are so blind. You fail to realize that it's not only your cat pictures. What if the government intercepts a picture of you smoking and your health insurance premiums just rise for no reason. You then have no clue as to what happened. Or the government has proof that you text messaged a family member that was later involved in a crime and the government has you associated and tags everyone you know. You then apply for a bank job and you get denied employment. Your son applies to the military and gets denied. It just does not stop with cat pictures. Don't underestimate anything or anyone.

Good god, that is some Ron Paul anti-government crackpot level of tinfoil.

What if you trip over a twig and get hit by a bus?

What if you wake up blind?

What if you win the lottery tomorrow and get a million dollars?

I can play the hypothetical game, too.

Patrick J

macrumors 65816
Mar 12, 2009
Oporto, Portugal
Who cares? I can't believe that people are so blind. You fail to realize that it's not only your cat pictures. What if the government intercepts a picture of you smoking and your health insurance premiums just rise for no reason. You then have no clue as to what happened. Or the government has proof that you text messaged a family member that was later involved in a crime and the government has you associated and tags everyone you know. You then apply for a bank job and you get denied employment. Your son applies to the military and gets denied. It just does not stop with cat pictures. Don't underestimate anything or anyone.

Good god, that is some Ron Paul anti-government crackpot level of tinfoil.
What if you trip over a twig and get hit by a bus?
What if you wake up blind?
What if you win the lottery tomorrow and get a million dollars?
I can play the hypothetical game, too.

So an Ad Hominis attack followed up by some non-relevant examples in form of a false dichotomy.

Are you paid to spread disinformation? Some nice skills there, bro.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2012
It's not corrupt politics, either. It's more like the government didn't have any other choice. Basically...

"Hey failings banks, wealth managers, and investment houses! You're all a bunch of bastards who got us into this mess, but we have to dump tons of money on you in order to prop you up. Cuz if we don't, and you go under, we'd all kinda get ****ed even harder than we already have been".

Or in other words, dumping tons of money on the banks to keep them afloat is why we ended up with merely The Great Recession, rather than The Great Depression II.

I respectfully disagree, but I concede that was a distinct possibility.

Either way, the complete lack of followup to ensure that doesn't happen again AND the complete lack of prosecuting anyone AND allowing those banks to continue their predatory practices AND allowing them to use taxpayer money to give themselves bonuses is inexcusable. We should have nationalized every company that was bailed out. I think we still should, and we should strip all of the executives of their entire backpay to 2008, save for what they would have earned at minimum wage.

They screwed over half the planet and their punishment was billions of dollars directly into their bank accounts.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Criminal Mexi Midget
So an Ad Hominis attack followed up by some non-relevant examples in form of a false dichotomy.

Are you paid to spread disinformation? Some nice skills there, bro.



Oct 25, 2010
nothing to hide nothing to fear? At best that only works when the things you currently consider innocuous remain so in the future

I doubt european jews were overly fussed in the early days of the 20th century when various local govts required that they and everyone else register their religious persuasion. Just another box to tick on the forms.

How about the secret ballot when it comes to elections? Why hide who you vote for; surely 'unless you have something to hide' you should be proud of your choice. So lets have a big sign in the voting booth that lights up to indicate your choice, and a camera to take your photo while it's at it.

Yes govts need some personal information (your income for tax purposes your educational attainment, health stats to ensure adequate future provision of services, your criminal record and whether you have attained sufficient ability to be allowed to drive etc).

But there needs to be clear cut demonstrable benefits anytime they come looking for more of it.


macrumors 65816
Sep 26, 2003
trust me, the USA is not worse than soviet russia and has never been

Well, that's until the FBI wants to pay you a visit because someone you know is on their list of suspects, and they ask for your cooperation by saying something about how it would be so sad when your brother goes to jail for downloading child pr0n.

No, that never happens here.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2013
Criminal Mexi Midget
He'd probably be cashing the check the NSA sent him.

assuming he would get a check at all, the GOVT is more than happy to black mail you one way or another.


Well, that's until the FBI wants to pay you a visit because someone you know is on their list of suspects, and they ask for your cooperation by saying something about how it would be so sad when your brother goes to jail for downloading child pr0n.

No, that never happens here.

I can almost taste the sarcasm :p


I respectfully disagree, but I concede that was a distinct possibility.

Either way, the complete lack of followup to ensure that doesn't happen again AND the complete lack of prosecuting anyone AND allowing those banks to continue their predatory practices AND allowing them to use taxpayer money to give themselves bonuses is inexcusable. We should have nationalized every company that was bailed out. I think we still should, and we should strip all of the executives of their entire backpay to 2008, save for what they would have earned at minimum wage.

They screwed over half the planet and their punishment was billions of dollars directly into their bank accounts.

We have different opinions about the bailout itself, but I agree with you otherwise. We had people in front of congress who did nothing but plead the 5th over their role in the subprime mortgage crisis, and no one took the time to investigate any farther. Someone should've gone to jail for something. If not orchestrating it, then for exploiting the situation and making it far worse.

Hell, the whole subprime mortgage issue in general just goes to show how far Wall Street is willing to go to make a buck. They got so greedy, they nearly cannibalized themselves, and almost took the rest of us down with them.


macrumors 68000
Mar 6, 2008
Honestly getting sick of all the lying. Clearly one side is lying. I somehow doubt the leaked documents are lies.

I love Apple but come on...

Yeah frankly speaking I agree with you 100%. I've always been for privacy, but the spying & surveillance is becoming more and more prevalent in the U.S.

Generally these policy's make their way into other countries like Canada in one form or another, which is a shame because thats where I live :p.


macrumors regular
Oct 24, 2007
We have different opinions about the bailout itself, but I agree with you otherwise. We had people in front of congress who did nothing but plead the 5th over their role in the subprime mortgage crisis, and no one took the time to investigate any farther. Someone should've gone to jail for something. If not orchestrating it, then for exploiting the situation and making it far worse.

Hell, the whole subprime mortgage issue in general just goes to show how far Wall Street is willing to go to make a buck. They got so greedy, they nearly cannibalized themselves, and almost took the rest of us down with them.

It wasn't Wall can thank Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the rest of the liberal government programs. Then throw Clinton in the mix with his "everyone should own a home" policies. The banks were trying not to get in trouble for not approving people and being accused of discrimination.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2009
Fort Pierce
Because "terrorist activity" is a slippery slope. They used "national security" on Kim Dotcom for his purely "normal illegal" file sharing sites. They use "national security" to catch Normal kids on the street with pot now. When they survey even a handful of "national security" letters, most were for routine criminal warrants or things not warrantable... Many were to spy on girlfriends/ random chick agent wants to date... Corrupt use of the data for PERSONAL GAIN is ALREADY rampant.

It's sad to watch what happened to our country in the last 10 years... Look around you, every hick town has a militarized police force with mobile command centers, armed vehicles and even tanks. Half the time the cops shooting each other when they chase some poor slob trying to get away from them. We take our shoes off in order to fly anywhere just to be on the safe side.

Frequently I see Mug shots and descriptions of people accused os shop lifting on the local news.

Everybody is ready to fight terrorism and in the progress we are terrorizing ourselves ..... but god forbid we pass a gun control law, that would infringe on our rights :)

Say what you want, when a few thousand fanatics can change the lives of billions of people they have probably won this round. From the looks of it they will keep winning.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2013
I respectfully disagree, but I concede that was a distinct possibility.

Either way, the complete lack of followup to ensure that doesn't happen again AND the complete lack of prosecuting anyone AND allowing those banks to continue their predatory practices AND allowing them to use taxpayer money to give themselves bonuses is inexcusable. We should have nationalized every company that was bailed out. I think we still should, and we should strip all of the executives of their entire backpay to 2008, save for what they would have earned at minimum wage.

They screwed over half the planet and their punishment was billions of dollars directly into their bank accounts.

I completely agree.


macrumors 68000
Sep 24, 2008
Boon Docks USA
Sounds like what hoover did. Get dirt on everyone so when needed, use it against them. Only the fanboys will defend apple at all costs. Apple is no different than any other company that the NSA strong armed into doing this crap. For those who think this story is true, I have some ocean front property in kansas I will sell you cheap.


macrumors 603
Aug 28, 2013
Los Angeles, USA
Honestly getting sick of all the lying. Clearly one side is lying. I somehow doubt the leaked documents are lies.

I love Apple but come on...

Apple is not lying. They have never done anything to betray our trust and confidence, and that is why we love them. We have every reason to believe what Apple has said here is the whole truth.


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2007
If you've got nothing to hide, what's the problem? This day and age, what's wrong with eyes and ears?

You may not have anything to hide but there are plenty of people who have valid reasons to hide information (journalists, corporate secret holders, etc) and if they can tap into your life they can tap into the life of those other people too. It doesn't have to be about you. The NSA may have good intentions currently but if they gathered enough power, they could really do a lot of damage if things went haywire. It seems to me that our government works for the people because of checks and balances. The NSA seems to be a little too far outside of the bounds and does not have adequate checks and balance. It's difficult to check something so secretive.
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